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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Natalie thinks she’s appearing much more intelligent than him by being so health conscious and teaching him that butter, exercise, weight and no alcohol will keep him healthy and is the smart way to go. Does she understand genetics and luck? You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. My Father ate fats, didn’t exercise, smoked, drank, and lived to 95. It’s Mikes body, so don’t go all smart ass on him. Natalie is a stupid child bitch and should go back to her country and find another sucker. Oh, and the remark about their intelligent numbers was just a stupid thing to say. Every man she’s been with has her number.
  2. After she gave him a hard time and threw the ring at him in the Ukraine, could he be that vendictive to bring her back, make her miserable and give her false hopes of marrying her just to get even? If that’s true, he must really hate her. That’s really going too far. Wow, I didn’t think a person could be that mean to a woman. She must have really got to him and thought she was so smart. Sometime, you just can’t play with someone’s emotions.
  3. I think they both are prolonging it for the money. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Especially Mike.
  4. The Mother has his balls in her pocket, and won’t let go. Hahahahahaha.
  5. So,is Ziad indebted to Rebecca for life? No, just no. She sent him a picture that was from twenty five years ago., when she was young and pretty. That’s false advertising. She looks like an old lady now compared to him. He’s a nice cute guy and deserves younger and better. So she works. Big deal. You can work and fix up the apt. to look livable with nice things and plenty of food and nice t.v. All she cares about is SEX from a young dude. She’s done this before too. I hope he finds some nice friends like him, and sees what he has to do, or go back Baby.
  6. I thought Mike was just quiet and shy, but when I heard him conversing to his hairdresser, I see he’s just mean and wants her to suffer and give her false hopes because she threw the ring at him. Dickhead.
  7. The day my Father died, the next door neighbor rang my fathers bell. My sister answered and he said he wanted the house unseen and we sold it to him for the adjusters price. I was so overwhelmed with him dying and selling the house, I left lots of furniture there, plus other things such as my Victoria and 78 records. Myhusband cleaned the whole house for me. To this day, I am so sorry I didn’t pay more attention to the house and the belongings. Who knows what was hidden. Plus the furniture was real wood, not the crap they sell now. What a dope I was. It was a two family with a basement and garage. I could cry.
  8. OMG .. I’ve had so much trouble with cholesterol meds. I wound up in the hospital from Lipitor. My liver count was thru the roof .. they didn’t know why. After a million tests, they stopped the Lipitor and my count went back to normal. Then, I tried many others to no avail. Finally I found one that agreed with me. It’s called “Livalo” 2 mg. Zero side affects and my count went down to 170. Ask about it. Needles .. that’s harsh.
  9. Why did dumbass show the father in the first place? Bragging? You don’t show private things to your parent.
  10. At 20 yrs old, my dopey sister and niece went to the physic. She told my niece she was going to meet a man in uniform in two years. My niece is now 62 and still waiting. These two are so cheap with everything,but go to physics all the time. Go figure.
  11. Yes, Ziad is something. One in a million. I see trouble there. Baby is jealous. Me thinks he deserves better. Instead of buying those ridiculous tattoos, she should concentrate on a nice bed, sheets, pillows and food in the house. He can’t survive on coffee.
  12. You are a good niece. Everyone is lonely, even if we have someone. I’m crying a lot for no reason. Stuck in the house and not seeing anyone because of this Covid that is making us miss a good part of life. Jail in our own home. Thank goodness for tv and the threads. I’d go bonkers.
  13. In what states? We usually drive to Florida every year and never saw them. All we see is Cracker Barrel and Kentucky on I-95. You didn’t. 😍
  14. I have in my possession my Fathers passport with picture from Poland, when he came here to marry my Mother sight unknown. It was a match made in the old Country. They married in Canada, then came to New York to work and live. My mother told me how rough they had it starting fresh. We have it so good compared to what they went through.
  15. I did like the way he talked with the hairdresser tho. It was an easy flow of back n forth. He can’t and doesn’t talk with Natalie that easy way.
  16. What was wrong with the way Mike was cutting veggies? She should be happy he’s doing it. I hate cutting veggies. In fact, I just bought a new Chefs knife for vegetable cutting. She’s a pain in the ass. I think she’s portraying the perfect wife.
  17. Same here. I have a drawer full of cards. I finally let some go and just kept a few special ones. He went and got Chipotle which I love, and ate in our pj’s also in front of the t.v. With this Covid, this is what we do. Haven’t even seen our kids. That’s why he is crabby .. he can’t see the grandchildren, unfortunately. Covid is bad here still. Everyone on edge. Is Royal Farms a franchise? We have Popeyes and Kentucky.
  18. Eh .. Valentines Day is for people just beginning to fall in love. Too commercialized and puts pressure on everyone. Kids in school have to make mailboxes and send to all the kids in the class. Men scurrying into CVS to buy candy and pick out cards , which they hate to do. It another pressure. I got one rose from the husband and a slice of cheesecake with the red velvet cake running thru. Then afterwards we had a big fight over something I don’t even remember, so then I spoke with my dear cousin who just lost her husband suddenly for two hours while my husband was snoring away. And that, my dear friends was my Valentines Day. No big deal at this point, lol. I would have preferred a whole Red Velvet Cheesecake from Juniors in Brooklyn, but they were only selling slices and he got the last one. Dammit !
  19. Me either. She’s got a unique look, but not pretty. I love when she looks at Mike with those bug eyes and thinks he’s melting with desire and love. Not working. Her true self came out in Ukraine when she was nasty and threw the ring at him. That was the clincher for him. She just wants to be here and is using all the tricks. He may appear stupid, but can see it won’t work with her. I could just see him putting her on the plane and her hanging on to him with dear life knowing she blew it.
  20. I love the way Natalie puts the washer woman hair up with minimal makeup when she needs someone on her side like the therapist. Mike is a dud. No personality. Why does he say he loves her in his thinking head. Why did he bring her back? I think he just wants to come home to a woman, eat, drink beer, and get laid on a daily basis. Natalie just wants to be in America, get the green card and see what happens from there. No love there. Marriage is hard enough when there’s love. These two don’t have a prayer.
  21. Ok .. nothing. That happens a lot I notice. Don’t know why.
  22. I know. It’s addictive. Everyone watches, even men. I think they are just trying this out, but doubt people will fall for it. Hopefully. I’m dying to see what’s up with Angela, Lara, Yarna and all the others that are waiting to come over. It’s been awhile that we’ve seen them. 😃
  23. I’m not going to pay anymore than cable, which is enough. I think they are just trying to get suckers. Cable and Netflix is enough.
  24. I heard tattoos are thousands of dollars. I could never understand how they are a priority before essential things. Plus, she looks like an aging biker. A hefty aging biker. He’s a young good looking guy. Wait until he gets a load of beautiful young American women. Yikes! She’ll have to put a leash on him. Lol.
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