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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Oh, he asked for a kiss? I didn’t hear that. He was probably trying to break the ice. She could have at least gave him a peck. Rejection. Not good.
  2. Just think of a camera in your face. I would be shy too, and some men would never do that. Especially in the bed for the first time. They are not actors who can do anything. If Haley is smart, she’ll find a way to make him comfortable. I’m dying for next weeks episode. I’ll have to settle for 90 Day Fiance train wreck until then.
  3. Not for me to say, but she should have worn a nice pretty black dress with high scrappy black shoes, and her hair naturally down with some natural curls. Plus nice dangling earrings. Strappy, not scrappy. Don’t they have stylists? Just because she has two kids doesn’t mean she has to dress matronally. Just my opinion.
  4. Production picks for drama. They don’t care about hurting someone like Paige. Besides these hopefuls sign an agreement that probably says “Sign up under your own risk”. They know exactly what they are in for, and take the risk for love.
  5. I’m sure everyone here barely remembers their wedding reception. It goes so fast. Picture taking, talking to guests, not eating anything, etc. Husband and I changed clothes, went to the Poconos after eating a full meal of ravioli in some town. Even tho we dated for 2 years, but never overnight, he still was quiet and shy, and he’s usually not quiet and shy. I can’t imagine getting into bed with a stranger. Yikes!
  6. Well, he better get used to it as that will be the story of his life. He can start with making her go to therapy and AA.
  7. Virginia is always bombed out of her mind. She drank all day at the wedding. Even if they had sex that night, she would probably wake up and not even know she had sex. “Oh, we did it last night? Was it good?” Where’s the wine?
  8. She reminds me of a “school marm”. Is that the correct word? That hairdo. Yucky. The bun should have been on the camera side. I don’t get why she dressed so matronly, as she’s still young.
  9. Like most marriages. Compromise is the key. She has to enjoy their home more .. he has to travel more.
  10. I just can’t get over this. What brand new Father in Law (Chris) of two hours tells his brand new daughter in law (Paige) to be intimate with her husband when he walks thru the door after work? The way he was looking at her, I think he wants her for himself. That whole family is nuts. I can imagine what Chris’s Mother has gone thru with that sleezebag husband. Disgust.
  11. I hate beards or any facial hair. Baldness too. I love a guy who’s clean cut, nice wavy hair, and not a bragger. But, I’m old and that’s how guys were in my time. What’s with these half shaved heads? I also love when a guy wears nice cologne, not that anyone asked. Just reminiscing. I think Jake was scared and very shy. In time, I hope he comes out of his shell. He enjoys his home and doesn’t seem too much of a party guy. I hope they mesh. I could be wrong. We’ll see.
  12. Yeah well, wait until the new Baby comes. He will go for his balls. I hope the Ex gets that big mouth good.
  13. Bet Chris is a dud in bed. “Big wind, no blow”.
  14. I like Jake, nose and all. He’s also tall and physically fit. I like Clara too.
  15. I’m most interested in Haley & Jake. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. I think Jake is just shy, and he may be the best husband in the long run, I hope. I think he said he was a computer programmer? I’d rather see a shy guy then a big mouth bragger like Chris. This show is stupid and annoying, but I just LOVE it. Watching it for the second time to hear every word, haha.
  16. We sold property adjoining our backyard. An asshole builder built a monstrosity house with a swimming pool with a big filter. The humongous air conditioner and pool filter on 24 hrs .. put me over the edge. I couldn’t even sit on my deck anymore. Sold the house. Now we are in a condo and share a bedroom wall with the jerk next door. He lifts weights in his bedroom at night. BANG, BANG on the floor. Some people have no consideration for others. If you tell them in a nice way, they still don’t look at you anymore. Nothing bothers my husband, just me, lol. I feel better knowing I’m not the only one. 😀
  17. I totally get you. I HATE NOISE. I’ve sold houses twice because of noise. It makes me nervous. I sleep with a sound machine next to my ear. I’ve had air conditioner noise next door, barking dogs, and a weight lifter dropping the weights on the driveway. I make my husband go and talk to these people. In my next life, I will buy a home in the woods away from people. Your people upstairs are out of line. The law is no noise after 10 p.m. of any kind. Just move.
  18. It’s in her blood. She’s probably been drinking since her teen years. As if she didn’t have enough, she still had a drink in the bed. I know, right? See you next week, lol.
  19. Yeah, Pepper was tearing up about the good matches. She’s probably hysterical now with the bad matches.
  20. The friends were stunned and were too polite to call him out.
  21. Nooooo. After awhile, you’ll get used to it. Lol.
  22. Drama, drama, drama. For once, I would love to see nice couples getting married, getting along, and having fun during their daily lives. Why do we always see train wrecks and stupid drunk people and mismatches?
  23. You’ll like it. It’s different, but hard to understand when they talk. (Their accent).
  24. Oh sorry. I paused the show for ten minutes and was behind. Australia is on this channel on Thursdays in the beginning of February. Thursday, February 4 th 8 pm to be exact, so the pop up just showed.
  25. Between Chris and his creepy Father, I would have hit the road by myself that night. Screw the show.
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