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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Unnecessary. Since Julie is the one who opens them, they could have rigged it so that how she opens one determines what everyone will see. It's a classic magician's trick so easy anyone can do it. The envelopes were sealed, so picking order didn't matter. They might as well have stacked them somewhere and told the HG's to go take one at their convenience. The search was a time-filler for the HG's and the episode. I agree that the first one in should have gotten a bonus; getting a second envelope that he could give away if he wanted could have been interesting.
  2. The importance of the words you omitted in your quote has been explained in the press.
  3. Melania said "...with a' little help as possible". That's a big difference in the context of a speech being given at a national convention by a featured speaker for whom English is not her first language. Realistically, she was just responsible for what she wanted to say - not how, and Sam should have known that.
  4. Sex isn't always involved in the type of scenario described, although Beverly make have experienced a similar form of pleasure in dominating her husband that way.
  5. No, he didn't. As close as he came was asking Chris Matthews "Are you going to say, put them in jail? Are you -- is that the (inaudible) you're talking about?" (quoting the MSNBC transcript), because CM was the one suggesting punishment. Trump repeatedly refused to say what penalty he thought may be appropriate, at one point saying "I'm not going to play that game."
  6. Are llamas the latest ad fad? There's another current ad, for a different company, where parents get one at the last minute for their daughter's party.
  7. What brand is that machine? If it's properly designed, all that should be winding up on the floor is soapy water (which may still be an argument for the feature if you do that a lot, depending on where your laundry area is).
  8. I think that should be "preferred" rather than "proper". The phrase "of my age" is akin to phrases like "of advanced years" or "of retirement age", so it's not incorrect, but unlike the others, there's a more concise alternative.
  9. What makes Sam think that Melania did anything more than read what some speechwriter gave her? Any plagiarism wasn't hers, although from what I've seen of coverage of the issue, what was stolen was such cliched boilerplate, it's likely that the First Lady's speechwriter was just as guilty as Melania's. Actually he doesn't. He's calling for a switch from legal unless the govt says otherwise to the reverse, so Congress would pass judgement on any new methods. And punishment for the woman was something pushed at him by the interviewer in his MSNBC Town Hall; he acknowledged the merits of the argument without really agreeing, and strongly objected to anything serious (he'd probably be up for a modest fine for the sake of support).
  10. That looked like standard wear for a pediatric nurse in a hospital. IMU it's designed to be cheap, comfortable, and easily washable after somebody throws up on you, making it the perfect thing to bring along for some of the BB challenges.
  11. So would the Village People act, but I would have tuned in for him a couple of more times. With Laurie, the first time was enough. They ought to create a "cute kid" category if there's really an audience for that. BTW, anybody know who's style of delivery she's trying to copy? It seems familiar, but it's not spot-on enough for a name to come to mind.
  12. That's effectively what Ben did, but the way he put it was that he didn't want to rest on his laurels. What laurels? Is rubbing elbows with princes (with an assist by family) a worthy achievement?
  13. No, she'll be the person who isn't complying with the terms of the contract she signed. Although the contract specifically prohibits contestants from engaging in non-consensual sexual contact, physical violence or intimidation, it also allows for contestants to gain an advantage by pushing the boundaries on such things to "mentally and emotionally challenge" other contestants. The contract explicitly leaves it entirely up to the Producers to decide when someone has crossed the line. Anyone coming back for a second season should know what they're signing up for.
  14. I think they care more about whether they were liked by viewers. And "had bad luck" in some cases is another way of saying they may have been a victim of producer manipulation, so they could be kissing up to fans of those contestants by having them back. Nicole, for example, played in the season where they were doing everything they could to hold onto Frankie until it was clear that a deal with his sister wasn't going to happen.
  15. Sounds like something written by a young person who's confused by which 8xx numbers are toll-free and which are offshore numbers and want to reassure viewers, not realizing how well-known 800 is to older people, or that the statement is pointless since a scammer could lie about that.
  16. It definitely tells you what direction somebody's attempt at word association went.
  17. Have you seen what the Democrats are offering as alternatives? It's like they're consigned to having the GOP get their turn in the White House and don't want to "waste" a good candidate. It's a shame Sam can't put aside her partisanship. I'm seeing "Hillary For Prison 2016" signs in pro-Dem neighborhoods of an extremely pro-Dem state, so there's room to take a few shots without bursting anyone's illusions.
  18. It's possible what seems to be the customer's phone is a display model in a store run by a manager who doesn't think it's worth putting tethers on merchandise costing hundreds of dollars. That would explain why the table is empty; people have walked off with everything else that had been displayed there.
  19. There are ads where you don't see a couple, but it's a woman who made the mistake. To use your example of Liberty Mutual, they had Ms. Just Tapped The Bumper, and are currently featuring the one asking if she's supposed to buy a car with three wheels. You shouldn't presume that a larger quantity is a better deal. Stores will sometimes set price traps for people who assume that, and sometimes they'll have to discount the smaller packages of something in order to move them (especially if it's something with an expiration date).
  20. How is that any better than the old system of automatically shutting off the motor and activating a brake if you open the lid? Not letting you open the lid sounds like something prone to malfunction and eventually lock you out of getting your clothes.
  21. My comment was intended to be in the context of the oft-heard complaint which was mentioned upthread, not involving secondary uses (which for any drug are usually covered by insurance once their value is established). Sorry for not being clearer.
  22. It's a treatment for a bodily function that isn't working right, so why not? That's as opposed to birth control, which is intended to screw up one that is working, so it's not inconsistent to cover one and not the other.
  23. Sam likened it to a carrot, but it was pretty obvious that the color balance of the camera was screwed up, so even there her insult fell short. She needs to stick to easier targets, like Hillary, whom she's somewhat neglected.
  24. It was hypocritical for Sam to complain about someone making a straw man argument when that describes her entire diatribe against Trump.
  25. Outside of saying any car will do if you're up against the least competent law enforcement since Dukes of Hazzard, I'm not sure I see a point to the ads.
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