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Posts posted by Pearson80

  1. I have been missing All My Children something terrible. So I have been watching past episodes on youtube. I have fallen in love all over again with Brooke and Edmund.  Those two were just so wonderful and dynamic together.  I never understood why the show put Edmund with Maria.  Edmund lost himself in that pairing, he became lifeless and dull by Saint Maria's side. 

    Edmund brought so much happiness adventure and joie de vivre to Brooke's life. I truly felt that she was truly happy with him and that he along with her son Jamie made life worth living after he beloved daughter Laura died. I just wish that Brooke was not so unforgiving when it came to Edmund's vendetta against Dimitri. 

    Does anybody know why the writers went from Edmund/Brooke to Edmund/Maria? Did the show change writers who decided to jettison the Brooke/Edmund love story. It was just jarring to me because Maria was clearly a rebound for Edmund. His heart was with Brooke period..

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  2. On 7/30/2024 at 7:57 AM, Gharlane said:

    What? Kandi's no longer on this show? 😲
    Phaedra's return makes sense now... 😒

    The sad thing about this whole Kandi/Phaedra situation is that Kandi and Phaedra were really friends off the show for years after they had met initially on the show.  So I never really understood why Phaedra turned on her during her separation from her husband.  She aligned herself with Portia of all people.  Kandi was a good friend to her.  She never even spilled Phaedra's business even after she found out the lie that she had told Portia.. 

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  3. I actually cried this morning upon hearing the news.  I have always been a fan of Shannen and may she rest in peace.  Charmed was never the same without her. 

    I hope that somebody has given Holly Marie a hug because I know that she is hurting beyond we can even imagine because they were best friends and she loved Shannen fiercely.. She was always rooting for her and defending her always no matter what..

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  4. 14 hours ago, ZettaK said:


    Kenya Moore is fired, or she is suspended indefinitely from Bravo, so she won't film anymore. She posted about it on her social media. The season is in jeopardy. 


    Kenya always goes too far when she has somebody in her line of fire.  She has done this with Porsha multiple times but the shit hit the fan at that infamous reunion when she used that scepter and megaphone to annoy her.  She got dragged literally by Porsha.

    She has gone overboard with others as well.  Phaedra over that exercise tape. Kim fields is another one that she attacked in a vicious manner but Kim was too classy to get in the mud with her.  She disrupted Marlo's gathering once and brought a marching band. That incident with Tanya and that baker lady.  Kenya is a very jealous envious insecure woman and lashes out in the worst way.

    On Celebrity apprentice, she stole Vivica's phone and posted on her social media as Vivica to humiliate her.  I am pretty sure that there were other incidents but these are the ones that came to mind.

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  5. I have been rewatching Another world and I absolutely love Rachel with Ken who is shady and scheming with Cali Timmins Paulina.  They are just so right together and make more sense than Rachel being with Carl. I never saw Rachel in her heyday as a conniver and schemer.  I think that Ken could have brought out that side of her if they had to take on a villain..

    Cali Timmins' Paulina is so awesome and I am loving her more and more as I am re-watching. I did not think that it was necessary for her to be Mac's daughter to be  a part of the Cory family.  Rachel would have accepted her and forgiven her for her lies. Plus I thought that she and Russel's Jamie had awesome chemistry..

  6. I grew to love Paige after the show ended though via reruns.

    I wished that Paige had had more Witch powers than Whitelighter ones.  I always thought that it was a mistake to make her such a hybrid. 

    I adored the Piper/Paige dynamic.  

    I hated how Phoebe treated Paige over Cole.  She was always so awful to her sisters for him. 

    If Prue had remained on the show in season 4. Paige could have been a Warren cousin with powers via Grams' brother in that infamous family tree in season 2. 

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  7. 10 hours ago, Shrek said:

    Because she chose to ignore the fact that she was 36% European which would then equate to her being at a minimum one third Spanish as it didn't meet her woe is me, I'm a poor put upon dark skinned woman & I deserve reparations narrative that she is always spouting.

    She is probably hoping that people forget all this soon so that she can go back to her woe is me act.

