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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Well, he has a surprise when the “ butt” thing comes his way .. whatever the hell that is. This good Christian woman already knows the things to capture a man’s heart. For awhile anyway. Looks like she can teach him a few things.
  2. Damn ! Does nobody act like a lady anymore? This is the best day of your life. You all are brides and should put your best foot forward. Your in laws are here, and your families, and your new husbands who are petrified. Cool it. So far, the only bride that caught my eye was the Engineer. Sensible. Unless it’s scripted for drama. All the men seemed nice, except Chris.
  3. OMG .. I hate to be mean, but Jamie O looks very matronly between the dress and the hairdo. Poor choices. That’s when you wear black.
  4. In the very beginning I thought they would all make it until the end when it seems they won’t.
  5. And the “experts” didn’t see she was a nut job? The pilot got nervous when he saw her throwing down the wine and kissing him every minute.
  6. Whoever did Virginia’s hair should give her money back. It looked like she just came out of the shower. Terrible for a bride.
  7. Oh boy .. hope the Pilot likes a drinker. She hasn’t stopped drinking or touching that hair. He’s looking a little scared now. His wife is a Party Girl.
  8. @Albarino .. I’m so sorry for messing up your post. The mailman rang my bell while I was writing my post, and messed up yours. I hope you can fix it? Meanwhile, I can’t find mine as it disappeared. Btw, I loved your post and agree with you.
  9. Better yet, come to think of it, put her ass in some kind of job that doesn’t require a green card. Like cleaning houses or mopping floors, for eight hours a day. Or is she too high class for that? Then, let her come home and make a low fat meal, then clean up. I don’t feel sorry for her. She knew his personality before she came here. She was nasty in Ukraine when she threw the ring at him. She’s a spoiled brat who wants to push him around and have everything her way. If she wants hi class, she should go back and find a guy who will take her shit. Mike is who he is and doesn’t need a woman who knocks him down. He works and travels five hours a day. If he wants a beer when he comes home, that’s his business. Her first husband must have dumped her.
  10. That’s a great idea. We can do a switcharoo with all of them. Where can we put Ziad Baby?
  11. I sure hope he’s over her. In his thinking head tho, doesn’t he say he loves her? Or was that before she became unbearable?
  12. When lemons go bad, they can make you very sick. I never eat a lemon out if served. Once when getting bagels, I bought the vegetable cream cheese. I was sick for 3 days from the leeks that went bad in the cream cheese.
  13. What man would want to go to bed with Natalie after a tongue lashing every night? And, who would want to be her friend in that town?
  14. That’s the word I was looking for .. lockjaw! Perfect.
  15. I know somebody down south that are so cheap they don’t want to pay for garbage disposal. They put their garbage in the garage and every week in the middle of the night, they take the garbage to the dump. I’ll bet Ma & Pa Brandon do the same. They also fill their house with junk they collect from people’s garbage. Weirdos.
  16. And what’s with how Natalie talks thru her teeth with her mouth clenched practically shut? Who talks like that? Weird.
  17. Maybe they went junk hunting. Where could they possibly be going with all that luggage for one night?
  18. I think he’s really noticing that she doesn’t look at all like the picture she sent him from about 20 years ago. She’s too old for him, and he’s looking mighty fine with the new hair and blue eyes.
  19. O.k. I’ll say it. “Baby” to me is a term of endearment. My husband called me Baby during a night of love and passion when we were first married. To this day, many years after, I still think of that word and night. It was special. Rebecca, especially doesn’t know squat what love is. What is this .. her third or forth marriage?
  20. I’ve never heard the word” baby” thrown around so loosely. Baby is a term of endearment. These people hardly know each other. Rebecca, call him Ziad. He’s not your baby. Yet. You sound like an asshole.
  21. My husband is the ultimate sports jock, but has to watch this show .. even the repeats. He’s still waiting for Varna to come back to Tennessee, where she found the guys other girlfriend in his house.
  22. I have to say, I’m having the BEST time reading all these posts. Hilarious!
  23. Rebecca Baby could have at least put a platter of chicken in the fridge. So good with his coffee the next day.
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