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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Sounds just like the stereotype for recruitment of talented athletes by big-name nonprofit colleges. Nonprofits have also been known to enroll unqualified students for other reasons, such as making a quota for minorities. The feds did some cleanup a while back; now it's the for-profit's turn.
  2. Considering that season 2 was double-length, with the two "halves" airing a year apart, by most standards we're coming to the end of 4 seasons of wheel-spinning. The lack of network promotion early on meant that this season was the last unless the producers stopped screwing around, and they should have known.
  3. The cancellation announcement would appear to explain the change in direction. With how old the characters have been looking lately, they should have been wrapping things up anyway.
  4. Which is ironic since the quality of education is often worse at a top school because priorities are elsewhere (but what accreditation team would dare say anything?).
  5. How did they get to producing this episode so fast? It used to take months after contacting the show for Nev & Max to be put on the case.
  6. This isn't a drama with a season-long story arc to wrap up, and big cliffhangers have gone out of style because everyone wants a season to be self-contained (a teaser for the next season can be clipped in syndication). You're right that a danger of cancellation can be a factor, but I can only recall seeing one series pull something like that recently and viewers weren't happy. Some would say that's the Book of Mormon.
  7. That reminds me, what happened to the guys calling them "Richard pics" so they wouldn't get censored?
  8. Or her brother, considering that she specifically wanted to schedule their wedding for when he'd be available to attend.
  9. According to the manual (downloadable from their web site), it can work for up to 15-30 minutes without power if it's fully charged, which takes 3-5 hours. To catch the shopping cart guy, you'd probably need to plug it into an accessory outlet that stays on with the ignition off, and maybe paint a bullseye on the front of your car for him, because it won't catch him if he comes at your car from the wrong direction.
  10. Assuming they had any. It's an attractive idea that they don't have to come up with anything, do what the client says, and if the judges complain, say "that's what she wanted". But, as was pointed out to one artist, it's still their responsibility to integrate the ideas into a good, coherent result.
  11. I presume they were just going for effect in what they said, and had had enough concerns about what they planned to do that they produced some alternate versions of scenes they could swap in at the last minute. It's still not something they'd do casually.
  12. I should hope so. If you take her at her word, Hillary had two terms as Co-President; she wasn't just First Lady. We were told eight years ago that were she to be elected, the Supreme Court would have to decide whether the 22nd Amendment applies.
  13. Before this episode aired, they ran a promo saying that based on viewer reaction to last week's episode, they re-shot this one to be "even better". I can't help but wonder what they did in the original version that was so hated by people speculating about what would happen that the producers would slam through a change.
  14. Beverly is the kind of person who will dismiss any evidence showing she may have been wrong about something/someone. She formed her opinion of him when he was young and it'll be almost impossible for him to change her mind (and she probably takes any attempts as an insult).
  15. He's the disappointing child. In a family where everyone has a PhD and is high-achieving, the kid who doesn't stop searching for Easter eggs until June isn't going to get any respect. I'm sure by that point, she'd already given up on him and that was a "just how dumb is he?" experiment.
  16. I don't really get that one. If the point of having the dog with him wasn't for it to get some exercise, he could have been carrying it right from the start, without the gadget from Amazon.
  17. Because they don't fiddle around with what already works. I don't know what Clorox was trying to do in changing up their bleach, but its no longer effective at bleaching anything; at least they're honest enough not to advertise it that way any more, but if you want a disinfectant, why wouldn't you just buy something specifically designed for that?
  18. Thanks for reminding me which episode this song was from; I recognized it as something I heard on BtVS, but didn't recall the context.
  19. That part of the captioning must have been based on the script. Using the script can greatly improve the captioning for a show, but when something changed during filming, it doesn't always get caught.
  20. She didn't, but not being invited meant that she didn't get the satisfaction of turning them down.
  21. I'm a little puzzled why they'd run an ad in Spanish where they've neglected to translate their catchphrases.
  22. She probably figured bringing them would make it less likely for Paris to change her mind, and didn't grasp that it would make it more likely for Paris' mother to say "hell no!".
  23. I loved the game too. That explanation actually doesn't fit someone with an eidetic memory, but that's consistent with the fact that eidetic memory is almost nonexistent in adults. I wonder if he's confronted the fact that he's losing one of the things that made him special; on some level he must have noticed.
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