      Sunny having European heritage does not negate her wanting reparations.  The raping of Black women  by white men was systematic and common in all colonies whether they were British, French Portuguese Spanish Danish Dutch and American. What is your point with that offensive comment?  A lot Black people in the US, the Caribbean and Latin America have White male ancestors. 

    What does reparations have to do with a Black person's genetic makeup. Again, my ancestors had no agency over their bodies were raped and children were born of that violence.  During slavery in the USA, there were sex farms and breeding farms that had to do with the raping of Black women and young girls. 

    Sunny is not a dark skinned Black woman.  She is a light-skinned Black woman who is mixed. The constant microaggressions against Sunny is disgusting  unbelievable but not surprising. 

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  8. Bill Hayes lived to be 98 years old, how many people will get to experience this type of blessing, sadly not too many.  So he was truly blessed and his family especially Susan should take comfort in that fact in their time of grief and not despair. I will look forward to watching all of his scenes in the future.

    However, I don't think that I will be able to handle his final scenes ever on the show. So I will  just read the comments about them on here. 

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  9. 6 hours ago, brisbydog said:

    I don't feel a thing for Nicole because I remember her lettting Sami raise Grace, then BURY her and not letting her know her baby was alive, then conspiring with EJ to paint Sami as unfit and keep her away from both Johnny (battling cancer) and Sydney even after the truth came out.


    Don't forget she also used that teenager Mia who was Grace's biological mother for her own ends.  I always felt that was so low of Nicole to do that to a young pregnant girl who was scared and alone.  At least Mia was able to hold her baby before she passed so that was the one good thing that Nicole did in that story. 

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  10. On 12/15/2023 at 9:58 AM, Primal Slayer said:

    Kern wrote her a letter towards the end of the show apologizing to her for what happened bts and basically how things were easier when she was around.

    Also that S2 was the hardest for her because she/Holly had a brief falling out while she was in the hospital due to a misunderstanding wherein Alyssa and her mom inadvertently stopped her from visiting Holly in the hospital. 

    Wow!  I am so happy that Shannen was vindicated and that horrid Kern apologized. However the damage was done to her reputation.  Shannen always wanted the best for the show and I never understood why Kern, Spelling  and others were so upset to the point that they fired her.  We all know now that Alyssa was the troublemaker because Rose told the world on twitter. 

    I always sensed that Alyssa disliked the closeness between Holly and Shannen.  She probably felt left out of their bond off the show.  Holly and Shannen had been friends for 10 years before working on the show together.  So their friendship would always be strong.

    It sucks that Shannen was not able to see Holly in the hospital. I am glad that they were able to patch things up during the era of season 2.  This is why Holly said that if the producers had stayed out of the issues between Shannen and Alyssa, they would have gotten over it eventually.

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  11. 2 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

    And when you consider Sami [Samantha] was named for her aunt, her mom's identical twin, who actually tried to take over Marlena's life, logic went out the window a long time ago.

    Not to mention Eric was named for Roman's uncle, Shawn Sr.'s brother, who molested Kimberly. (To be fair, I think Roman found that out after the twins were born, but he and Marlena never changed his name, so...)

    And Kim and Shane's son, Andrew, was named for Shane's evil twin, Drew.

    God, writing this all down, no one should be named after a relative, because they all sucked! (Except Shawn(-Douglas) being named after Shawn, Sr. and Doug, I guess!)

    To be fair, Marlena had made peace with her sister before she was killed.

    Roman was dead when we found out about Kim's molestation.  Rojohn came into the picture then Marlena died not knowing that Uncle Eric was a pedophile.  I do remember Kim calling Eric Ricky when he was a baby.  

    Kim and Shane's son Andrew Shane Donovan IV was actually named after his Grandfather Andrew II, Shane's father if I am not mistaken. Shane's twin was Andrew III. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, 4evaQuez said:

    Thank you for saying this. I honestly couldn't understand why Kate and Theo gave each other such an affectionate hug. I was racking my brain with the three Theo portrayers (Terrell, Kyle, the current Theo) and couldn't think of anything. That makes sense. I missed the dialogue as I was still trying to figure out their connection, so maybe the show addressed it. All I heard was Kate having something to do with Theo's shooting, which I also didn't remember. I remember JJ shooting Theo as the show (badly) trying to be topical during BLM, but I couldn't remember Kate's role in it.

