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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. The producers have been maintaining a one year per season relationship. You can tell by landmarks like holidays and other events (e.g. Leonard giving a high school commencement address). Unlike when they sent the guys to the Arctic or Leonard to sea, this season picked up where the last ended, so they needed a time jump or two to get back on track.
  2. There was a rebooted Outer Limits episode that had a time traveler who remembered all of the versions of history and it was getting stressful on her. The new Frequency series has adopted the same premise with its way of altering the past, but it's too soon to tell how that's going to affect the main character. I liked that the soldiers were able to spot that Rufus' uniform was a fake and accused him of dressing up to pick up girls. The show was able to inject some levity and save a few bucks on costuming.
  3. I presume Verne was referring to distance traveled while under the sea rather than how far down. 20,000 of any meaningful distance would be unreasonably deep for the 1800's, no matter how ahead of his time Nemo may have been.
  4. Probably not. Fire has a "cleansing of evil" symbolism that lets you destroy something like a vampire or witch when shooting them doesn't work. There have been a few exceptions where the writer has invented special ammo for a story (e.g. bullets carved with an ancient symbol). If they had the money to buy the house before Matt butted in, and they're not picky about living conditions, why didn't they just buy a place to stay somewhere else out of reach of the ghosts and warn people off the house? No more dragging victims to their deaths, and eventually the ghosts can't make their annual sacrifice and they're history. BTW, shouldn't a "sacrifice" involve sacrificing one of your own like the Aztecs and Incas did? Why would an ancient god be satisfied with grabbing and killing some unlucky stranger?
  5. I wouldn't mind hearing why she was being so persistent in going after the family. The annual need to kill someone was taken care of. She doesn't like trespassers, but Matt and Shelby were willing to go once they had Flora back. There was no revenge motive like with the colonists. Is she just cranky stuck there all those years with people she doesn't like? (she should probably have thought that through better)
  6. The fact that it was not his usual bed may have been a contributing factor. This is the guy who wasn't comfortable in his spot on the couch after the cushion was turned over.
  7. OK. Perhaps I picked a bad off-the-cuff example, but there are solid studies that prove election fraud, it's only the extent at issue. BTW, Snopes is not as credible as commonly believed, especially when it comes to anything political.
  8. Or, from another POV, whatever you do (or don't do) determines which reality you're stuck with unless/until you can do something that'll get you back to where you want to be. That was illustrated in Back to the Future II wherein Doc and Marty couldn't get to their original future to fix Marty's carelessness; they had to go back to before the realities split and push things back onto their original track. The heroes of this show weren't as successful, so they're in a different reality that's closer to the original than the one Flynn wanted, but not where they started.
  9. Both sides do whatever they can. Remember the pro-Obama district four years ago that had a voter-turnout of over 100% (more votes than registered voters)? Nobody cared because everyone knows that kind of stuff is going on. It's a little foolish for Sam to suggest that it doesn't, or that a few votes won't matter (just ask Al Gore).
  10. I don't know about Shelby, but maybe Matt really did remember the ghost sex and when he was caught in the act wasn't the first time, so he may not have taken the threat of death seriously before now, or figured that wasn't a bad way to spend eternity.
  11. That's the explanation they've been using in Doctor Who.
  12. Not if you're going by electoral votes. The idea of an anti-rigging "watch" was silly. Everybody knows the repeat-voters are driven around to different polling places in vans. :-)
  13. If Flynn wanted to change history, shouldn't he have started as far back as he needed, then worked his way forward? It makes no sense to go to 1939 first, then 1865, since the 1865 visit could completely wipe out what happened in 1939. This isn't Time Tunnel or Quantum Leap, where the destinations are random; Flynn supposedly has a plan.
  14. And not so much the money since they could have gotten all the cash they needed to leave with a quick home equity loan, no questions asked. Once they're out of danger they could worry about salvaging their life savings. I can't hear "Croatoan" without thinking of William Shatner. Did they have to use the same word as Haven?
  15. I liked seeing "Poppy", but this episode was otherwise an uninspired anti-Trump propaganda piece. Major fail compared to last week or the late-night shows.
  16. That implies the guy's getting laid; whole different story than one suggesting he can't get it up.
  17. But, the chances of someone doing something significant isn't the same for everyone. At the time, Joe Average wasn't taking intercontinental trips, so the odds would be much, much greater for that group of 34.
  18. That might be true of the other guys, but an altered mental state might have been just what Sheldon needed.
  19. I think it's simpler than that; the actor didn't want that association.
  20. Any argument for not having to worry about those 34 people is an argument for not having to worry about what Flynn is doing. Although the stolen machine is valuable enough to want to get back, you could still have a series.
  21. No, they can spend the remaining episodes trying to smooth out all the ripples they made. I didn't hear them rule out making another trip further back in time to do something that would preempt their "later" failure.
  22. They may have been scanned when they were first hired, in case any of them ever needed to visit a secure facility. That would be at least 11 years ago for all of them as that's when Leonard moved into the apartment. With the possible exception of Leonard's CERN visit, they probably haven't given it a thought since.
  23. I was expecting more of a reaction from Leonard at the mention of SDI, considering that he was supposed to be working on that a few years ago. How do you put a timeline on something you can't do? Doesn't CalTech have any mathematicians, engineers, or physicists Sheldon could have talked to for inspiration? What about Barry? The guys would have to be careful because the project is top secret, but worst case, they'd have to bring another person on board. I don't know how DOD contracts work; will the guys get more money, or are they stuck with some lump sum already established?
  24. To be fair, would she have been qualified? The typical Colonial woman couldn't even sign her name because, other than WRT the Bible, only men were educated back then.
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