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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Whatever the hell Rudy is doing. Great shot of Jimmy Jr running in the game.
  2. Oh I cracked up hard. Then the robot with the baret. The whaling song was horrid.
  3. That was the best part. I don't like spoiling people but still. There was a billboard with the detailing King at the end. One of the movies was in 4D.
  4. I'm completely unspoiled as to how much the show will intersect with the movies and want to stay unspoiled. If they're going to go that far and have Vader end the show on Order 66 that's going to be fucking bonkers.
  5. I'm guessing being clean shaven would be a military protocol issue.
  6. That's entirely different that 'You just watched X. We asked the showrunner to explain it for you. Click here to read the interview.' Which is way way way too much of a trend.
  7. This is the correct way to watch tv shows, and I have many things to say about this issue. I really despise this trend and frankly it's insulting to your viewership. I don't watch/listen/read anything from showrunners. (kind of joke) - Like the Doctor, showrunners *lie*. I don't care what they have to say in the run of a show. Maybe after a series has ended, ok, I might be interested in their pov on how the show actually got made. I think this started with Lost because they just threw anything that was anything into the show even though it was patently absurd, and they had to make viewers thing there was some logic behind it because otherwise no one would watch. Could you imagine, you go to a museum, look at a painting, and tell your friend how it makes you feel, and then the artist runs in and tells you that you're wrong? It's patently ridiculous. Or if you listen to a song and the writer tells you that your experience isn't what they wanted. Why would a tv show be different? I mean, ok, I don't think that aliens came down and gave Jimmy magic colorful suits that turned him into Saul. The showrunner is well within the margins to point out that the show isn't about aliens. I do actually have the mental capacity to watch the show, pay attention, and take something away from it. For me, what I am seeing this season so far, and I think it was underscored here was that Kim is checking out of this relationship and that's what's really going to put Saul on the path of a 'criminal. lawyer', which is kind of his fault, and infuses the show with some of the classical tragedy of Breaking Bad. I think that's interesting, and that's why I'm watching. I'm rooting for 'Gene' too. If that's not what the showrunner intended, I don't really care. And why should he care to correct what I think? I'm watching the show. That's really the main point.
  8. I'm intrigued as to why we're focusing so much on clones so far. The action sequence with the flying dragons or whatever was riveting and just stunning though.
  9. I don't know if that's how court orders work though. The FBI people haven't really said much about actual work here. You can't go wrong with O Brother Where Art Thou.
  10. That's undeniably true, but was the show losing money? Hence why I qualified, 'solid earner'. Obviously, if they were getting to a point where paying everyone cut into profit, I can get it, but if it's only ending because AOL (understandably) just can't take the punishment, then that seems shortsighted was my point.
  11. This isn't even debatable. This is why television was made. The actor (Hessman?) has said on a special about the show many years later, that in addition to the writing, he knew lots of 'Johnny Fevers' and incorporated them into this character.
  12. The fight scene in the kitchen with Tani was really well done. I love the cramped 'Bourne style' fight scenes.
  13. Given that the show is a 'solid earner' I'm surprised the network didn't decide to move on without AOL. I think they are underestimating the viewership interest in the show as just being Steve/Danny. I've been saying for a while Lou in the lead of Five-0 would be much more interesting.
  14. Watford is up on goal differential so they might have a fighting chance. They took it right to Liverpool today. The second goal was preh-tay.
  15. I bought a really nice carafe to keep it at the right temperature, but that's not something you have a coffee shop.
  16. I have a cross country trip at the end of the month, and this very much looks like it will be a d/l offline watching on the plane for me. I love that option because there's so much content out there and it's the best way to enjoy a flight.
  17. Actually, I think this is a great example of a show needing to know what it was. It thought it was A Show. Fundamentally, it was never about Red John but what it did to Jane. They thought the viewers were invested in Red John. The fact he was painted so thin and just fizzled out underscores the point. And you know that was the issue because of the inevitable 'TPTBs explain what you just watched.' The leads had good chemistry. The cases were interesting, and the cast was talented and likeable. You give me that, and I'll give you 7 seasons of enjoyable television and syndication royalties. That's a record of success afaic. I suppose everyone wants to be the one that puts out A Show, but there's something to be said about reliable, watchable television, week in and week out. I don't like to say it too much because I think the show is ridiculous, but Five-0 kind of does that. To a point. Everything with Adam is a mess otherwise. OR BOTH! To be fair, they played that as real as you can be for actual teenagers. And you have to throw in Krakow at the end.
  18. This would be fairly in line with 'television'. I noticed he was kind of Doctorish here too with the crew about not giving up and figuring out a bonkers way to save them. I don't like companions dying because when they do 'grow up' or become brave or be more then they die and they don't get the chance to pass on their experiences with the Doctor to more people. I was hoping that would be Jack jumping through at the end.
  19. Honestly I don't remember. This was one of the many shows I watched just for the online discussion. Five-0 is the same way.
  20. I felt like they realized it went on too long and just ended it. Then didn't they have a copycat or something?
  21. They should have ended Red John sooner than later. With Jane's life totally consumed by him, how he dealt with the fallout would have been interesting.
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