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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. True. My mistake then. Divorce seems the norm now. David is happy now. I don’t think she is.
  2. I started feeling old when I couldn’t wear high heels anymore. The last time I wore them was at my last child’s wedding, and I changed into my slippers after the pictures were taken. I even wear my rose gold Sketchers slippers to the Doctor. Everyone loves them. 😁 I’m sorry I didn’t get the Silver ones also. 😥
  3. What the hell. Two weeks of nothing but repeating from strangers no less. Who were these people? Now, another week until the weddings. Boy, are they milking this. I only hope they dumped Unfiltered with Mrs. Otis. Enough of them already.
  4. I think they were college sweethearts. You can go out with a person for years, but do not really know them until you live with them. That goes for both of them equally.
  5. I had bronchitis a few years ago, and I could not breathe. The Dr. sent over an inhaler to me as I couldn’t even walk from the bedroom to the bathroom. It was a horrible feeling not be able to breathe. I don’t want to be in a hospital bed on a ventilator. I feel sorry for people that have asthma and have to use the inhaler everyday. Plus the people that have the Covid.
  6. I agree. A qualified nurse could have been sent over to watch over the girls too. Nobody is to blame. Shannon and David both have valid reasons. Plus, people get divorced every day. Maybe David is getting a full hot meal and plenty of sex every day finally. That’s what he wanted, right?
  7. Let’s all get to the point here. Why did Dr. Moon not fix them all up? Especially Shannon who’s spent tons of money going in for his healing powers. Lol.
  8. And ICE. She has to have a heaping pile of ice in her vodka glass. I never use ice. I get a sore throat from ice. No kidding.
  9. These young girls are thinking “Sex and the City”, and the Kartrashians. They are reading too many magazines and watching t.v. Plus, the Green Card is their priority. They looked on the wrong site. There must be a site like “Come to the USA and Marry a Millionaire”. This season has to be a joke. These girls do not want to be farm hands. They want glamour, big cities and stores with fabulous clothes and shoes.
  10. Natalie is faking the great sex for the Green Card. Fake, fake, fake.
  11. My girlfriend calls me crazy for not going anywhere because of the Covid. She’s been to Aruba, Florida and a few other states with all her kids and grandchildren all during this pandemic. And she calls ME Crazy? Pisses me off. She keeps bugging me to get together. I won’t. Screw that.
  12. The doctor didn’t want to take the sample because he just didn’t want to do the dirty work. My former cardiologist got annoyed when he had to change my second cholesterol pill as it was making me sick, so he gave me to another young doctor across the hall as he didn’t want to be bothered. My primary care Dr. doesn’t take blood, so I have to schlep to Quest. My daughters Primary Care takes the blood. Go figure. They do what they want.
  13. They have been talking to these guys for awhile. Don’t they all know where they will be living? What state, in a big City, on a farm, etc. Who would like being on and working a farm? Maybe they just want the green card, then split. As long as they get here. That goes for the guys also.
  14. She was ordering onions as a main course? Shallots are a type of onion, right?
  15. Those parents crack me up, and not ina good way. They both are camera hogs, especially the pain in the ass Mother.
  16. I’m wondering what the hell they have in common. She is a whiney child and he’s a .. I don’t know what. Desperate? She will try to change him. He’s holding back the ring. Maybe he’s smarter than we think. Does anyone think they had sex yet?
  17. Rebecca is a lot big huge, and Ziad is looking mighty fine in his glasses and new haircut. He’s got that sultry look that women are attracted to. I felt sorry for his family when he said goodbye.
  18. Now I know why I’ve been married forever. I wasn’t a whiney, selfish, spoiled Bitch that had to have FUN all the time. From the looks of these girls, the Ukraine seemed better than here. I think they expected big cities, Coach stores, nite clubs and fun. Yara wants to be with Kim K, hahaha. Natalie and the beef eater have zero personality. Why is she always talking thru her teeth?
  19. Yeah .. it did get a little sappy, and season 2 was a little boring. They dragged it out. Reminded me of Hallmark. I wish they had something like Downtown Abby, my all time favorite. My husband and I watched it twice, and he doesn’t like too much. He even liked Doc Martin.
  20. I had Hulu, until they started with the ad ons. Everything I liked was extra money. I switched to Netflix. I’ll see how that works. Why are they charging extra for certain movies?
  21. Did you watch Virgin River yet? If so, what did u think of it? I love series.
  22. What if you want to tape a show or movie? You can’t? Sometimes I tape 3 things at a time.
  23. I’ve got Cablevision. So far, so good. I think they put new wires in or something. Never goes out. Maybe once or twice for a few minutes, but reboots itself. I don’t have to crawl on the floor to reboot anymore. I’d never get up. In fact the picture got crystal clear, so they must have did something. I love the DVR. Have a whole library of my favorite movies. If I get a new t.v., I’ll probably lose all my movies. 😰
  24. Since I got the I-phone, all my calls come on in the car blasting. I don’t even know how it got that way. What if it’s a private conversation from my friends? Does my husband have to hear my business?
  25. These big networks just blab, blab, blab. They don’t care about us or what they say. They are getting loads of money for being on and now writing books too. It’s all about MONEY that they are making. Parino on Fox is writing a book entitled “ It’s going to be o.k.” Is she an authority on what’s going to happen in the future? She’s on like three times a day making millions. It’s just comical. Go retire already and play with your dog.
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