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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. I was surprised how good Nicole looked in her costume. Whoever designed it has a sense of style. I noticed that the note said she was safe from everything; it didn't just say eviction. Is there going to be a special penalty for the first/worst loser of the POV comp? Is Zingbot going to be complimenting her? The code was only good for a limited time. I see no reason for the producers to re-enable it, and if they did, the HG's would have no reason to think it might be working again and try it.
  2. Derrick was pretty slick. Maybe Nicole never watched the season and only remembers it from a player POV. I'll bet a lot of voters just wanted to see her have to wear whatever stupid costume comes with it.
  3. I'd agree that the do she's trying for works much better for her than something easier to manage while stuck inside the house without proper hair-styling products or professional help. Especially when she's wearing her glasses. I suppose there's little point to obsessing when you've got cameras ready 24/7 to capture your bad hair days. And if you do fix things up nicely, it could get completely ruined in the next comp.
  4. I just tried googling more information about Jayme, and it turned up that she used to work as an escort. I could see where being an ex-hooker could put off a lot of guys, even though she was at the classy end of the profession. Being an exotic dancer doesn't help, as some hookers use strip clubs to find clients, so guys might wonder just how "ex-" she is.
  5. But, Michelle has no reason to be so certain that either Zingbot will come at it's usual time or that she'll still be around a week later if it's "late". For all she would know, it could have a replacement this season. It may be that Zingbot is already in the house somewhere and the production crew was careless enough for the HG's to know. Is she going for cute? Disheveled hair is used by TV producers to mean "just had sex". At least Zingbot's writers will have an easy job when they get to her.
  6. They run each new episode so many times, even just within the first week, I don't see when it started as meaning anything. Starting with a two episode block was an attempt to make it "special" to bring in more viewers, but they should have focused on better advertising. It seemed like they were pushing the new season hard early on, then forgot about it, as did I until I saw it on the night's program listing.
  7. Maybe now. I suspect he started out as a schlub with no game, and somewhere over the course of the 400+ women, he figured out what worked. Although, we've seen enough past episodes where women would ignore huge red flags that it probably took no effort at all for him to be getting nude pix right from the beginning. I wonder if he got any tips from the show; the producers have had a habit of showing sample messages from catfish.
  8. I noticed Michelle's comment about seeing Zingbot. Isn't it supposed to be a surprise when it shows up?
  9. I think the only moment of honesty we saw from Zac was when he told the women he'd miss them. While he was a real dirtbag to conduct his "experiment" to see how far the women would go in chasing after a hot guy, I think chatting with them filled a real need since he didn't have anyone IRL. As Catfish victims go, these shallow idiots don't register very high on my sympathy meter.
  10. I liked the intercutting between the DR and fake crying.
  11. He also says that rates went through the roof, which means that the other company was very much rewarding him for having a perfect record. Isn't that an argument for not using LM if you're a good driver? Around here, only carbonated beverages have a deposit, but the state is talking about changing that. From what I've seen they ought to be mandating recycling bins outside stores that sell lottery tickets. Their curbs and parking lots are littered with them.
  12. What stood out for me was that when Julie confronted Aaryn with the three quotes, you could hear hatred for gays in Julie's voice, whereas Aaryn had only had a dismissive attitude. Being married to the boss gives you some leeway.
  13. Older folks are less likely to be able to leave their regular life for that many weeks. A thinker is going to anticipate all of the ways they could look bad on national TV and not want to take the risk. To an extent, the cast reflects the pool they're drawing from. Other factors like the gimmick of the season and the need for racial diversity have priority. I agree they could do better; it wasn't a good message to stack the comps against Glenn.
  14. I don't think he was asking them to do that. I think he was suggesting they'd be willing to use their bodies to get what they want, like those women, but his 9-to-1 speech made it clear that he wasn't willing to be swayed by anything (it had nothing to do with explaining his choices for the block).
  15. Sprint is running ads where the "can you hear me now?" guy is bragging that the company's reliability is within 1% of the competition. Why are they doing this? That may have been fine a decade ago, but with smartphones it's like if the U.S. Postal Service had ads wanting you to switch because they were "only" losing 1% of the mail (the USPS is actually at least a couple of orders of magnitude better than that and still have a bad rep).
  16. If they do a short comp, Julie might get stuck trying to fill several minutes of live show if the comp ends much quicker than expected.
  17. I thought the same, but the Chenbot could still screw it up and the producers would have little recourse since evictions are live.
  18. I don't see a problem as long as you keep the right to have your own professional assess the condition. They just don't want people to let the place fall apart and stick them with a house that's only worth a fraction of what it used to be, because, human nature being what it is, that's what a lot of people would be inclined to do.
  19. Only because the attempts to fake out the competitors are so lame. I'm surprised it worked on one of them (unless he was throwing the comp - I wasn't watching closely). I'd like to see Nicole last long enough for Zingbot. She was temporarily out of the house for that episode of her original season.
  20. The song is about thinking you're all that. I haven't seen the ad, but I can't imagine anybody doing so because they're wearing clothes from JC Penney. Isn't promoting individualism counterproductive to anti-bullying? Bullies attack people using being different as an excuse. The company's idea is that it's better to cheat with a stranger than a friend, and a sizeable number do so with their spouse's approval, so it's like any other business with clientele split across moral lines.
  21. States that are allowed to split their votes don't actually do it. Otherwise, Ross Perot wouldn't have chalked up a zero. I think the theory is that if a state splits its vote, you're going to have a solid voter base on each side, leaving fewer electoral votes in contention and less important politically.
  22. Wouldn't stepping back give him more time to be shooting ads? He's still going to be chairman, so if he wants to continue being in them, nobody at the company can say no.
  23. Recording companies charge a lot more for the rights to use good music.
  24. You can get that meal for even less with a coupon. The whopper has shrunk so much that about the only thing it has going for it now is the tomato. McDonalds doesn't put tomato on their burgers unless they're doing one of their limited-time offers.
  25. She choked. While practicing, she should have been trying to convince herself that winning the comp didn't matter, so that she wouldn't be all "OMG, this one's for real". This is CBS. I've seen their commentators yammer about nothing seemingly forever so that the network can drop a show completely and have everything else be roughly on a normal schedule, albeit not in the correct time slots.
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