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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. They traveled via the Game of Thrones path.
  2. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I like to win like anyone else, but if it's like that, it's just not a fun social activity. I'd be like, 'I'm coming for 2 hours and leaving. I'm not playing to 3 in the morning.' I remember too. It's not like he wasn't an objectively good player, but the team as a whole adopted that 'just fuck with everyone all the time'. I don't think 'so negatively' is accurate. I'm just saying he was just like any other superstar and the documentary isn't necessarily a tongue bath. I don't care that he called Thomas an asshole because he was. There's been a lot of interesting insight for me. I was genuinely surprised he really really likes and respects Rodman, for example. He has said some funny things too. I would take that one step more and say he's not honest to himself. Certainly, every 10 minutes of footage is giving a ton to talk about. I wasn't so pulled in at the start, but it's an A+ for me.
  3. I'm not a book reader, but I was interested enough because the guy from Galactica was putting out a show about time travel to Scotland. I quickly understood what the show was really about. Those first two seasons are objectively good though. I've actually been fine about it up until now, and I'm not sure I care too much to call bs on the time travel. The fact that Claire's bloodline is special is fine. You need a stone to go through and you go back 200 years and then forward 200 + whatever time you stayed. That's really fine if that's all it is. And the people who can travel can 'hear' the stones. Now with the baby, they may have painted themselves into a corner and will just resolve it because plot. The logical outcome is 1572 but why the baby would override Bree and Roger I doubt has a thought out explanation.
  4. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    No, he's not coming off so great to me. You can see in the past footage that he can be a dick. Even when he's joking around, there's some meanness to it. I mean, he flat out called the Pistons assholes and you can clearly see it still bothers him, when it's like, you need to drop that bag off. Grant probably was pissed at the time but now he's like, whatever - they were bitches and they knew it. I think viewers here are discerning enough to see he's not any saint. All the talking about how they play cards all the time - you know they're gambling, and we all know that's been a problem for him. He doesn't really look that good. I like to drink too, but I think in a documentary about me I'm probably not needing it within arm's reach either. The producer was on npr and he did say that Jordan didn't tell them to cut anything out either though. The interviewer actually pointed out about the drinking, but the producer skirted it. They may inherently made the series a certain way, but I don't know if I'd go so far as to say 'tongue bath.'
  5. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I don't really care these guys are or were assholes. It's just incredulous to me that Thomas is so dense as to not grasp why half the team might not have wanted him to suit up. It's not like he's going to say, "oh, Bird was an asshole? Who knew?" The whole league. And maybe it's a little long in the tooth for Jordan to be pissed about the Pistons not shaking hands, but at the same time, Thomas had the opportunity to just suck it up and say he was wrong - not even apologize - but say something like, 'we shouldn't have done that. It disrespected the game and all the players.' It's amazing to me how fucking pigheaded people are when just a little contrition can fix a ton of shit. I had a big laugh when they showed Jordan the footage of Thomas and he said - what did he say? Now that we know what happened, he wouldn't have done it? And then rolled his eyes when Thomas said exactly that. I don't know, if anything, this is kind of like the OJ documentary in how looking back at some major events sheds more light on modern society.
  6. I always liked the fight with Anakin and Ventress because he picked up the red saber and got *really* mad. Also they made Windu into a total badass.
  7. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I like Curry and LeBron, but again, different era, and they already had Jordan paving the way for basketball player as a brand. I would be interested if or who was on Jordan's management team versus Lebron or Curry now. Yeah I think all Jordan had to say was - I'm all about the game and don't have time for all of that. Go ask someone else about politics. I totally get that. I'm about what I can to produce in my job to get me to the next level. I don't want to make time for bullshit meetings, etc. If you're not here to put in work then gtfo. Unlike Thomas, I try hard to shut my mouth and not piss people off because I don't think they're doing their jobs right so I don't get burned. And I like athletes who are socially aware and speak out so no knock on any of them. I don't think they're obligated though. I don't get why he didn't grasp that. Just the clips they showed of Thomas pushing Bird around and jawing with Magic would be clear to anyone putting the team together why he wouldn't be the best fit for this first Dream Team. It's nice of Jordan to say that Thomas is the best point guard behind Magic, but that gulf is wiiiiiiide. And if that's the case, well, you already have Magic on the team, and the likes of Bird, Jordan, and Pippin (the original point forward), who can bring the ball up and distribute, then what's his role that would be so integral?
  8. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    And Jordan isn't going to say anything if that is true. Thomas' Pistons teams were literally called the 'bad boys', so he doesn't have too much to stand on. I don't see this as that complicated a situation. Like I said last night when I was watching, the Chicago guy pointed out that Thomas stirred up shit with several of the players. That was still kind of fresh. In assembling the first Dream Team, marketing was just as much a factor as it was playing the game because everyone knew they'd slaughter everyone. Why deal with all that potential bullshit? You don't really see that nowadays since so many players have known either other from all the camps when they were in HS. I'd say Jabbar was still a different era though. And there wasn't anything like Jordan's global impact before, despite Jabbar being a titan of the game. He wasn't always the smoothest either; I understand he was really prickly with the media. Jordan was the first player that was a brand. The agent in E5 said so himself. So there's going to be just another echelon of people wanting a piece of him. I absolutely love Pop and if I had the money I would book him for a speaking engagement at my work to light a fire under everyone's ass, but I don't think that's the same.
