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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. OMG .. you should be on the stage. Hahahahahaha ! Best laugh I’ve had in a long time.
  2. No .. Polish. My Mother born inMassachusetts, but went to Europe at 3 yrs old, then came back at 17. She was very strict and no nonsense. We had tortures you wouldn’t believe. The strap across the legs, and kneeling on rice. That’s a doozy. She worked full time and we had to clean the whole house perfectly or else. I never held it against her. That’s the way she grew up. To boot, she had an arranged marriage and wasn’t happy about that. Needless to say, I was thrilled to get married to someone I loved, and moved into my own house at 22. I loved her even tho. She did the best she knew how and worked hard her whole life.
  3. I’d be dead without Turner Classics. It’s the only decent channel on. I’m watching the last episode of Orange County now. What a shit show. They are all crying about something and wearing hats in the house. Guess they couldn’t get their hair done, lol. Their nails were done tho. I hope they cancel next season. Btw, customer service SUCKS wherever you call. Nobody cares anymore.
  4. Just came on. Why are they wearing hats with their pajamas at Lake Arrowhead? They look stupid.
  5. I’m sorry you are having that problem. I swear, in my next life I want a husband that knows everything about fixing things. My husband can’t put a nail in the wall, but he goes to the store ten times a day if I ask. Between the t.v’s phone, I pad, computers, I phone I know zilch. My two son in laws know everything, but I won’t bother them. They have their own stuff. Everything today is just so complicated and frustrating with all these gadgets. I know nothing about smart TVs or phones or dumb TVs and phones, lol. I just want to turn things on. One time I called “Geek Squad” from Best Buy to set up my stereo system. It cost me $100. Another time, a poster told me to get a “ Firestick” from Amazon to connect to my old dumb t.v., so I could watch Netflix. It never ends.
  6. I put my son’s 32 inch t.v. On one of my wooden flat snack trays in the corner. Perfect. Any little table without sides will do. How about one of those round tables that you screw three legs on and put a tablecloth on? Inexpensive at Walmart or any store.
  7. Yeah well, this asshole has been lifting weights next door to me. Our condos are connected, so his bedroom wall is my bedroom wall. Every time he puts the weights down, there’s a Big Bang. One night, I banged my fist in the wall, so he stopped. Now, his dog barks every morning at 7:10 when he leaves. I told him he’s waking us up. Now, he doesn’t look at us. Why can’t some people have a little consideration? I don’t even want to say what we hear when his girlfriend sleeps over.
  8. Pet Peeve: I’m disgusted with this virus shit. Now, there’s another from England? That’s worse? I’m going out of my mind. Too much reading, t.v., cooking, sleeping. Now I’m afraid to go to the supermarket, so I ordered on line today and picking up tomorrow. It’s too cold to go out here in the east coast, and windy. Where to go? I used to spend hours in Barnes & Noble or the library. Now nothing. It’s creepy. And aggravating. And scary. I’m going to have another brownie.
  9. Here’s my Pet Peeve and then I’ll say Good Night. I live on Long Island. We have pizza, bagels and Italian restaurants on every block. Why don’t we have southern food here? I love all the dishes the South has. Grits, all the stuff Paula Dean makes, and all the dishes that you get in New Orleans and the other Southern states. I’m sick of Chinese food too. We have Kentucky fried chicken and the other one and that’s it. When I watch Southern Charm, I see them eating all kinds of great southern food which we don’t have here. That’s all.
  10. A lot of people do not like all those onions in it. I made it once and my husband said make it again in ten years, lol. He likes long fresh string beans with butter on top. Plus, he likes all veggies cooked until soft.
  11. No .. everything is fine. We all had a great conversation and learned and saw good stuff. Btw, where the heck is Chic Chat anyway? I’ve never seen it except on the N.Y. Housewives thread, I think.
  12. Oh boy. Will definitely make them this weekend. Thanks. I use olive oil and garlic on just about all of my veggies.
  13. I’m going to try the canned ones. To bake, what do I put on? There are so many variations. My mother in law used to put butter and maple syrup on, then bake them. They were sticky, and that’s what I liked about them.
  14. About twice a week, I just bake giant sweet potatoes in my big toaster oven at 400 degrees for 70 minutes. Cut in half and put butter, brown sugar and cinnamon on. I hate peeling potatoes.
  15. That’s good to know. I can barely cut those sweet potatoes for fear of chopping my fingers off. Very accident prone lately. Lots of interesting things today. Decorating, cooking, etc. Is there a special thread for all this ? There should be.
  16. My Mother made from scratch, perogies, stuffed cabbage, loaves of bread, jelly donuts, beet, potato and sauerkraut soup and honey cake to knocks your socks off. A plain but fabulous cook. Why oh why did I not write the recipes down from my heritage? I looked on Martha Stewart’s site, but she makes these dishes different. I am so sorry I didn’t write those down. Too late.
  17. From what I see, Seattle is beautiful. They also film a lot there I see. I think they filmed “Virgin River” on Netflix there? I think.
  18. OMG .. Everything is beautiful. Show more if you can. I love seeing all this. You just made me sick. I gave all my dark furniture away when we moved to Florida for a year and a half, then came back to N.Y. I thought they used the light colored cane furniture, so bought light furniture down there. I miss my dark. It’s very rich looking. What a feast! I always made the fish and linguini with clam sauce for company on Christmas Eve as my husband is Italian, then on Christmas Day, I made a ham and Turkey for my family, and my sister and family came for the week from Connecticut. Now, everything is different, especially this year with the Covid situation. We all stood home as the older kids are carriers from school. Rats! Thanks for posting the pictures. So enjoyable. I would, but I don’t know how to transfer phone to I pad. I always have to have a grandchild to show me how things work. 🎉🍹🎊 Happy New Year everyone, and a better one. ❤️
  19. All great old movies on Turner Classics coming up this week if anyone interested. Fred & Ginger, Thin Man, Musicals, etc.
  20. I’ll never go to PT again. They were nice and attentive the first time I went .. then they don’t want to know you. One young one pressed down on my good hip very hard and a few months later, I needed another hip replacement because of that. Another one in a different place pressed on my back and it felt so good I asked him to do it again the next time I went and he said “no”. Never went back. From then on I did the excercizes they gave me from the hospital holding onto the kitchen sink. Btw, they all were blabbing with each other too. A good massage is the best.
  21. This is exactly what I miss the most. A beautifully set table. My kids are grown and married, and now my daughters do the cooking in their house. I miss my tablecloths, my dishes, my candles, everything. My whole house is mostly burgundy and mauve and I never tire of it. This year with the Covid, I set my table up with the whole shebang. It actually gave me a lift. I love the chandelier. Bethenny Frankels apartment in the city is all white and grey marble throughout. Everything very plain and sterile looking. I hate it. This is gorgeous and timeless.
  22. Stuff Natalie in there too. All these Russians and girls from Ukraine might think they are coming to a big city with lights, restaurants, nite clubs, etc. Do they know they will be isolated? Was this the last episode of the season?
  23. She’s gained a lot of weight since he saw her. No biggie to him. Love, my ass. They just want the green card baby. They all learn the smooth talk pretty quickly, don’t they? Does anyone know if any couple are still married after a few years after they got the green card, or did they split?
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