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Everything posted by Scofflaw

  1. Shoot. I totally knew that (and use the correct pronouns when talking about them to my fellow BBCan watching friend) but somehow blanked on it here. Thank you for the correction!
  2. I can't stand Betty (the other houseguests were cracking up at her during the HOH comp, but her extreme twitchiness just annoyed the hell out of me). And I am so glad I'm not in that house, because Jess is totally one of those people I would feel sorry for, but not enough that I would actually want to be their friend in the house, which would make me feel like a jerk. They're just intense 100% of the time, which would be such a drag. I give Kevin credit for just enjoying the hell out of the game. Summer is stunning, and seems like she could be snarky fun, when she's not chewing the scenery like it's her last meal. I dread the day she's HOH and has an unlimited platform. Josh is my BBCan BF, so I am so happy he stayed.
  3. Ha ha ha ha: Canadian Lighting™ is exactly right! It all feels very bargain basement. As do a lot of Canadian productions, to be honest. And the cast of BBCan is always slightly less polished, slightly less TV ready-for-their-closeup. But the diversity is <chef's kiss>.
  4. I don't use the word "travesty" very often, but...that was a TRAVESTY! I can only assume that, despite Erica's obnoxious personality, her food is good. Oh well. Off to Pigeon as soon as possible to see the real winner in my book.
  5. Holy shit, Erica, envious much? That was so brutal. I mean, sure, say you want to win, or even that you want to beat them, but to say you don't care who wins as long as it's not Kym? I'm surprised her food doesn't taste as bitter as her attitude. I am soooo happy that Kym works in my hometown. As soon as Pigeon opens again, I am SO THERE! (I may be an embarrassing fangirl but I don't even care. My love for Kym has no bounds!)
  6. Braedon showed some self-awareness there, about his potential weakness in the face of Tychon's flirtatiousness, but it's too late now. Though frankly sound like he was inclined to actually do anything about it either. I'm just relieved that he won't be blindsided if Ty dismisses him after the game. But also: this was almost the first episode they showed that relationship. Small hints before but that's it. And it seems to be a fairly influential one, game-wise. Stupid editors. Kiefer probably does deserve the win for playing so well (and, as Ty acknowledged, he played throughout the game), but he's so annoying to me now. Such an attention whore and panderer to the audience. Ugh. If he'd dialed that down a few notches, along with his arrogance, I would have been fully on board for a Kiefer win. Why can't I have a player to root for who played well AND I like? WHY???
  7. I did not love Ty's cold statement that if he had to flirt with Braedon to get further in the game, so be it. I mean, I am all for playing the game with all the tools you have, but it just seems like dirty pool to prey on someone's emotions like that (Boogie from BB US will probably always hold the crown for most egregious use of that strategy with Erica, but still.). Somehow it makes it worse for me that it's Braedon, too. He still seems painfully self-conscious most of the time (even his Beth-imitation screech fests are forced and uncomfortable), which makes him seem a bit vulnerable, to me. I don't know. I just really didn't like Ty in that moment and decided I wanted anyone but him to win. Maybe because he didn't say anything to indicate felt even a teeny bit bad about it.
  8. Ha ha haaaa! I have been super irritated by this all season. I mean, it's not like it's hot in there (everyone else seems to be covered if not bundled up most of the time). I would hate having bare chests in my face all the time, especially in the kitchen (barf), and I woudl find it super awkward to hug them. I wonder if they walk around bare chested at home all the time too, or if it's purely a show-offy thing for TV? (That might be a rhetorical question, come to think of it...)
  9. And yet he looks in the mirror and says OUT LOUD: "you are a legend". I can't even get my head around that kind of arrogance. Who DOES that?
  10. Agreed on the gloating. They were even gloating about being the most diverse cast, which yes, that is amazing and great, but...has nothing to do with you? Was kind of the producers' doing, and so the kudos are actually for them? We are officially at the point in the season where they all bore me. I hate this bit, and it usually only gets worse from here. I do think their best move now is to get rid of Kiefer: he has a good game resume and a great backstory. He's the only onw who has both of those right now, and it would be hard to beat in final 2. Even Beth, Ty and Jed have only one win each so far, I think. Maybe Jed has 2? (Clearly if he does, the first one was unmemorable, ha!)
  11. I still haven't managed to find time to get the real story about what's happening in the house, but damn I laughed when i saw what Victoria was wearing at the elimination ceremony vs what Tera was wearing: way to telegraph the outcome, editors! You're not even trying anymore! And then I laughed again when the HOH comp didn't require athletic wear...and neither did the veto comp, really. Also, I ended up liking Victoria more than I thought I would at the start of the season, though she grated a lot of the time, but I cannot with her fashion choices. I absolutely love that she's comfortable with her body but she has the worst fashion sense.
  12. And is Jed the one who always says "Hi, gorgeous" to Arissa before he votes? Also gross. Being a "player" is not as admirable as it once might have been, there, Jed. Welcome to 2021!
  13. I can't believe I totally forgot about this: when I watch BB US I read the (very robust) live feed discussion on this site, and it completely and totally alters how I view what's being shown on the broadcasts. That also explains why so many of the things we are shown don't make any sense (the editors need to step it up: huge gaps in logic are not cool). Off to look at YouTube videos of live feed stuff. Thanks for the reminder that what we see is very far from what it actually happening in the house! Same, re: Beth. I actually like her when she's being a normal person. It's the manic overemoting about absolutely anything and everything that I can't stand. Feels super fake, even though she assured us early on that "she's just like that". Um, if that is true, how do you have any friends left?