  9. Yes, that's my recollection. I mentioned it on Sunday when I was watching the episode in that the show resorts to Claire being careless to move the plot far too much. Claire having a mouth on her has been consistent from day 1, and I can get that gets her into trouble, but I have a hard time rolling with Claire mentioning to Jamie about her sekrit identity and leaving out in an area that gets a lot of traffic. I can get maybe she left it on the dining room table, and someone came in unexpectedly. Did they need that to happen for her to be abducted even? Brown was already running around burning things, and he's been pissed off at Claire for a while. Jamie refusing to join the gang seems like motivation enough. Same thing with Bonnet - she could have had the gun on her and it still misfired and you end up in the same situation than having her just leave it out of reach when she's a woman alone on the beach.
  10. I think they only said it once on the show with Bob's father, but he is actually quite a good parent.
  11. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    That wouldn't surprise me.
  12. As much as I'm interested in how the stones work, I think the answer is just going to be plot. They've been fairly consistent in going through is about a 200 jump 'back' from your origin point, so it's reasonable that the baby made them go back to 1572. Except if it's not.
  13. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I was in college so I couldn't really regularly watch TV at the time. To get more into it, Jordan said he didn't want to endorse the guy because he didn't know him. Well, he didn't take the time to either. I don't know if it would have made a difference either way. I don't mind athletes speaking out if they want. And raising awareness for important issues is fine. At the time, that wasn't the norm like it is now. It's kind of interesting that Kerr is rather out spoken. I just watched E5, and they didn't say 9 players. They showed clips of Thomas mixing it up with Pippin, Bird, and Magic, and then Jordan, when the Pistons walked off. The Chicago sports journalist was saying that there's no way Thomas would have ever been on the team with all he did. I could see Barkley and some of the rest being like, ok fuck him, we don't need him if you guys don't want. I don't really care, I just want to play.
  14. I mean, yes, it's Claire. Seriously though, I thought she found the Rawlings emblem and then got the idea to write.
  15. The order 66 troopers knew Rex enough to demote him and talk to him before they opened fire. So I can buy they knew something had gone down. Vader could just be like, see - the Jedi did this. You knew them. Let's hunt them down and make them pay.
  16. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    Is it really the number objecting though?
  17. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    It's certainly an interesting issue because people are putting obligations on Jordan that really isn't necessarily his responsibility. Which is kind of funny nowadays. When was the Barkley commercial? I feel like it had to be around then. It's not fair to make an Ali comparison because it's like another universe back then. I mean, to be fair, the phenomenon of Jordan was unprecedented, and I would have to think just getting through the day was enough of a job that just focusing on basketball, his literal job, might be all he felt he could do. Nowadays, it's not unprecedented so you can't really look to the mid 90s through a 2020 lens. He's kind of right in saying that people are always going to want more though.
  18. I think Vader walled off Anakin by that point because he was consumed with hatred. If he looked for her than it would mean he still acknowledged Anakin. Same with Kenobi, who cut him down. I think he just took all that out hunting jedi. I would speculate whether he'd even recognize her in that state. Now - I understand the first Vader comic is outstanding and it may contain these answers. I would think he knew it was Ahsoka's saber. That's why all the games are popular as far back as KOTOR and Outcast because you break out of that mold. They should just give Filoni total creative control of the franchise tbh.
  19. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    lol, agree. The way Michael so casually went, "yeah I hate him but I respect his talent" makes me believe that if he said he would not play on a team if Isaiah was playing, he would own that. I'm watching now, as you might gather from my posting, but this is coming across. He'd say - yeah, I told them that motherfucker is out or I'm out. To him it was. I'm saying how essential would be he in 1992 since his own coach didn't push for him? Who also was the head coach of the dream team. On top of that, showing his issues with all the other players; it seems like he did it to himself. I'm certainly no Jordan in my profession. I'm not even Mullin. But there's people I won't work with. Not for any personal slights, but I don't like the way they work.
  20. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I liked the all star game footage with Kobe. Larry Bird rapping should never happen again. Though playing Special Ed over the segment was a big reach back. Good job on the production team. Jordan was as hot as a cabbage patch kid! hahahahaha I never was really shoe guy. I never owned Jordans or got into the 'you have to get this and that.' It was certainly interesting about the history of the shoe deal and it came down to his parents. I totally loved the Spike Lee commercials. How impactful to the game was Thomas at the time of the Dream Team anyway? I never thought that it was some big snub. How did they do defensive rotations back then? Because I fail to see why you'd put your top offensive player to guard the other team's. They don't do that now.
  21. Probably not for the last time, but I don't know why they don't show force users actually fighting with the force more. I'm not a Maul fan, but I can buy him just rolling through everyone. Though I don't know why he'd not just lightning the engine instead of force pull. I got a good laugh at - oh the shuttle! Oh, shit. With all the clones lined up. That was one bamf escape from the ship. Is there any significance to the planet they landed on? Was it Hoth?
  22. That would be awesome if they landed at Woodstock.
  23. That's because he makes everything about him.
  24. First episode of the series was about a plane being hijacked to fly into the World Trade Center, months before 9/11.
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