    The whole storyline was so offensive and should have never been told by Ron.  Theo, a young Black man should have known better and not listen to Kate.  What the hell did he think was going to happen to him when a cop caught him committing a crime.  


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  13. On 6/16/2023 at 3:32 AM, andromeda331 said:


    Prue and Piper and Piper and Paige are my two favorite dynamics. I loved Prue and Piper's relationship. It was so natural and they really did love each other. I really like watching Piper and Paige's relationship develop from Piper not really friendly to Paige to genuine friendship. Even their tiffs with each other like Piper and Paige not agreeing in Size Matters or fighting over being a superwitch in Nymphs Just Wanna Have Fun. It fit their personalities. I like that Paige understood what Piper was going through in Hell Have No Fury becaue she went through similar experience losing her parents'. 

     I don't think that Piper ever really came to terms with her loss. We got a glimpse of that in season 7 when she mentioned Prue with Grams and it was still painful for her to talk about her. Holly played that scene so effortlessly.. She is a great actress.. 

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  14. On 6/10/2023 at 8:48 AM, magicdog said:

    I see Paige having a family of her own.  She was adopted by The Matthews and she lost them tragically at the age of 16.  Someone like her would have wanted a husband and children.  Henry was in a similar position so they had a bit in common.

    Some have debated if Prue would have been the cool childless one, and perhaps so since Andy was the love of her life and few of her subsequent boyfriends lasted long.  However there were many times in which she'd stated she liked the idea of having a family of her own one day (had she not been killed) so it's a toss up.

     Your reasons for Paige wanting children gave me food for thought. I liked Paige but the show never explored her to the fullest in my opinion.  The same can be said for Piper and Phoebe. I am thankful that Kern did not get to ruin Prue so perhaps her death was a blessing in disguise..

    I really came to enjoy the Paige/Piper dynamic in the later years more so than the Phoebe/Piper dynamic.  Their sisterhood took a hit after Prue died..

    The Prue/Piper dynamic was always the best.. They truly adored each other. Of course the Prue/Phoebe was also good and it is a shame we did not see evil Phoebe interacting with Prue because it would have been dynamite.  Evil Phoebe versus Prue and Piper was foreshadowed in season 1..

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  15. 4 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

    They're both real but the real Princess Gina is extremely old. Hope was her doppleganger.

    It was convoluted like I said it would've been better had Hope given birth to Bo's child during those missing years but it was stolen and Bo/Hope try to find it. They slept together before her "death" I figured it was the inevitable conclusion there.

    Also hated that Swamp Baby was retconned for a variety of reasons namely Billie blaming Hope knowing she lost the baby right down to showing her the corpse of the supposed dead baby(I think it was through mail) that part is fuzzy to me.

    I thought it was pretty obvious to me that Hope got pregnant with the writers that wrote her death.  JER who resurrected her and wanted to use her as an obstacle for his signature couple Bo/Billie would have never given Bo and Hope another child to bind them even more. I mean he did kill off Zack and resurrected swamp baby..

    Billie wanted to ruin Hope in Bo's eyes so she desecrated her own baby's grave and had her remains mailed to her at the Kiriakis mansion.  What mother does that to her dead baby's grave just to settle a score..  

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  16. 4 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

    Yeah I noticed they tried to do more face up shots you can tell she was well into her pregnancy with how they tried to hide it.

    Kristian was absolutely stunning pregnant.  She was glowing and the weight looked so good on her.. I know that she was always insecure about her weight but it did her wonders in my opinion..

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  17. 5 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

    Instead of Princess Gina they should've had it be Hope giving birth to her and Bo's child during those missing years and it was stolen. Bo/Hope slept together before she went into that vat of acid it wouldn't have been that farfetched.

    Not to mention, Kristian was visibly pregnant and had to do love scenes with Peter.  She said that Peter was so protective of her during that time and so understanding  and if I am not mistaken they got along better during that time.  

