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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. What? Who said that and when? Who’s preggers?
  2. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Chris’s Father told Paige she has to put out when Chris comes home at night. What Father in law talks like that? Run away Paige. What were these experts thinking? As usual.
  3. I was optimistic last week, but very disappointed this week. Chris talks like a teenager. I could see him trying to jump her bones tonight. Once again, the experts screwed up. On purpose. For Drama.
  4. Natalie and that stupid ring which means nothing. I only hope he doesn’t give it to her. How much verbal abuse will he take from her. He’s a stupid ass too.
  5. I think she’s lying about being so religious. No priest? She’s everything a man doesn’t want. He will be so sorry.
  6. Seems like Brandon doesn’t have a mind of his own. He has to put his “ big boy” pants on and figure out his life. What I want to know is, go the parents have jobs outside the farm? If so, the farm, if you all it that, is a hobby. Brandon has an eight hour job. He does more than helping out by getting up early and doing farm work, then doing more farm work after coming home from his job. These parents are control freaks. Screw the farm. That’s the parents problem. If I was Julia, I would have sat and had my tea and breakfast. I would not let Betty order me to start feeding the animals while she was drinking HER coffee. Those two parents are insane, if all this is true. It looks scripted to me.
  7. OMG .. me too. It used to stall out in the middle lane on a highway. The car lost all power and the steering. It as something electrical and happened a few times while I had my baby in the back seat. Plus, I had no cell phone then and had to find a public phone. A horror! Got rid of it pronto.
  8. I think it starts up again when you take your foot off the brake. And press the gas like the poster above said. Who knows. I just drive and don’t even remember.
  9. I’m afraid it won’t start up again. Especially when in traffic.
  10. Duh ! I didn’t even know it automatically locks when walking away. I was pressing the button to lock it. I need a vacation, seriously.
  11. That sounds fabulous. When my oldest graduated college, she went by herself on a tour of 11 countries in 10 days with ages up to 30 by bus through the countries. She said all busses with seniors in wheelchairs, walkers, etc. on other tours. My husband was in the Army stationed in Europe for 18 months and said he had enough. I’d have to go with a friend. If I can get myself together.
  12. Keep the car. You know what you have. You won’t like when you change. I was too stupid to ask what features were missing.
  13. Back to spilling the beans, haha. It feels good to share. I’ve always wanted to go to Europe. But, with 3 college tuitions, then 3 weddings, it was out of the question. Now, we both have health issues that stop a big trip such as that. Blood pressures, back problems, etc. I dreamed of taking the Med cruise thru the countries. That’s out. Guess we’ll just drive to local states for a few days if this damn Virus goes away. I’ll just have to watch the Travel channel I guess.
  14. I hate it too. I hate that it shuts off when you stop. Hate keyless entry. I like to hold the key in my hand. Hate it doesn’t have a CD player. Why do they have to mess around with what is good? Always messing around is annoying. Too many changes.
  15. My sister is in the dark also. Her husband has his name on the checking acct ONLY. Not hers. He pays the bills and her job pays for the food. If she wants to buy something, she cuts down on food. I handle all the money in the house. My husband doesn’t want to. I handle everything .. banking, repair men, bills, etc. I could rob him blind, but wouldn’t. He lets me do what I want as long as he has his food on the table and his t.v. for his sports. Thank God. I could not live like my sister. My husband paid her share for funeral flowers and luncheons for my parents and other things. It’s not like we are loaded, it’s that they are cheap. Always were.
  16. While getting rid of stuff as long as I’m stuck in the house, I got rid of all my t.v. Tapes as they are obsolete. My son told me to get rid of my big boom box with radio and tape deck. I said “ no way”. I still can play all my old little tapes on it. It has a fabulous sound. There’s just certain things you just can’t get rid of. I still have my kindle, but don’t use it. When my Father died and we sold the house, we left my victrola and lots of 78’s old records in the house. I could KILL myself now as vinyl records are back and victrolas. They are also a lot of money now and in demand. Damn ! Why did I do that??
  17. Maybe you read this before .. My Mother, who was born here, went to Europe at 3 yrs old for some reason, then came back at 18 by herself on the boat and married my Father. It was a match. She said she cried daily for her parents and brothers back in Europe. Years after, she brought her sister here from Europe. She never saw her family anymore. My husbands parents too. They came her one at a time. That’s how they did things in those days. Those immigrants built this country and worked hard, but it was very hard for them at an early age. That was then. Now I guess things have changed dramatically. Some parents from Europe came here and left their kids in care with someone until they could bring them here. Tough life. I guess everyone here has a story too, and I’m sure you know all this also. I’m just reminiscing, lol.
  18. Oh nuts .. in foreign cars too? All these changes are making me crazy. I’ll have to look around. Ford Rangers are nice.
  19. If Natalie calms down, gets some meds and marries Mike, I hope she can bring her aging Mother here to live too. Is that allowed? Deep down, I think she misses her Mother. After awhile, she could get a little job to help with the bills and maybe get a nicer house near a city. There are possibilities if she tries. They both have to give in a little to make it work, if they want a better life and relationship. I guess that pertains to all of them. They all need a plan.
  20. Thank you for that info, but my husband and I are stupid when it comes to any electronic. I loved my RAV4, but some idiot kid plowed into it at a red light and totaled it. I don’t think any car has the cd feature anymore. Everything is hi tec unfortunately. Husband just bought a new 43 in SMART tv. Haha .. you should have seen us trying to just turn it on. We had to call in the son and son in law to set it up. Everything is just sooo hard when you are old. My 6 yr old grandson knows how to navigate everything. Lol. Thank you again.
  21. In my opinion, it’s easier to go to a job then stay home and take care of kids. You have a wonderful husband. I give him credit. Nowadays, I notice that men have a lot to do with raising kids. In my day, they didnt. My husband gave the occasional bottle or rocked them to sleep, but now my two son in laws, and son do everything. I worked in the school. More Fathers picked the kids up than Mothers.
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