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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Is that his accent? I noticed him closing in Spanish, but paid more attention to the VO guy. There's nothing special about playing college football while still in high school. You can be enrolled in both schools at the same time.
  2. Sounds like you're suggesting that the writers should have limited their name-dropping to good Bond films, which is a fair point. Why remind viewers of rubbish just for the sake of an easier word play?
  3. It probably had something to do with a general policy on holding down expenses. Real maple syrup generally costs a lot more than the fake stuff (even a name brand).
  4. The problem with that is that Fleming didn't write Skyfall; except for Casino Royale, which had been taken by Woody Allen, the movie franchise used up the last of his Bond titles back when Dalton was playing the character. He didn't write anything called Never Say Never Again either; that film was a remake of Thunderball.
  5. No. That was the opinion of analysts with solid arguments to back them up.
  6. Never believe a scientific poll. Polling companies are very good at providing the requested results, which are then used to push the desired message. They could have probably done one that said Kaine won the VP debate, if the late-night comedians hadn't jumped right in and torn him apart. If you watched the analyses, Clinton was given credit for recovering well enough not to be totally crushed (which the more biased commentators called a "win"), but that's about it.
  7. Clinton lost the first one. She clearly showed up not expecting an actual debate, but only what passes for one most years.
  8. Cost hasn't stopped kids from following the fads and getting the "right" expensive sneakers or clothing, but I don't see anything about cigarettes that would pull anyone from the vape shops.
  9. Sounds like The Spaghetti Catalyst from the third season. Did the story involve spaghetti with hot dogs?
  10. One of the two parties used to be the Whigs; the Republicans took their place with an anti-slavery message. Ross Perot talked about the financial state of the country and got 19% of the popular vote, despite the fact that he spent the last few weeks of the campaign telling people not to vote for him. The third parties really had no chance against Obama, but really blew it this year not capitalizing on the poor offerings of the major parties.
  11. For everyone back at the base, history has always been that way, so there are no changes for them to analyze. The team should start taking some sort of device with them containing as much historical data as possible so that the next reality they come back to will have a shot at doing something like that. It would have to be self-contained in case the next reality has a different technology.
  12. True, but the nurses seemed to think it was fun, so why would they want to stop? The Butcher seems like a real buzzkill to be around.
  13. No. The recount continued anyway and Gore lost by an even wider margin than before. To win, he needed the fraudulent ballots that had been inadvertently spoiled. He did the same thing when he was asked to pledge his support for whomever became the Party's nominee. He did so only after the field had thinned and he was happy with who remained. Of course it is; it always is. The claim is just that it's not "significant". Trump is not discounting the possibility that it may be and there's no reason he should. By "a woman finally running" I presume you mean other than the multitude of third-party candidates over the years like Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate this year and four years ago, as well as Hillary herself, who was elected in 1992 along with her husband on what she called the "Two For One" ticket. She didn't have the credentials at the time for a solo run, so had to settle for co-President, and as has been pointed out many times, that's exactly how she acted, rather than as a First Lady. Eight years ago somebody (probably in the Obama camp) suggested that the Supreme Court will have to pass judgment as to whether that time in the White House disqualifies her from getting any more terms. That could be Kaine's chance for a palace coup.
  14. An obvious joke, but why is this even an issue? We've just been seeing Clinton with Al Gore, the guy that went to the Supreme Court in 2000 to get the vote-counting rules changed in Florida rather that accept his loss, and only reluctantly conceded after he was turned down. Trump can't know what will happen and doesn't want to make an empty promise. Does anyone seriously think Clinton will stick to her pledge no matter what? Trump is just being honest, as he attacks her ethics, and she's proving his point as she tries to attack him for it.
  15. Generally, you wouldn't, any more than you'd expect to tune into Stargate: SG-1 and see one of the other SG teams, but from a story POV it makes sense for there to be a Team 2, even if you don't usually see them, and the potential for a related story. What if the show needed to write out Lucy for a couple of episodes? They could do a story where Lucy is gone because history got changed on a trip by the other team, and Wyatt and Rufus have to fix things.
  16. Overall, but the sexy moves she was trying to do as she moved through the theater were awkwardly timed. I blame the director because there are similar issues sprinkled throughout (at least the first hour before I tuned out) and I don't think there's anyone else to blame for how badly Frank's entrance was fumbled.
  17. The producer bought the place from them for half-price, so they've lost quite a bit of money, but they're not broke any more.
  18. That still leaves room for a relief team to chase after Flynn whenever the primary team needs a break.
  19. But who's to say they can't have a different team use that same eye once in a while?
  20. If you're referring to The Dumpling Paradox from the first-season, I just saw that; Leonard described Sheldon's brush as "the red one in the plexiglass case under the UV light".
  21. Is it? Since they were committing multiple murders, they may go for the plural with Shelby or Sidney, before starting over with Matt. Or they could try for a phrase like "murder house".
  22. Since nobody at the base remembers the old timelines, would they know the team isn't getting the job done?
  23. It's hard to miss a new episode of the show when they run it four times just in the first night.
  24. People actually have been known to have allergic reactions to their doctor because the doctor is carrying something to which they are sensitive, like pet dander.
  25. It's possible that Guinness was on the outs with the rest of the staff (e.g. being harassed over his relationship with Mott) and not saying anything was his revenge.
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