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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. And then she blames her Mother for her misfortunes. That’s a cop/ out. She’s responsible for herself.
  2. Elizabeth is not dressing well. She’s a big woman and seems clunky. She needs a stylist to dress her in the proper clothing. Too tight with the big boobs out doesn’t suit her. She needs more of a tailored simple look. She walks around like a lumberjack.
  3. Brownstone is just as annoying like Dorinda was, even worse. If they don’t take her off next season, I’m out. She’s so exhausted from doing a little work in the house she needed a vacation. Then, when she gets there, she’s complaining about everything. Stay the hell home and pay some attention to your seven kids. You made them, now take care of them properly, and stay off SM for goodness sakes. I don’t care what kind of childhood she had. Do what you have to do for once in your life instead of whining all the time.
  4. There is nothing nice or interesting about her. If she’s unhappy with her life, go to a therapist and talk things out. Seven kids and she’s on vacation. Why, was she so tired of cleaning and cooking and doing laundry for the first time in her life? Give me a break. I don’t know how Sean takes her. Women have it worse. No husbands, no money, kids to feed, jobs to go to. She has it too good and should be thankful. I don’t feel sorry for her at all. All she wants is attention. A real spoiled brat.
  5. OMG .. why am I even watching this shit. There’s an epidemic and they are at Lake Arrowhead on vacation. Ones more stupid than the other. I just can’t look atBrownwinds face. She makes me ill. She went with the rest where there’s 2, 345 bottle of booze all around. Then she’s complaining they are all talking about Shannon. Why didn’t you stay the funk home, you moron. Then you have Elizabeth who looks like a truck driver poured into these tight white pants and boobs out like she’s skinny. Haha. I just can’t with this bunch. Too much Brownwind as usual. She must have known somebody to get on this show. Annoying as hell to hear her whining. Whining and drinking .. all of them. Repeat.
  6. So she said about having all those influential friends. She probably wasn’t number one in New York City, so picked a nice historical place down south and positioned herself into an important person. She does have good credentials, but so do a lot of people in New York. They made her a somebody in Charleston. She’s too old to be hanging around this bunch. They all have Mothers to give them advice.
  7. You hit the nail on the head when you said “Katherine dopily”. Dopey would be correct. I don’t think she’s too bright. Not bright and self centered. I’m very surprised she can grow up those two kids by herself, half the time. She probably has nannies thanks to T-Rav. I’ve never heard her have a meaningful conversation with anyone.
  8. I LOVE Chris Rock. Hilarious in concert. Talks a lot about the families. Funny.
  9. I was thinking the same thing. This may really put her over the edge. Her Father is up there in age also. Does anyone know the reason she died? She looked so vibrant.
  10. I liked Patricia a lot in the beginning, and seeing her in her mansion was fun. Now, she’s on a lot and has too much to say to everyone. She’s getting to be a bit of troublemaker too telling some of them what they should do or don’t do. They have mothers, so she should butt out of their lives. She was an art dealer in N.Y. , I think, but the competition was too much, so she moved elsewhere so she could be Queen Bee in Charleston. She should really mind her own business. They all bow down to her.
  11. Great. I wish I could show mine on here, but it’s a project for me. One is Santa in a village .. the other tapestry of a village scene with an ice skating rink. Only $20 each,and beautiful. Patricia’s are $25 .. one says “its time for my medicine”. I don’t care for Greg’s. They are mostly sea creatures and beach stuff, but well made.
  12. I got bit by a spider last summer and wound up in the hospital for 8 days from cellulitis. Had to go on the IV for the antibiotics. They are no joke. Same thing happened to my husband. Spider bites are dangerous.
  13. People will buy them because they like Southern Charm. I’ve seen prettier pillows at Target for $20. Even at Walmart. My daughter bought me two at Target and they are beautiful, and embroidered. They are the “in” thing now. I dont get why Patricia is selling them. Not enough money?
  14. Maybe he just likes to be on t.v. Why else would he be staying? Or, maybe she gives good sex. Maybe he likes to be abused. I don’t know. Maybe he doesn’t want to take the kids away from their mother even tho she’s a nut job.
  15. Yeah. What’s their problem. I’d love to be at the beach right now in the sunshine. Spoiled bitches.
  16. The show is probably their living. How can one have a steady normal job and film this show also? I’ve always wondered that.
  17. What in hell did Shannon and her boyfriend decide to live together in the first place? For what purpose? Six kids that didn’t know each other is not good. What is wrong with this woman? Yeah, she loves him. One day nobody had a boyfriend. I came back on, and they all had boyfriends all of a sudden. Plus living with them. I must have been in a coma.
  18. I don’t know, but why is Patricia making pillows too? It’s a free country, but why be in competition with Craig? It’s his livelihood and Patricia doesn’t need the money. Plus, hers are half the price. Is that wrong? Katherine looks horrible. Too much weight, acne, and her face doesn’t move anymore. She lost Dani and doesn’t seem to care. She looks older than she is. I don’t know if I like Leva. She came out of nowhere and is stirring the pot. Dani took her advice and dumped Katherine. Looks to me like she was very upset and unsure of herself when telling Katherine off. She looks dangerously sick. These girls are too young to be getting work done on their faces. Im still waiting to see Craig on HSN. Seems everyone is making pillows these days. His are $55 and up, but they are made very well. Mostly beach style. He seems happy for a change. The rest of the guys are still floundering and waiting.
  19. I read that somewhere but was afraid to post it as the date was sketchy. So, it is true. I just can’t with this woman. What is wrong with Bravo putting this shit on t.v. If it’s true, I’m out for good. The only ones I like are Gina and Emily. The rest of them are horrible. Women in this world have had it worse than Brownie. She’s a disgrace to husbands and children and needs psychiatric help pronto, and get the hell off this show. When I see that face come on, I fast forward. Her husband should take the kids and split. So sick of that face. She will mess those kids up one by one.
  20. Oh poor Pain in the Ass Elizabeth. Whining about money and her lawyer and being trapped. Wtf? She lives on the beach and can go out if she wants. We here in the North East can’t even go outdoors. She brings nothing to this show except talking about her divorce.
  21. Well, finally. They all have come to the realization that their money can’t fix Covid, and they are just like the rest of us. Brownstone going nuts cleaning the appliances for the first time in her life. A first using the washing machine. She didn’t know what buttons to use. Spoiled bitch. The housekeepers and nannies did everything. Shannon screaming because she couldn’t get chickens was hilarious. What if she couldn’t get booze? Elizabeth is a mess and boring. Everything is about her money and husbands. Shut up already and get off the show. She serves no purpose. I loved Shane vacuuming around the house and enjoying it. Covid is bringing them closer. I don’t know about Kelly leaving her daughter and going to N.Y. because Rick is alone. I would have chose to be near my daughter. Getting back to California could be a problem with restrictions. Out of all of them, I think Gina is the most level headed of the group.
  22. I can’t figure out the purpose. His long locks, the socks and shoes, the woods. Were they trying to make a statement? Plus, they both have kids. I’d say close friend. But why?
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