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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Isn't being wasteful kind of the point when you want to show off your wealth? They want to say that they flew to the Mediterranean and chartered a yacht. The fact that what they did after that is the same as they could have done at countless places in the U.S. is beside the point.
  2. I think that was the point. The fact that it's a power of two suggests that some software guy needed to code a limit, and he arbitrarily picked one that he figured was bigger than anyone would need.
  3. That's the current scale; it's changed. The top used to be an "A", but I don't think the ratings went as far as "D"; people would just use that letter in jest.
  4. There was one episode where the villain was sympathetic enough for Columbo not to arrest her. By the end, he was convinced she didn't remember she did it, and she wasn't expected to live much longer, so he left her to watch her old movies.
  5. That's only what their opponents are trying to make you believe, although you can find candidates in any political party who say things to appeal to extremists. That's how Obama supporters in the media explained away some of the things he was saying eight years ago, only to find out later that he meant some of it (so you never know).. In most of the country, a basic driver's license is so easy to get, it's practically worthless as a measure of whether someone is fit to be on the road, so what's the point?
  6. I wish they would do more followup when they namedrop. Would it have killed the budget to see a school bus in the background when Lori was leaving?
  7. It wouldn't be the first time an adman didn't pay attention to the lyrics of a song, but most people have only heard the German version of that one, so the person making the decision may not have known, or didn't think viewers would.
  8. Running to the boss to tell your side of the story first while looking as professional as possible is a classic CYA move when you know you've screwed up. Trying to put it all on someone else is being a dick and it may not work if there's too much blame to shift or the boss is experienced enough. The captain said he hadn't seen anyone do what Ben did before.
  9. None of the suggested alternatives to "natives" is a correct synonym in that context.
  10. I'm sure there's some appeal to being able to do a quick, sloppy job and be able to say it's supposed to look like that.
  11. The point of the 2nd amendment is being able to defend yourself against all comers, including the government. Back during the Clinton administration, the feds demonstrated that even a big pile of guns like you describe in not enough, with their siege in Waco. Of course, most owners favor gun control; guns and ammo are expensive, so the more you can limit everyone else, the better (especially baddies like drug gangs, who can easily afford them).
  12. I suspect there are more out there than it seems to the average company trying to hire because deep-pocketed organizations are hogging the fresh supply to make a quota (e.g. government agencies and contractors). I know a woman said she had companies falling over each other to hire her when she got her engineering degree because "they needed more women" and graduating classes was where they were looking.
  13. Maybe they never see the TV ads. I know some folks who live where there's no line-of-sight for satellite and cable hasn't reached, and haven't been able to get a watchable broadcast signal since the stations switched to digital. Swiffer doesn't advertise on DVD's.
  14. Empire Strikes Back and Wrath of Khan suffer from their continued-in-next-movie story aspects. In the horror category, I'd suggest American Psycho 2.
  15. It's much more common for humans in third-world countries. Keeping kids from getting infected is one reason why towns want people to clean up after their dogs and not allow them to run loose, but it still happens.
  16. Municipal fire departments have no incentive to keep costs down, so the extra cost is more than the combined profit margins of the insurance company and private fire service.
  17. Not just weaker, but improperly trained, so it may react to things it shouldn't, or fail to act when it should.
  18. I've never used Enterprise, but companies around here seem to favor senior citizens over college students for similar driving jobs. No doubt it's an issue with insurance companies wanting more to cover young drivers.
  19. Which is why that's not how it generally works in places that take this approach. The fire fighters would be paid under the same insurance policy that will be covering the repairs to your house. It does make the insurance cost more, but not as much as you'd otherwise be paying a city for your share of running a municipal department. The big problem with Libertarians like Johnson is that they paint the same kind of sunshine and roses pictures as Socialists like Bernie, but are even less prepared to explain how things would actually work. I guess you could say why worry about the details when there's no chance of winning, but that undercuts the chances of winning, so it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  20. She said that she saw the tears but didn't notice that it was smiling. How could anyone not, unless they didn't think it mattered?
  21. Vanilla gold is a type of white gold. Is Jarod in the habit of cutting deals to customers? There could be some appeal to folks who want to look like they're wealthier than they really are. You'd think so, but there was a segment on The Internet Ruined My Life about someone who didn't understand what a crying smiley face meant.
  22. One theory publicized recently is that kids are being overly protected, preventing proper immune system development.
  23. A piece of jewelry is more than the sum of its bits. You can have a great piece made of inexpensive components, or a poor piece that isn't really worth what if cost to make. The suckers are just the ones willing to grossly overpay because somebody like Jared says "look, diamonds!".
  24. No problem. Just put a mini-fridge stocked with single-serve containers next to the couch. You can get one less than a foot square made for this purpose if you don't need the variety or snack space a dorm-size unit would provide.
  25. The message used to be that the only good diamond was colorless. Then somebody figured out how to make artificial ones better and cheaper. Now we're seeing them push various colors. But, really, no diamond has much intrinsic value these days, with the technology to easily go dig them up wherever they are in the world. It's like how silk used to be something expensive and exotic (coming from the "Orient"), and now you can get a cheap shirt from Marshalls made from it. Companies like Jared are just trying to fleece the suckers while they still can.
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