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  18. 8 hours ago, SouthernChick said:

    1) According to Sheri, the affair was already planned regardless of SG’s contract status. Sheri wanted Marlena to pull back on the plane, JER wanted a full fledged affair. JER won out and he became the sole head writer.


    Sheri was right and she wanted to respect Isabella's memory by having Marlena resist on the plane.  Marlena sleeping with John on her wedding anniversary with Roman was bad..  Dee was against Jarlena sleeping with each other on the plane as well..

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  19. On 6/5/2023 at 4:18 PM, magicdog said:

    Piper marrying a mortal might have also made more sense, since as mentioned in an earlier post, she was the one who was happy to be "normal" and keep magic more separate from her private life.  Technically Leo did become mortal later on, but of course he wasn't for the first 6 seasons.  

    I always wanted Piper to have had the life that her mother was denied with her father. Piper marrying a mortal and having three daughters with him would have been a great ending for her and a homage to the power of 3 in my opinion.  

    I know that a lot of the fans liked that all of the sisters had 3 children but it never ran true for me. I could see Phoebe with 2 kids a boy Victor named after her dad(Phoebe has always loved her dad no matter what and never judged him for his failings as a father) and a girl.  I actually see Paige being childless and very happy about her choice. Prue had she lived would have had one child. She spent all of her life taking care of others and I think that she would want to enjoy her life being carefree and be a bit selfish for a while before becoming a mother. 

    I also think that her sisters being powerful witches in their own right if the show had followed Constance plans regarding the  evolution of the sisters powers would have alleviated the responsibility of Prue always looking out for them.  I remember in season 1 in the episode "Which Prue is it" Piper and Phoebe told her that she had to stop being their protective big sister and start looking at them as her equals in their fight against evil.. 

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  20. On 6/8/2023 at 8:10 PM, Writing Wrongs said:

    She is also divorcing her husband after 11 years  of marriage and rumor has it that he cheated on her.  Shannon wrote a cryptic tweet implying that...

    My heart goes out to Shannon and she has always been a fantastic actress. I hope that she has good people around her at this time of her life..

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  21. 5 hours ago, brisbydog said:

    Staci was around 26, Drake 37 and Dee 43 when Marlena returned. I felt that if Isabella had lived she would have got the Kristen treatment and villified to prop Jarlena

    I know a lot of the fans like to say that but I doubt that Sherri Anderson who wrote briefly for RoJohn Marlena and Isabella would have done that to Isabella. I loved her writing for them.  She wrote Isabella's beautiful death. 

    JER was the one who threw Kristen under the bus for Jarlena.  Eileen loved it and was bored to death with Kristen  when she was written as a traditional heroine.. JER had no idea how to write heroines. He made Carrie so passive boring and weak..

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  22. 6 hours ago, sweetautumn said:

    I saw some old clips of Marlena from the late 70s and early 80s with WN's Roman and Jed Allan, DH was more much more lively, as opposed to the composed and seemingly distant version later on, and RoJohn on the other hand was full of life . It also didn't help that Drake appeared younger than his age and his character looked more like Marlena's little bother than the love of her life. LOL could you picture these two spending a day having fun with baseball playing or snow fighting or cooking then making out on the floor? 


    I always thought it was Dee's acting choice to make Marlena distant and cold to show how much she had changed due to her traumatic experiences that she dealt with both Stefano and Orpheus before she died. Not to mention being in a coma for 5 years..

    Rumor has it that Dee was insecure about acting opposite Drake's Roman when she came back in 1991 because he looked so much younger than her so she wanted Wayne to come back as Roman and the rest is history..

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  23. 8 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

    Catherine Mary Stewart seemed a lot less...vulnerable...than Mary Beth Evans' Kayla. But of what I saw of CMS, she was still good in the role.

    Although, another reason to be glad Catherine does not have the role now is it would be weird seeing her Kayla interact with Josh Taylor's Roman [not that Kayla interacts with her brother much now!] since CMS' Kayla and Chris Kositcheck [JT's first Days character] were a couple for a while!

    Her Kayla lost her virginity to Chris..

    CMS was wonderful as Kayla and I do wonder how she would have played the stories that Mary Beth Evans got as Kayla.  Her Kayla could be just as vulnerable as Mary Beth's.. 

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