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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. My pet peeve. After our car accident that totaled our Rav 4 Toyota, we bought a new Chevy Equinox. It doesn’t have a tape deck anymore. I enjoyed playing all my tapes in the car. Now, they don’t make tape decks in cars anymore. What do I do with all my CD’s now? Another thing in American cars. It turns off when u stop, then starts up again when you go. Annoying. We are looking for a Toyota tomorrow again. I hate to buy foreign, but the features are better we found.
  2. The woman is a little con artist, and dopey Mike is falling for it. One minute she’s chastizing him about everything and nasty putting him down. The next minute, she’s all lovey dovey and kissing his ass. The real wacko Natalie was the good little girl while his Mother was there. As soon as the Mother leaves, she’ll be on his case again belittling him and knocking him down and telling him what to eat and do. Her tears don’t move me one bit. The ring, the ring, the ring is all she talks about. An engagement ring means nothing. It’s not a sure thing that he will marry her. The only thing pretty about her is her eyes that have too much liner on them. I hope Mike dumps her as she will make him miserable in the long run.
  3. Four times a night .. six days a week. Yeah, right. Horny Bitch.
  4. Brandon is 27 years old and has to cut the strings. The parents are selfish and are using him. They both make me sick with their demands for him and Julia. Apparently, they don’t want to see them happy. Either hire help for the farm or sell it. It looks like a filthy mess anyway. They both look like mean people who only think of themselves. You grew Brandon up .. now let him fly away. Good for Julia for speaking up and threatening to leave him. Now, we will see if he’s man enough to chooseJulia.
  5. @madgemaud .. Thank you so much for getting me here. @Persnickety1 also. 😄
  6. Where is tonight’s thread? Under what heading please. Did the post it yet or no?
  7. I don’t think he was drunk either. Just tired from a full day of working and driving. Then, he has to come home to a measly dinner made by a witch that harps on everything he does and insults him in his own hometown boot. I’m surprised he didn’t throw her ass out the door. I’ll have no use for Mike if he gives her that ring back.
  8. Yup. The guy flies halfway around the world, is rightfully tired and nervous, then has to be questioned at a restaurant by her daughter and the guy. Then Rebecca looks like she wants a night of sex. Lousy bed, no food in the house, and alone all day. No wonder he thinks he wants to go home. Rebecca just wants sex with a young stud. She doesn’t look like she could be a good wife. Btw, those tattoos are stunning ..NOT! Big mismatch. I feel bad for Ziad.
  9. If the Pilot will be gone flying, Virginia will not stay home. She’ll be out drinking and partying with the girlfriends. With all the booze in her already, why was she such a wreck jumping around and second guessing before the wedding? She should have been calm by then. She’s a boozer.
  10. Haha .. I was trying to figure out what her theme was. I guess she forgot the whip. Too old for that kind of shit. And that fake hair she was pulling every minute from nerves. She’s got plenty to be nervous about, and her husband is a DOPE. What’s Bravo thinking putting that freak show on t.v.?
  11. Speaking of brittle ass, WTF was that she was wearing? It was part Elvira, stripper, dominatrix, whatever. And the boots. Just lovely for a mother of seven and loving wife. After reading about her contacting Shannon’s daughter, I don’t want to see her ugly face on t.v. anymore. I don’t know how Shannon faced her. But, first we have to hear exactly what went down.
  12. My Father ate bacon & eggs everyday, butter, meat with fat on it, sour cream .. smoked Camels, etc. He died at 95 when he fell and hit his head. All these people that preach and write books make me sick. They are making money. Gwyneth is probably eating cheeseburgers, drinking and smoking on the sly.
  13. For this reason, I hate that production and the experts paired these two together. All these mismatches delay them from finding suitable partners. She’s an Engineer for goodness sakes. What if she wants to take time out to have children, would he make enough to support them all?
  14. Boobs, boobs, boobs. Make the world go round. In my day, when Broadway was a Prarie, dresses were “boatneck”. No boobs showing. Imo, she looks better with red hair.
  15. Why am I not surprised. What else is new? Cameron was the smartest. Had a baby and quit this shitfest of a show it has become.
  16. I think I saw somewhere that Stella didn’t tell Shannon about it until recently, I’m guessing once the friendship was ended Stella finally felt comfortable telling Shannon about it? I don’t know the exact timeline, but I got the impression that Shannon didn’t have the information for long before bringing it up at the reunion. Also, another poster was asking why Stella was at an adult party. But didn’t Shannon say they were having a barbeque or something? So maybe a family/friends gathering, Shannon and B did seem to be quite close for a while, so it makes sense their family spent time together. Which makes it even worse that B couldn’t remember John’s son’s name. Lol what was it she called him again, lemonade boy? Hmmm .. Wonder what Father David Badour thinks about this. This is why kids don’t belong on these shows. At all.
  17. Thanks. So what I heard is true. What the hell is wrong with that woman? Shannon must have gone nuts, and I wouldn’t blame her.
  18. Mike has her number. He’s not falling for her phony sweet talk. He’s not stupid. Natalie thinks just because she’s playing the good little wife, he will give her the ring. She thinks she’s so irresistible. I just hope he doesn’t cave. She will be a thorn in his side. Get rid of her before and if she becomes pregnant.
  19. Maybe Rick will put his foot down and tell her to quit. But,Fox is changing, so maybe Rick will join her on the show, lol. Doubt Andy will like that tho.
  20. I’m sorry you didn’t get to see your Mother. We all have regrets unfortunately. Follow your heart.
  21. Her cheeks are all sunken in. I guess she doesn’t eat. I heard she still drinks and does coke. Is it true?
  22. And once again, why did the experts match them? She has the good job .. his .. I’m not sure.
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