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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. I presumed that was intentional and they were supposed to be in some sort of wedding chapel.
  2. Who cares if it's approved as long as patients can sign off on the fact that it hasn't? But I'm sure the FDA isn't allowing that; remember when they wouldn't let terminal cancer patients have an effective painkiller because it was addictive? Public opinion was so hostile when that came out in the media, they were forced to relent.
  3. Most people don't want five gallons of the stuff.
  4. Is that who they're taking a swipe at? There are so many chicken-only places around, I wasn't sure.
  5. Pablo was included in the review of when everyone left the house. I presume they were instructed as to when they could remove them when they were put in costume. The producers only needed the ears to be worn long enough for next time's recap footage.
  6. The house could just have a low price because it's in poor condition and out in the middle of nowhere, where you wouldn't have any modern tech like cell phone service. There are gadgets that can let you use your cell phone to make/answer calls through your landline, but I don't know how Matt can connect to his surveillance cameras. That jump in price he made was a "f##k you" bid, so he shouldn't have been surprised if the "hillbillies" are pissed. It's a dumb way to start out in your new surroundings, but everybody's already being dumb when the plot suits it, just like past seasons.
  7. Have you tried rubber coated work gloves? They're cloth gloves with a latex coating on the palm side and are relatively inexpensive; the local Harbor Freight sells them for $1.49 with their general discount coupon, and it looks like Walmart offers something similar for two bucks.
  8. Maybe he's saying that the black isn't as uniform as it should be. That's not something viewers are likely to be able to see now that TV is digital. IMU from watching tattoo shows that tribal is considered way out of style, although I'm not sure why anyone would hold that against someone who got it that long ago; maybe a prejudice against someone pulled in by fads?
  9. OTOH, you've also got the lies coming from the MSM on the other side, so it's a battle for which side can convince more voters. It's pretty clear which side Sam is on. She's not doing herself any favors for being so hypocritical (e.g. complaining about Trump calling people names, only to do the same to Trump). Can somebody please explain to Sam and her writers the value of semicolons and periods. It's like they were all sleeping in class when the subject of run-on sentences came up, and it's really annoying.
  10. Looks like she's going for Wednesday Addams.
  11. Around here it depends on the area. Older areas, yes, newer no. I don't know why they've gone out of style. Could be to save construction costs. Could be for security.
  12. That's customarily called "flying under the radar". It's not as easy as it looks since others can catch on to what you're doing and get paranoid about what skills you might be hiding; nor do you want to get to the finale with everyone still thinking you don't have any.
  13. Not quite. There's usually a deductible amount that's subtracted from the value of the car if it was your fault. You can make that amount go away by paying a higher premium, but unless you're in the habit of totaling a car every year, you're better off putting that difference in the bank.
  14. It might have been the editing, but it's also possible what we saw was a re-enactment; the clock indicated that it took more time than it seemed. Corey probably won because the producers were lazy and he recognized the puzzles. I know I've seen the one with the floating key before, although I don't recall where, as well as a simpler variation of the first room.
  15. The fact that she seemed to be caught without an answer as to how that happened would suggest yes. Am I the only one who thinks "Sierra Storm" sounds like a stripper name? Where has Lauren worked before that she thinks Lee is being demanding by expecting people to do their jobs and not embarrass themselves or their employer?
  16. Victor was sold as being a big target by others. Getting everybody to ignore you and aim at somebody else is an important skill. I get the impression that that's what Nicole has been doing, as opposed to James, who seems to be in the "done nothing" category.
  17. Meanwhile, others have worked smarter and haven't been evicted in the first place, so I don't see why that should be a point in his favor. He wouldn't be in the house if the producers hadn't done so many season-stretching "twists".
  18. Money doesn't have to change hands for it to be illegal, as long as it's clear that was the intent. Catfish need to watch it with the sob stories because painting a picture of someone to whom others might offer financial assistance could be seen as intent, even if they aren't explicitly asking for money.
  19. That's the kind of thing you can do if you or your companion is an A-List celeb. Does Nev qualify by MTV standards?
  20. I think they just couldn't get sponsors to pay Fall ad rates for the show, and this was Plan B.
  21. Reality TV is full of folks who don't understand when to use "me", "myself" and "I", usually defaulting to "I" and forgetting that "myself" even exists. I don't mind the occasional "your boy" if someone wants to hide his ignorance; hearing the wrong pronoun can grate even more.
  22. I'm not sure what you mean by "natural", but what we've been seeing on AGT are hacks that don't sound like what an opera singer should sound like. Yet, I'm sure it's what most of the other 99% of the audience think they should sound like because they're trusting the judges who are equally clueless but pretend otherwise. The Voice usually has at least one halfway decent opera singer each season, but I wish they'd be more creative in deciding what to sing.
  23. One might if we were looking at a good singer, rather than just one good for her age, and we really just have the judges word that we shouldn't expect more from someone that age. Neither could the person doing the closed-captioning. I think she was overwhelmed by the situation she was in. I suspect the trick was designed to go multiple ways, depending on what happened at the board, and he initially fumbled what the judges should have been looking for.
  24. Apparently somebody thought there was enough of a following to release a new animated movie early last year.
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