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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. I could go on and on, haha. My favorite Colombo is with Janet Leigh, the movie star, and Brenda Vacarro, when her sister is killed. I just love looking at the houses they live in and the scenery of everything. I taped those two episodes.
  2. I bought Holiday in Handcuffs and The Christmas List with Mimi Rogers on e-bay. They might have oldies.
  3. My daughter ordered 2 bags for me in November from Amazon. I was pissed that it cost $21. I ate the 2 bags in one week. BTW, love your name. I’m a Gram of six also. Too bad I won’t see them for Christmas as we all are staying in our own houses. We will exchange gifts in the driveways for a couple of minutes.
  4. OMG .. the dance with Danny Kaye and Vera Ellen is the best I’ve ever seen, on a par with Fred & Ginger. I have all of them on dvd. I watch all year round. How about the Movie Channel? I CANNOT take these 3 channel no less of these Sappy Christmas movies with D list actors. Yuk. They are all the same. Boy or girl go home for Christmas and meet up with an old flame in the hardware store or antique shop. The same three actresses. Why three channels?
  5. I called Pepperidge Farm this morning and said I can’t find the 5 Ounce package of Gingerman cookies with the sugar on top. Amazon has them for triple the price. The rep, who sounded disinterested said they were discontinued. What????? Before Christmas? All they are selling is the Family package without the sugar on top. I’m disgusted and won’t pay Amazon $21 for two 5oz bags. They have some nerve.
  6. Did you look on demand in the Children’s Christmas movies? I found “Emits Jug Band” on there after looking everywhere. My kids are married adults and they still like the movies when they were kids. That would be the Only place it may be.
  7. Me too. I hope they don’t end. I still love LuAnn and her cabaret, Sonya, Ramona and the new one coming on. I’m not crazy about Leah, but we can’t have everything. I think they might have filmed already,but don’t quote me. I’m not sure with the mask situation. So many of all the housewives either were fired, quit, got in trouble, etc. I loved Southern Charm, but that took a turn for the worse. So, I’m down to N.Y. too. Bravo should do some serious thinking before they all go down the drain. I’m watching Turner Classic all the time now. I’ve seen every damn movie at least ten times already, lol and I hate talk and game shows, so don’t watch. I’m also done with the News. Waste of time.
  8. Right. If I remember, he got a degree and worked on Wall Street for awhile? So, he is accomplished and has potential to get a good job or whatever. Madison probably likes that idea. At least he has his sheepskins. Maybe him and Shep will collaborate and do something together.
  9. It’s funny. I went on the BH site last night to read about the Tom & Erika saga. I haven’t watched the show for a long time. I couldn’t take Dorit and her clothes, Chanel everything and bullshit Connecticut accent. Anyhow, my point is I saw lots of names on there of posters that I haven’t seen in a long time on the threads I frequent. I think these housewives shows are going down the drain slowly but surely. They are going in directions that posters do not like. That’s all.
  10. Yes, you are right. After years on the Housewives, I’ve found other threads for whatever ails or bothers a person. The “everything else” does have everything you can think of ... woman to woman talk. Who knew? Very interesting.
  11. Does Natalie have her teeth sewed shut or what? Why is she talking thru them? I can’t stand her. She’s reminds me of a little girl that hasn’t grown up yet. I hope Mike keeps her hanging with the ring. These two mothers of the guys are meddling shrews. I’m a mother in law of two, and never interfere. I get along with both daughters in-law and keep my mouth shut. Wow, these Ukrainian girls sure are fussy about everything and let the guys know it off the bat. They complain about everything. The flowers, the in laws, their housing, their closets. Go back then. This is the best country in the world. I can’t wait forNatalie to see the farm in the middle of nowhere. She kicked poor Bo out and thought nothing of it. Cruel. They should have figured something out so he could stay on the property somewhere. Mike is a pushover or just horny. Lots of luck with her. Tarik is getting involved with Hazel who wants a girlfriend too. Is he nuts or what? Definitely nuts,and he’ll be sorry.
  12. I figured something was up with those two. I’m going over on her thread now. After she did Chicago for awhile, she thought she as a big Broadway Star and changed her demeanor to real conceited. Yeah, she’s a real star now .. not. They exhausted everyone else, then picked her, or maybe somebody did ole Tom a favor.
  13. Yes to everything. Did Patricia come from old money? I read her book when I liked her, mind you, but I don’t remember where she got her money except getting settlements from rich husbands. I think there were a few. The thing that I don’t appreciate is the pillows. Craig was floundering trying to find his niche and confided in her about selling pillows. She shot him down, then went and made her own pillows. WTF was that? Her pillows may look classier, but his are more expensive and better made and quality. Does she need the money? He’s starting out in life and people that are fond of the show will buy them. I don’t see her point in making pillows too. That’s not class to me. She’s a phoney. A phoney baloney with a butler.
  14. I really don’t care for Leva. She came out of the blue and seems to be taking over. I don’t care how many restaurants she has. I’d rather have Cameron back, but that won’t happen thanks to Miss Katherine. I liked the old gang the way it was. It’s very different now without the regulars. Even Patricia has become more obnoxious, and I’m not liking that too.
  15. Whitney seems to be filming more this season. Plus, he’s with Patricia all the time now, watching over her during this Covid stuff, which is commendable. Seems besides Michael, Whitney is all she’s got. There are plenty of art dealers in N.Y. city. I guess she didn’t like the competition and wasn’t top dog. In Charleston, she thinks she is. A bit too much. She’s a snob and a half. It’s like she’s Cleopatra.
  16. The bruises. The only thing it could be is scrubbing the kitchen floor on your knees? My Mother used to tell me “ when you are depressed or blue about something, just scrub the kitchen floor on your knees and you’ll feel better”. It takes the stress out of you. I would now, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to get up. True story. Katherine’s dress was ridiculous, and that hair .. is it a wig?
  17. I’m just finishing up Season 11 on Hulu of the N.Y. Housewives. They are the BEST compared to every other housewife show on now. Every episode is hilarious. I hope they keep everyone when the time comes. They all bring something unique to the show, including Bethenny. Of course these episodes were before zDorinda became mean. Merry Christmas everyone. It’s lousy with this Covid, but I hope next year will be better. We are not even going to be with our kids this year. Everyone is staying in their own house. We are exchanging gifts in the driveways for a few minutes. Stay safe everyone. LOVE and Better HAPPY new year !!!! Silver Bells ⛄️❄️🥂🍷🍹🎁🎊🎉🗽🍶🥧☃️🌃
  18. Yep and what happened to his girlfriend? No more? The thing that would make Patricia happy is a grand baby. Guess the dogs will have to do.
  19. Especially when Whitney is supposidely his friend. How would he like if somebody called his Mother ugly?
  20. Yeah, those knees were bruised and I can’t imagine how. Dani’s eye was closing downwards and doesn’t look right. You would think Michael would put on a linen cloth on the corn. Fifty flies isn’t appetizing. All those guys are frat boys. Doesn’t anyone want to get married anymore? Shep does not love that girl. The exchange between Austin and Pringle was the best. Austin made a fool of himself. Pringle said “ she’s mine”, haha.
  21. Newsmax taking over. Bub bye Fox. Maybe Ricks job will be in jeopardy. Kelly will dump him and his pecker.
  22. I love the name too. I think I will change my name to “Jezabelle” as it is on tomorrow morning 6:30 am. Turner Classics. I LOVE the old black n whites. Thank God for those two channels. After watching Brownstone, those movies soothe me, lol.
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