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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Guiness puts the oldest confirmed natural conception at 66. Apparently 50's isn't that unusual anymore with medical assistance (over 100/year just in the U.S.).
  2. It's the standard excuse for why you can't just try again if you screw up. The rule in Doctor Who has been that there can't be two of you at the same time. This sounds a bit like the 'evil leaper' arc in Quantum Leap with the history prof standing in for Al's fancy iPad, except that QL never addressed that Sam could have been the evil one from a different POV.
  3. A lot of folks would have taken that as an insult to their favorite. As it is they're going "how could he not think of ...".
  4. If you google information from 1997, you can find a CNN article that puts her weight gain at 60 pounds and a video of her working out bearing out something in that area. The target was to get her back down to 130, which would be a 12 pound gain, so 15 would have been near the end of getting back in shape.
  5. Seth needs to pay more attention. Johnson was asked for a living foreign leader he looked up to, not just any. Not a lot of good choices right now and Trump was heavily criticized for his pick, so it's easy to see why he'd want to dodge the question.
  6. Or, they could be seeing it more as Clinton losing, because she clearly showed up not expecting a real debate, but only what passes for one most years. As Sam noted, Clinton did score some hits eventually, but first impressions are important.
  7. It was nice to see Sam rein it in. She even tossed a few light jabs in Hillary's direction. Was the bit of racism she showed in talking about the "Miss Piggy" incident hers or a writer's, because it wasn't Trump's. For a NY'er like Trump to look at a Miss Universe that gained a lot of weight and think "housekeeper" it's him thinking of a weight/job stereotype that's universally been personified by white characters; for Sam to hear "housekeeper" and think "latina" it's a Southwest job/race stereotype. BTW, it's just as objectionable for a beauty queen to put on that much weight as for a jockey; there are solid job expectations she was endangering as an employee, so Trump's only real offense there was the name-calling. Sam didn't seem to understand that.
  8. As far as the food is concerned, yes, but you don't have the kind of elegant surroundings that you can take in while waiting for the next course. How long can you savor a sorbet before you're wondering why the next course isn't arriving?
  9. It didn't have to. This wasn't some sort of pretentious restaurant giving the guests a dining "experience". They just wanted a variety, and weren't dictating the menu, so if Ben had better planning and time-management skills, it could have been done in half the time.
  10. Technically, Leonard already had been; he was supposed to be figuring out how to shoot down missiles with lasers. Without anything to show for it, the military was presumably taking his work about as seriously as Sheldon did. That just changed.
  11. Remember back in the third season when Raj brought in his lawyer cousin to negotiate for jet skis and Howard said to "prepare for shock and awe" if he too were to bring in cousins who were lawyers? The writers of this episode clearly didn't. This episode wasn't bad for something that set up so many story arcs at once; they probably shouldn't have done that. I really liked the retinal-scanner bits.
  12. Probably an employee screw-up. They advertise a satisfaction guarantee, but I've never had an issue worth trying to take them up on it.
  13. But, they could equally have had the Village People pop up with the disco ball they got from Letgo and say the same thing, so why her?
  14. She would have been more recognizable if the camera were behind her. I don't know why she's in the ad either.
  15. The only reason it's harder is because she chose to forego learning any job skills in favor of sponging off others.
  16. But this property was offered as-is by the bank, so the banker was right that it was up to the buyers to investigate and assume the worst. And it shouldn't have been unexpected that a property that size would have a range of numbers for its address, so they should have tried them all. There are some conventions for what number to use for what purpose in that case, so the banker may not have been trying to hide anything. Unless I've missed something, we're only seeing the actual people from the waist or chest up, so they didn't necessarily escape unscathed. Also, I recall a show where you saw the real person telling the story turn out to be a ghost at the end. BTW, I noticed that Matt suggested selling the property to the "mountain men", rather than "hillbillies". Nothing like thinking somebody might kill you to spark some respect for them.
  17. There's a political joke that attempts to make light of Hillary's scandals, but fails because the list goes on too long, without even getting into the ones from back when she was co-President, so saying she just has a molehill or a cookie's worth isn't really true. Let's not forget that she went to Yale Law to learn how to skirt the rules and cover her tracks, while Trump is a businessman big on delegating everything to staff (who apparently haven't been doing a very good job), so her mountain is covered in clouds that keep you from seeing just how big it is.
  18. Close. His dream guest would sleep until past noon and be happy with two meals a day.
  19. No, it just means they're not willing to vouch for them, probably because the company is outsourcing. Hoses that the manufacturer knows are unsafe will be marked as such.
  20. Yes, that there was more going on with Nicole than the producers were showing us. I couldn't believe that James thought he had successfully made a deal with Nicole. He must have zero ability to read people. I don't know if it changed any votes, but you could see in the faces of female jury members how poorly Paul's unapologetic answer went over.
  21. Using his own photo risked having people he knew recognize him and find out he was gay before he was ready to tell them. After Nev showed how to do a burpee, I hope he followed up by showing the way to the nearest sink. Restaurant floors aren't that clean.
  22. Kate would be right if Ben were the professional he pretends to be.
  23. They were able to pull it off pretty well the first time, with each friend putting his own spin on the task. There was too much negativity in the episode putting a damper on the humor. This isn't the first time they've made that mistake.
  24. Why do they keep showing MW in need of a shave? They did that to Don Johnson to make him look tough enough for Miami Vice, but this show is supposed to be about a jury consultant.
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