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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. You've got to put things in perspective. Here's a schlubby guy who's getting no attention from women, but has probably been hearing all his life the claim that women don't care about looks and men shouldn't either. Deciding that's BS, he puts it to the test by creating a profile with somebody else's picture, only to have women throwing themselves at the "hot guy". He rolls with it, seeing just how far they'll go, probably getting a bit PO'd along the way. Eventually getting bored (and having gathered enough stroke material to last a lifetime). he tries to put a respectable face on what he's been doing and contacts the show with a vague plan to reveal his "experiment".
  2. I'd suggest they pull up clips of the younger contestants on The Voice for comparison, but if they're that impressed with Grace, I'm not sure they could take it. In fairness, none have been quite her age, but the gulf in talent is too enormous to believe she's going to be crossing it that quickly, much less coming near a Taylor Swift (or any other recognizable name).
  3. Depends on where in the city you are. In the "owner-occupied" sections, people care how their property looks and don't dump on their neighbors. The worst is the government-owned housing because tenants know that workers will eventually come along and clean things up again.
  4. Running a clean contest doesn't mean that they can't bend what happens completely out of shape when they present it to viewers (except for who wins). She was one of the HG's who said they were throwing it. I noticed that Natalie's DR's are sounding just like Nicole's and Meech is on the same path. Who's coaching them to be like that and why? Elementary school for what they're called. Middle school for the details.
  5. I know of a local bus stop with an ongoing litter problem even though you never see very many people waiting at a time. A big barrel for trash was chained to the signpost. It didn't help significantly.
  6. A magic act that involves a "peril" works a lot better if it doesn't end up looking like the performer could have just stood there in perfect safety. That was a pretty big space on the left at the end. You can do a lot to make an established song completely fresh. Remember Melanie Martinez on The Voice?
  7. Reminds me of the episode of Insomniac where they visited a sewage plant and pointed out all the "rainbow trout", what the workers called the condoms people had flushed.
  8. Actually, it's because you were considered more at fault, and there are standards of fault that rank potential aspects of the accident to help determine who that probably is, but the system doesn't always work. For example, if you hit the rear of another vehicle it's usually presumed that the accident is your fault, but if that happened right after the other driver changed lanes very close to you then braked, the blame shifts. Can you prove it though?
  9. They ran a comp earlier involving everyone tearing the place apart, so why should she think anyone would care?
  10. It could have been part of getting Mr. Pecs in the booth. If everyone struck out, they would have just given the HG's more turns, perhaps standing closer, until they got some footage of a dunking. I suspect that's what actually happened. Otherwise, it's likely he would have gone into the water sooner and we would have seen him sitting there wet through more throws. They juggled the order of the HG's and their throws to end on a high note.
  11. True, but sometimes the only way to hide a bad or embarrassing tattoo is to drown it in lots more ink.
  12. I wasn't looking for what they had done, but I noticed Natalie's shorts suddenly change color and go back again in one scene, a blazing giveaway that somebody had edited the clip. I figured the opposite; they got him cheap because his fan base was falling off and he (or his agent) was looking for exposure. I got a chuckle out of Nicole wishing she was sober when they started the games. I suspect the HG's were plied with alcohol to keep the number of dunkings down. In a random moment of boredom, I noticed that Paul's chest tat screamed "coverup". Anybody know what he used to have? I don't get the feeds or BBAD, so if he's mentioned it I haven't seen it.
  13. The producers knew which envelope had the RT ticket because they're the ones who put it there before Paul picked it up. So, they knew what order to have the HGs open them for a "dramatic effect" that was actually rather predictable (and boring) if you realized what was going on. Even though the producers have to be fair to the contestants, they have a lot of freedom to screw with the viewers for entertainment purposes.
  14. You need to pay attention to which store's bag it is. Some stores use bags with deliberate gaps in the seams (not sure why they're made that way). Others just use cheap thin ones that rip easily. Good bags can be reused quite a few times before being consigned to a final end.
  15. Apparently, at least one of them has a fan base after a Hunger Games appearance. They're old enough to have attended some 70's-themed events, back when somebody tried to revive that stuff. I don't recall the peak, but google tells me members of the Village People were being thrown into TV episodes and movies through most of the 90's and early 00's.
  16. Do you really want to paint a bathroom with something that will kill the weaker germs and make room for the stronger ones to thrive? A living room doesn't have the same favorable climate for bacterial growth.
  17. Whatever they might call it, it fits the definition under the law as to what needs to follow those rules and I've never seen anyone dispute the claim that they have a compliance company watching over production. I don't think there's much case law here, so it wouldn't be a shock if they're pushing the boundaries, but they need to be able to claim a good-faith effort at running an honest contest.
  18. That would cross the line legally. Comps (including getting an envelope from a secret room) don't have to be "fair" and give everyone an equal chance, but the producers can't rig things to the point of certainty by hand-picking a winner like that.
  19. In that case, wouldn't an account she creates with that name be "owned" by her cat, either centered around it or used by an assistant for publicity purposes? She'd also get the spelling right; it looks like I misspelled what Harriet had, but it still wasn't "Kitty Purry". That was just the one app he was showing the guys. He mentioned that he sent a lot more through other means. Whatever happened to Nev & Max getting in touch with the real person to record a message saying that it wasn't them? Seems like MTV could have arranged some sort of connection. Did Katy refuse to be associated with this show? Were the producers afraid Spencer would spoil their free trip to England by refusing to go if he saw one? (they may have underestimated his insanity)
  20. I don't think it's a coincidence that the HG that found the secret room first had the RT ticket. All they had to do was have one in all of the envelopes initially, then swap out the remaining envelopes for one-ways after he left. That created the "it could be anyone" illusion while actually rewarding the right HG. So, they could have started planning another way for somebody to come back as soon as it became unlikely Paul would be voted out by now, and it became certain when the PoV wasn't used this week. I expect a comp that will favor the women in the Jury House.
  21. How do you look at a net handle like "kitty purree" and think it's anything other than a cat-lady who's heard of Katy Perry? Most people in the U.S. don't have passports. Did the show gloss over Spencer getting one, or did he apply for one to chase Katy down in Canada, but it didn't come quickly enough?
  22. Why would he think Nicole might win? And how would that make his chances of staying worse?
  23. I'd never consider one of those lightweight hoses because the rough surfaces I have all around my outdoor faucet are likely to wear holes in it in no time.
  24. There are restrictions on what personal-care items the HG's can bring into the house. Some items are forbidden completely. The show provides items considered a necessity, with no say by the HG's in brand, etc. Can't have anyone undermining product placement or ads.
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