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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I thought that was a indication of the time suck.
  2. Big and Pac chatting gave me a good laugh. Tiger talking to the goat was even better.
  3. The best thing this show did was have Wolf live in the 80s.
  4. I'm not sure I care much about Seth Rogan's problems. I think it was a good move to have them escape so soon. Mucking around in time is way funnier. Wolf invented the sandwich. And eats Russian ass.
  5. I liked the cold open with the montage of the last seasons. Josh listening to the voice was giving me a 12 monkeys vibe. But I love that Wolf had an uncredited rewrite on The Running Man.
  6. Oh, wait - Wendy doesn't know that it was Darlene who told the cop to discharge Ben from the hospital. She blamed Ruth, who does bear some of that blame, but Ruth still needed Darlene to give the order. I can buy them reconciling with Ruth which I do hope is a major resolution next season, but there's no way Wendy doesn't kill Darlene herself if she knows it was her that let him out.
  7. I'm going to give Jonah a pass because he's the youngest. He had a great friendship with Buddy, and then Buddy died. Ben comes along and he kind of transferred that him, and Ben wasn't involved in the family business. I would assume Jonah knew him when Jonah was a little kid, so there's going to be a highly emotional response. You'll recall he yelled at Charlotte 'why aren't you more upset?' because she was crying but not hysterical like he was. I think that's a fair response because she probably wasn't as close to him. I don't mind Ruth getting involved with him, but going all head over heels was a bit much especially in what looked like the short time period over which this season elapsed. This is where the plot missed the mark. Ruth is fiery, but she's not all moon eyed like that. Plus, really, while I can get Ben getting all off the chain about being in the hospital, Wendy was willing to put him in the private facility. There's no way they couldn't have gotten Helen to sue the police station or whatever to get it done. The cop says 'that's the law' and they just give up? Since when? When shaping the narrative for the season, it good drama to get to a point where Ruth walks out on them. It's believable she eventually would snap about Wendy having the dad whacked. She threw a made man into the river and Marty goes to bat for her and basically makes the mob boss of KC make her. Then when her status gets violated they do nothing. Do you really need to add Ben to that to give Ruth the motivation to walk? They really could have added more to the eventual Frank Jr beating. It did look fishy that she changed the drop and his crew got killed. The whole FBI spinning the narrative was just kind of off-screen, and we could have spent more time with them working Frank Jr and him slowly unraveling. I think they left way too much on the table with the FBI for the sake of The Ben Show at the end. We already knew Wendy was capable of ordering murders, so it's not like this was some big shock for me. The good thing is - no Ben next season. I'm looking forward mostly to Marty compromising the FBI. I think though that by season's end Darlene needs to go.
  8. I'm hoping there's more of a teamwork development with him and the local cops that will strengthen the show. He clearly wanted to help them out. It was very actiony for a first episode without a huge amount of info dumps. It kind of reminded me of Five-0 with the exotic location (minus the whinging). I liked the whole dingy gift shop angle.
  9. Someone will pick him up.
  10. Gus very much pays attention to details and just blowing it up invites unwanted questions from law enforcement. A reckless act of vandalism, possibly from tweakers, does not. I don't think there was anything else to it.
  11. Didn't Nacho turn on the gas? If the restaurant is filled with gas, the chicken would have been sufficient.
  12. I still think my point about Wendy or Marty raising a stink would be valid though. It's still only been a short time frame too, and may lack the resources like I said before. It would be easy I think for them to have sicced Helen on the FBI threatening them for harassing the Byrds, and the FBI may not want to burn that card so soon without having more data to make a theory as to who to follow.
  13. In one of the shots this season, Wendy was walking away from it with keys in her hand. I'm not sure if the current warrant allows any of the Byrds to be followed. Mya said the purchase of the second casino triggered just an audit. Given what seemed like a tight time frame for the season, it looks like the bulk of the work was Mya modeling the money flow of the casino (when she told Marty that the intake increased 19%). The agents are all accountants and not like 'FBI agents'-criminal agents. Since they really don't know where the money is coming from, it could come from anywhere, so I would think unless there is some clear evidence they can bring to a judge to justify following anyone, it's probably too soon. They can monitor who is coming in and out - Mya was clearly trying to shake Sam - but Marty and Ruth are smart to keep each person to under $10K and everyone had a cover story. You can't just go arresting patrons on a whim. Marty isn't dumb either. If him or Wendy saw the FBI at the cemetery they'd (rightly) raise a huge stink and likely a lawsuit. Given the mess the FBI made before with an agent getting involved with someone involved in their investigation and 'disappearing', I'm not sure they want to throw tons of resources at a casino in the Ozarks. Not that another warrant couldn't come down next season though. Now that Mya got the audit extended, it's imperative on Marty to put the screws to her sooner than later to head that off. At the end when Jonah shot out the window - was he shooting *at* someone? Because he turned like he heard something.
  14. I always tell students when they have a presentation to get there early.
  15. Because the game done changed. Omar wouldn't have thought that a kid was a threat while he was just out buying some snacks. Everyone would have rightly called bs if it was anyone in the game because Omar was way too smart and careful.
  16. I don't think that's true. I heard from my parents who live near Tampa that Brady bought up all the Godwin #12 jerseys or something like that. It was in their local paper.
  17. I thought Gus was going to take the chicken home with him. He's not one to be wasteful.
  18. That was my point. He was left there by whomever and still showed up at the casino. So they bring him back and he does it again, and the casino security doesn't let him in, so then he's outside under his own devices. That's not much better. If Wendy or Ruth did it then the outcome wouldn't have been any different. It's not like there's some magical place to hide him where he wasn't going to fuck it up. Actually, now that I think of it, if they left him in the hospital. I still think leave him in jail and get Helen to have him admitted to the private facility and you're done. But no, because plot. As much as Ruth bears some blame for sure, it's really on Darlene and the cop.
  19. Great line - he's not out of the picture is he?
  20. That's the problem though. She did 'leave him there'. He promptly showed up at the casino. In the chain of events that followed, he continually and consistently flew off the chain.
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