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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Why is there no "u" in forty, but there is one in four and fourteen?
  2. Sam didn't remember his wife because he wasn't married when he left. That was a change to his personal history he made while meddling in the first season and didn't know about until he got back since Al and Donna agreed not to tell him. Still remembering the old timeline is common in time travel stories, but if he was going to automatically know about the change when he got back, he shouldn't have forgotten it. On a shallow note, Donna must have had plastic surgery in the mean time; she used to look like Teri Hatcher.
  3. It's not unreasonable to serve fish on a yacht, regardless of theme, but I think something like chicken-fried in a beer batter would fit a hoedown better than anything Asian. Ben's probably just extremely limited in what he knows how to cook, focused on some stereotype of what he thinks rich people would want to eat.
  4. Remember that feature about the $6M Man vs Bionic Bigfoot posted by Sarah Bunting a little over a week ago? The Cozi network has just started using a clip of that matchup to advertise their reruns of the show. I'd call it coincidence if the few seconds they picked (out of over seven minutes) wasn't centered around the still at the top of the feature.
  5. "And we'll be docking your first paycheck for the broken glass."
  6. But what matters on reality shows is results. Did they have to send the victim out for medical treatment? Is there obvious physical evidence like bandages or a black eye? Keep the violence low-key enough and the producers may have to decide if it's even worth putting on screen.
  7. Close enough to tell what casting was going for. Jenna probably fell short of what they'd hoped also, but it's even tougher to cast that stereotype these days.
  8. Charter does the same thing around here, as well as call and send printed advertising where they should know that it's going to areas where their services are not available. My theory is that they have an agreement with govt regulators that bases profits on costs, so they're padding their advertising expenses to make more money.
  9. This is the kind of show that wants physical altercations, but there's a line. Jenna hadn't crossed it. Ceejai did this week. If the producers could have been honest, they wouldn't have evicted Jenna this week either, but they couldn't, so they retroactively pulled out their "zero tolerance" BS and sent both packing. Next time maybe they can fill their "trashy black women" spot in the cast with someone who'll stop with acceptable violence, like hair-pulling.
  10. Viewers don't care how much time elapsed between episodes, so you could have slower weight loss and each "week" be a month. But, the producers won't do that because it's a lot more expensive to produce 13 episodes over the course of a year than to push for fast weight loss and be done in a few months.
  11. I don't see why Leonard couldn't have decided to start putting some money away after he found out Penny was doing the same. However he may rationalize it, how could he let himself feel less responsible than a person who treats a financial windfall as an opportunity to go shopping?
  12. Ceejai's comments afterward made her come off as totally delusional about how she's been acting all season, as if she thought the producers were only going to show her at her best. Has she never seen a reality show before?
  13. I think Beyonce already proved that false with a couple of her more popular music videos.
  14. This was a case of a show's creator trying to stretch a short story into as many seasons as the network was willing to pay for, putting off the ending as long as possible. At least Carter was prepared to give viewers some semblance of closure; some will do a cliffhanger in hopes of pressuring the network for renewal.
  15. In a professional setting like that, there would have been a stencil that he had a chance to see.
  16. It was pretty transparent that Ru just thought the contestant was disrespecting him and didn't want to risk sounding petty.
  17. Sounds like CC really needs the name of a good therapist; trying to work out his issues on screen isn't working.
  18. I'm sure Panera and their ad folks are gathering feedback through Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media sites they think are currently popular.
  19. I hate that the term "homophobic" is being used for Jenna as the term has baggage that doesn't really apply. The gut reaction she described is no different than what somebody at the opposite end of the Kinsey Scale might feel in thinking about straight sex. She hasn't expressed any hatred, but wouldn't appreciate gay PDA's in her presence, which I presume is why she mentioned it. You can't blame her for how she was born, but you can blame whatever producer thought this casting was a good idea.
  20. Which pretty much would have had to be next season if they didn't want a repeat of Happy Days, wherein they had to write out main characters because they looked way too old for high school (IIRC the balding Ron Howard was the first to go).
  21. How do you know he's a paying customer? That could be his girlfriend giving him some ink as a favor. And maybe for practice. That's a pretty cheesy work area.
  22. How about a compromise, like a dirt road leading to a state/national park instead of somebody's land. If they're going to get lost in a store, it's guaranteed that they're going to need somebody to save their butts in the woods.
  23. People get plenty of notice about the rules on speed and they don't change arbitrarily and retroactively, unlike what's PC (if you don't believe that happens, just ask a couple of guys named Sam and Bo who named a restaurant chain after themselves).
  24. Ceejai considered it racist when Jenna said that she goes by how people act. How people act is what shows the "content of their character", to use a phrase from a famous speech. Ceejai is even more racist than Jenna, always on the lookout to twist a harmless comment into proof that a white person is a racist; not everyone bothers to keep up with the rules on what you should or shouldn't say. Could Jenna do better? Yes, but, there's a difference between being an insensitive clod and being a racist.
  25. Or smell it. A more likely scenario would be to have used vegetable oil that included peanut oil.
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