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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Andrew has never been seen as an adult. The last time we saw him he was a young kid getting into trouble with his cousin Sean-Douglas. I don't want Ron writing for him. He will probably be awful.
  2. I think that she does that because people who suffer from mental illness are already stigmatized by society with all types of bad labels and she probably does not want another label added on to them. I appreciate her stressing that people who suffer from mental illnesses are more likely to be victims of a crime rather than the perpetrator. Why can't we just call evil people evil. That shooter probably already had a personality disorder like sociopathy or psychopathy and his radicalization online just made him worst.
  3. I like Sara but I think the actress would have worked better as Stefanie Johnson.. Not to mention the terrible writing that she got on the show..
  4. Will Paul be playing a duel role or will Xander be written out? This is going to be so weird if it is true. Paul Telfer could have been cast as Andrew Sean Donovan. I have never understood why fake legacy children like Xander and Trip were created when we have had plenty who were born on the show like the Kiriakis brothers who could have been brought back as adults on the show. The actor playing Trip who is a good actor could have been cast as Joey Kiriakis or Victor Kiriakis Jr. The Kiriakis twins were fraternal twins and he could have even played the duel role, if the show wanted them to look alike. Fraternal twins can look identical at times, for example: the Olsen twins from the show "Full House" were fraternal twins and not identical.
  5. Is Alexander Kiriakis coming back? It makes no sense since Ron Killed both of his mothers. Rumor has it that Dena wanted Amjelica and Adrienne to clash over Alexander and not Justin as Ron wrote..
  6. I am so glad that I am not a regular viewer of this show. I just lurk in the clouds and read the awesome commentary on the board. I have no desire to see a pregnant woman be tortured and murdered. Ron is sick!
  7. True! not to mention, Wendy spent years talking crap about women who were single and older. So she had to put up a front that she was living her best life with that bum.
  8. You don't get to tell a Black mother what she tells her Black children regarding racism and their survival as Black people in America. What Sunny said is what we in the Black community often do, we tell our kids to realize that being Black will at times make them a target . What happened in Buffalo is proof of that. As far as Black on Black crime. Black people killing Black people is just like White people killing other white people, it is because of proximity. Most people in this country live in close proximity with people who look like them.
  9. If I was an artist, I would use social media to promote my projects period. I would not put my personal business out there. Beyonce is perfect example on how to use social media. Even when people were dragging her daughter Blue Ivy for wearing her hair natural as a 7 year old girl, she said nothing. Those comments were vile and uncalled for.
  10. That was the episode that sealed my hatred of Benson.
  11. I loved this episode but the Benson b story was just awful and took away from the awesomeness of Carisi who has become my favorite. I have a different opinion of what Mariska was pushing with her story. I think that drunken sex between two drunk individuals is complicated and it is not always rape. I hated how she treated Stone when he was accused of rape after having drunken sex with a woman in his younger days. Benson is always so quick to accuse a man of rape no matter what. I remember how she bullied Barba into prosecuting that man who pretended to be the dean of Hudson University and slept with that woman who wanted her son to get into the school. I was appalled when she cried rape after she realized that he had lied to her to get her into bed and Benson led the charge against him. Men lie to women all of the time to get them into bed, it does not mean they are rapists. I really hate Benson. Furthermore, Why is Benson always telling the prosecutors when and who to prosecute. It is not her damn job, she is supposed to catch the criminals and the DA decides if it warrants a prosecution or not.
  12. I remember in the early 90's that TV guide said it was the best tv show on television period! They even put GL above primetime shows at the time..
  13. I do agree that some of the fans can be out there at times but Rob chose this business. He is constantly posting shirtless pictures of himself to illicit reactions from fans. I think it would have been better for him to not address his detractors..
  14. Why is Wendy hating on Sherrie? This is Wendy's fault, she ruined her own career. She had a wonderful gig, she shows up for a few hours 4 days a week and gets paid millions. Not to mention, the perks that come with having her job.
  15. I loved Roger's role in the story, especially when he had no idea that Blake and Ross was having an affair. He was very befuddled with Holly's disdain for Blake and was trying desperately to understand Holly's reasoning. He also took great pleasure in seeing Holly hating Ross. I did love seeing Holly and Roger coming together, Holly was constantly rejecting Roger but also welcoming him. Holly and Roger were complex dynamic and their scenes were so riveting. I also think it bled into Holly's contentious relationship with Blake because she was so much like Roger..
  16. I absolutely loved this story and I was on Holly's side and I hated how the town acted like Holly was out of her mind for being anti Blake and Ross. Holly had every right to be pissed by Blake and Ross' betrayal. Blake acted like she was an innocent victim especially when she was being played by Liz Keifer. Even Ross had righteous indignation when it came to Holly lashing out at him and Blake. Sherry Stringfield was Blake and I did learn to accept Liz in the role but they domesticated her too much by taking away her layers and giving her 3 kids. Blake should have remained Roger Thorpe's daughter when it came to scheming and going after what she wanted.
  17. Dena was planning on bringing back an adult Alexander back along with Anjelica but Ron took over and scrapped Alex coming back. He did bring back Anjelica back only to kill her off.. Ron is a hack..
  18. Steve and Nicole discussed not being invited to his funeral on on her show. They were so real and raw, it felt like we the audience were intruding on a private conversation. They were both hurt by the snub and it was visible on their faces.
  19. I loved Phoebe not going the traditional route to find her purpose in life when it came to her career. I loved how in season 1 and 2, Constance was showing how she was growing and changing becoming more responsible. I wonder how season 3 Phoebe would have been with Constance writing her growth and maturity.
  20. An amnesiac Hope with no knowledge of her past and what transpired in Salem during her missing years could get involved with Lawrence. Lawrence goes to Italy after he fails to stop Bo and Carly from getting married and while being there he runs into Hope who has amnesia and is accompanied by a mysterious man with heavy security. Lawrence becomes intrigued with her and begins to plot to use her for his own nefarious purposes in his vendetta against Bo.
  21. Lawrence was a wonderful villain and I always wanted Lawrence to have discovered that Hope was indeed alive and use that to try to break up Bo and Carly. Perhaps he stumbles upon an amnesiac Hope and gets to know her and falls for her.. Can you imagine everybody's reaction to Hope and Lawrence being a couple? Hope should never have been Stefano's captive and Hope should have come back when Bo and Carly were together. I hated Bo and Billie together. A Nicholas/Abigail/Brady triangle would have been awesome, if Abigail and Brady were allowed to grow up in real time.
  22. Megan is just a disgusting terrible vile human being.
  23. Jenny McCarthy said that Whoopie was a controlling bully. She said that she felt that Whoopie was trying to control her thoughts and she also said that she was scared of going against her. Howard Stern was on the view and he was trying to be messy and he brought up what Jenny and others had to say about Whoopie and she had nothing to say..lol
  24. I am so happy that the show never tried to redeem Lawrence. I do wish that the show had explored the Jack/Lawrence dynamic further. Jack and Lawrence were so damn similar and Jack saw himself in Lawrence after Jennifer's rape.
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