  14. Noooooooo! I have a coworker who uses those in his office and although it's his office...still gross. Where are those food bits going? Bleurgh. (I am also a cyclist and I see tons of them on the side of the road...so people are flossing in the car and them chucking them out the window. Gross AND littering!)
  15. Forgot to add: Tera's aggressiveness was...a lot. It surprised me. And as much as I hate to admit it, that was some very clever manipulation on Victoria's part. Oh god! Also forgot those agonizing, cringey tik toks. I died of second hand embarrassment. Esp for Beth's and Victoria's. You know those two scene chewers were going to milk it for every little bit of screen time it was worth. Ugh. And finally...I have also started noticing that Keifer has a resting mouth breather face, and it makes him look gormless. I like him and feel bad for noticing it and pointing it out, but I can't stop wanting to yell: close your mouth! whenever he's onscreen.
  16. So I still don't get it. Sure, break up the pairs, but there is also a THREESOME, who are clearly also aligned with Kiefer, making them a foursome so...let's let them coast by? How does this help Victoria, who will be the fifth in that group and has only Braedon (if he forgives her for getting rid of Austin, though he may have no other choice), Ro (who I haven't seen her interact with at all, and the other pair of Tera and Tina (where she will always be third to their twosome). It might just be because I liked Austin (and Victoria is starting to get that arrogance that drives me nuts) so that I can't see her strategy clearly, but I do not see how this is a better move for her than getting rid of one of the threesome, esp on an invisible HOH. I think Braedon may continue to be dull. It almost seems like he is so scared of looking stupid that he keeps it monotone (a pretty rational approach when one is on TV, but boring for me, so...step it up, Braedon!) I can't with Beth's over the top reaction to everything. She's like a little hyper terrier. So extra. (I think it's one of those things where once you see it, you can't stop noticing it, so now I'm done for and she will irritate me forever.)
  17. Whoa. I just said this same thing to a friend, almost verbatim. I love them too! It's the simplicity that appeals to me, I think.
  18. 100%. (Ha: another annoying phrase used way too often on these shows.) "Keeping it real" means "I'm going to be an asshole now" every single time. Ack! This is going to put both of them in jeopardy! And while Breydon would deserve it for actively doing it, I don't want Austin to suffer because of it (and she's the stronger player, so if they're going to break up that twosome, she would probably be the target).
  19. I think Victoria should submit the clip of that whole confrontation in the HOH room with the bro boys, LaToya and Beth as part of her job resume. Anyone who can handle conflict like that has a seriously valuable skillset that would be useful in a ton of situations. I still think she'd drive me insane if I had to live with her - I don't like loud and extra - but she completely impressed me with how she handled that. (And how different from LaToya, who constantly said she was keeping it real (also: that phrase can eff off and die any time) and claimed to want to avoid conflict, but was actually super passive-aggressive.) I wish we could get more insight into Braedon. I feel like I have no sense of who he really is. I can't stand the over the top vocal fry, and he speaks in cliches, but I'd love to know what he's really like. I think I'd like him, but it's hard to tell from what we've been shown.
  20. Total clown shoe moment! Glad I'm not the only one who had that thought! So when the alpha bros were in the HOH room talking to Victoria, they used the royal "we" constantly, and made it super obvious they were a solid unit, along with LaToya (not so subtle boys: you're going to need to up your game if you want to survive). Please tell me Victoria picked up on that! They didn't show her making that observation, but I hope she did.
  21. Ha! Same! Mostly because that would totally be me: some of the immature antics would be so grating to someone a bit more mature, though I'm on the fence about LaToya after her weirdly off-putting dismissal of Julie's request to talk.
  22. I thought I would find Victoria annoying - and don't get me wrong, I do...I mean how many times did she point out her PINK! HAIR! in the first episode? - but her backstory ameliorates that a bit for me. A lot of foster/adopted kids end up being a bit "on". It comes from constantly worrying that if you're not cute/smart/entertaining, they might give you away. In real life, Josh would probably drive me nuts too, but people barely hiding their disinterest in what he had to say and the active cheering against him during the POV comp was hard to watch. I kind of love that Austin is curvy and isn't afraid to show her little muffin top but those mom jeans! Awful. So far, this show is making me v happy. I'm definitely into it!
  23. I think it was, in part, due to (a) she'd been drinking (she mumbled something about this on the show, the day after the bar scenes) and (b) she was told on camera, with no chance to react and think through how she could display her reaction in the best possible light. I think she hated that she was not in total control of the narrative, and reacted as much to that as the actual news itself.
  24. I think this sums up her relationship with all of her friends. It's how she gets away with making everything about her, and with treating them all so badly. Without that power (i.e., the show and the paychecks that go along with it), no one would put up with that, but I actually think she forgets that most of the time, and believes she really is a good friend to them and that she's just that fabulous.
  25. I completely agree, and it was all I could see too! Not to mention that dogs pick up on distress and anxiety, and she subjected the poor thing to that after a 1.5hr drive to "confront Chase". And if she's really crying as much as she claims to be, again: so stressful and confusing for a dog, especially one in what is still a relatively new situation.
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