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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. There’s nothing wrong with Mike. He travels 5 hours back n forth to work everyday and wants a beer when he gets home. There are plenty of girls who would take him. Natalie has the mentality of a spoiled child. Not everyone has the means to go to college. As my mother used to say “ the world needs Chiefs and Indians”.
  2. “LOW CLASS DRUNK MAN”. Put that Whackadoodle High Class bitch on the plane ASAP back to the Ukraine.
  3. So he passed the bar, but designing and sewing pillows and such will probably make him a millionaire. For that, he has the drive and it probably will work out for him. He seems to be on his way. I wonder what Naomi thinks about that. She always knocked his dream. Many times, dreams do come true. I’m happy for him. He looks fabulous on t.v. too. Shep always made fun of him. What has Shep accomplished? He’s getting too old to be a frat boy.
  4. I’m easy. I just like looking at her rooms, especially her bedroom and her table settings. All the dishes, crystals and little expensive things around the house. Everything is cheary and bright. Old expensive furniture restored and beautiful. Not like Bethenny’s cold grey marble sterile apartment that hasn’t a knickknack in sight. I’ve never understood Katherine and Thomas acting surprised when she got pregnant twice. Never heard of birth control? Stupid or smart? It’s o.k. If they were in love, but look at the situation now. What does he care? His Father is loaded. Katherine doesn’t even know if she’s a step mother, friend or what. Ditsey.
  5. I don’t know what it is, but I like when Katherine comes on for some reason. I loved the story about her and Thomas. When Madison came on with that “ look at me” getup with the strings, I turned my tv off and went to sleep. Not jealous, but just had it with her and her prancing around like she’s Gods gift. So sick of Leva and her preaching. It’s not enjoyable to watch. I want fun and laughter at this point. If I want to get annoyed, I’ll watch the News. Bravo should know what we want by now.
  6. I’m with you. My second favorite Bravo show, down the drain. Dani complaining to everyone how much she did for Katherine. Then don’t help anyone. The boys never change. Craig is the only one I like at this point. Otherwise, it’s a bust. All the interesting ones left.
  7. Hmmm .. is there any disadvantage without a landline? Do all i phones have unlimited?
  8. I get that call EVERYDAY. I press “do not call” but they keep calling. Now, I don’t answer the phone unless I see it’s my kids or a doctor, or friends. If it’s important,people call back. I’m just sorry idiscontinued “unlisted” with the phone company for a lousy few bucks.
  9. I’ve told my Sister in Florida a hundred times to stop sending me stupid jokes with at least 75 names on the e mail. I think she got offended, lol.
  10. Geeze, these girls sure know a lot about sex. I’m old and married a long time and learning a lot from them. Not interested in that “ butt” thing. No way!
  11. Seems like wherever you go on line for something, they want your phone number or else they don’t go forward. Then, they probably sell it to whoever. Even doctors offices. Where else can they get it? I’m so sick of this and t.v. Commercials that are getting worse. Even if you tape a program and fast forward,it’s still a pain. Can’t win. This, the Covid, and Politics, and trapped in my own home is just too much already, especially if you live in a cold climate and can’t sit outside for fresh air.
  12. Three times already, I got a call from my Grandson who needed money to get out of jail. He got in some kind of trouble and needed money for a lawyer. Of course it’s a hoax, but how do they know I have a Grandson who drives? My friends have gotten this call also. It sounds so real, and people fall for it. I played along once and they told me to send $2500 to the Dominican Republic via Western Union. People fall for this shit.
  13. It was me who posted about the hats. They were all cooking breakfast in the kitchen and all had hats on with pjs and whatever. It was stupid. Somehow, Elizabeth doesn’t look good in hats. Kelly and what’s her face .. the Long Island girl ( senior moment) wear them a lot .. in the house. They think they look chic.
  14. THAT, I could NEVER ask my husband to do. I said this before, but my girlfriend went to the gyro three times to take a tampon out. I swear it wasn’t me .. I’ve never used tampons. I meant gyno, not gyro.
  15. Tell me about it. My husband is the same way. Now, I call him out right then and there so he can get embarrassed, but he doesn’t. He is actually afraid of me, so doesn’t mess with me. Lol.
  16. Don’t quote me ( haha) .. did anyone else hear that Sarah Jessica Parking is looking to continue Sex and the City on HBO Max? Anyone care? Without Kim Katral? Not Parking .. Parker. Auto correct fault. Hope Parker changes that mop .. I mean hair. Hmmm, Sex and the City Senior Style? Interesting.
  17. Especially Seniors who still need to work to make ends meet, or young kids working their way thru school. You have some macho bullies screaming at them for one reason or another. I want to get out of my car and smash their faces in. Fuckers!
  18. I give lots of credit to anyone who is a cashier in a store or drive thru. I could never do it. You have to be mentally alert every minute, and at a fast pace. I would probably faint then and there. They deserve more money than they are getting.
  19. She was and she would. I read her book. She is a very accomplished woman. Plus, Whitney is a very good Son who looks over his Mother.
  20. Because Katherine may be this n that, but she attracts attention all the time? Jealously?
  21. Patricia getting breakfast in bed cracks me up. She walks around like she is Royalty with that attitude. Come back to N.Y.City and she would be nobody. I do like to see her house and furnishings tho.
  22. What a mess of an episode. Between the windy island and all the confusion, the only thing I liked about this episode was their clothes. The beach dresses were beautiful. Even tho Katherine gained some weight after two children, when she puts that makeup on, I think she is stunning. Dani is an emotional wreck. I liked the other girls that left better than these new ones.
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