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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. You can't know that because nobody does. Absentee ballots, which usually skew heavily to the Right, don't get counted when they don't have to be to know the outcome for a state. Clinton's marginal "win" of the popular vote would very likely turn out to be a small loss if someone were to count those remaining votes. Congress works the way it was deliberately designed for good reason.
  2. Being highly skilled just means that Rufus may be able to get everyone home if something goes wrong, like taking a bullet to the control panel. Ordinarily, the time machine should be easy to operate, and Wyatt and Lucy should have learned how, in case something were to happen to Rufus. Especially if they're going to keep going dangerous places like Nazi Germany and the Alamo.
  3. Maybe they bothered to glance at his financial disclosure and see how little that meant in the sea of investments he makes. Obama pal and legendary investor, Warren Buffett, has had his share of failures too. This is also why any complaints by Clinton or her supporters about what may have gone on in one of his businesses was meaningless; there's little chance he knew what was going on, especially if it was something that could soil the Trump name, which he cares very much about.
  4. Shouldn't Wyatt and Lucy know by now? There have been companions on Doctor Who who've been able to figure out the basics of flying the TARDIS, even though its controls are about as quirky as you can get, without anyone explaining, and that's what Rufus should have been doing on their trips. Maybe somebody's afraid that if Rufus stays home, the team that goes will screw up and wipe him out of existence.
  5. Only if the Democrats continued to ignore the citizens they have been not only ignoring, but sometimes disparaging, because they don't think they need them to win; like the ones Clinton insulted. Elected officials are supposed to care about everyone they represent, no matter how "deplorable".
  6. One that doesn't want the heavily-populated areas getting their way at the expense of the more rural areas. The electoral system is an attempt at achieving equity. Now that we have the technology to support it, maybe electoral votes should be on the level of Congressional districts instead of states, to make things harder to game.
  7. I think that depends on the predator. Some prey will freeze when they think they're in danger, hoping not to be spotted, so a predator that's already got a bead on dinner could use that reaction to its advantage.
  8. But, that's because she's carrying the locket with her. If she was keeping the journal at home, it would change the way her family at home did.
  9. The filming was so bad, I missed that even on re-watch. I was able to see it with a frame by frame look.
  10. I think that issue pretty much went out the window with The Mommy Observation in season 7.
  11. Sounds like Flora has been set up to be the last survivor, with Lee either getting killed or turning out to not really be Lee next week. I doubt they'd end a season killing off a kid, although it could turn out that the Flora who escaped wasn't really Flora. This season reminds me of a Big Bang Theory episode where Penny is doing a B movie and asks if they can do a retake, only to have the director say something like "the script is garbage; nobody cares". BTW, with all of the real-life incidents of police shooting unarmed people, stretching back before this season was written, IMO it was in poor taste to have the cops in this episode gun down someone for no apparent reason.
  12. More than offset by the growth in Early Voting. No, but it can feed a certain flavor of egotism that can give you someone who thinks they know more than they do and doesn't appreciate a different style of education in others. There was a corporate fad many years ago based on the idea that it was easier to teach an MBA the business than teach management to a worker in the company. Boy, were those CEO's wrong.
  13. If he's carrying the diary with him on his trips, it would become "outdated" for the same reason that Lucy can have a picture of someone who doesn't exist any more. It's possible he hasn't caught on to that yet, or may consider the changes he sees insignificant enough to ignore.
  14. They were probably planning on going there in a less-showy manner that morning anyway (after the danger was over) to clean up.
  15. She may be accustomed to cruising in the Mediterranean, where the tipping etiquette only calls for half as much. What the crew got was only a hundred or so off the usual.
  16. He's expanded his territory to cover the other side of the 4th floor, just as the U.S. expanded to the south and west. It would be Leonard and Penny who'd have a new flag after they declare their independence
  17. But the way the writers took out the next-to-last survivor made no sense.
  18. Democratic and Republican administrations don't spend taxpayer money in the same places. The market dropped because Wall Street had made big bets on a Clinton win, so there was a rush to dump what were now the "wrong" investments. It's good that we've made quite a bit of progress working up from the bottom of the abyss the Fed threw us in, but it's been slow, there's still a ways to go, and Obama's role has been more of not getting in the way too much, rather than a facilitator; nothing Clinton could latch onto, even if she could convince voters the picture was rosier than they were personally seeing.
  19. The only time since WWII a party has been able to hold on to the White House for more than eight years was when Reagan did such a great job that his VP was given the chance to extend the legacy. Clinton tried to push that angle, but you've got a struggling economy and the problems with Obamacare are staring to show through, so it was a no-go.
  20. Taking the high road means that you don't participate in the mud-slinging. You can choose to ignore what's being thrown by your opponent, like Trump has mostly done, or defend yourself by saying why it's wrong, assuming that's the case. By responding in kind, Clinton has made herself no better, and actually picked up some of the less credible filth to throw in her ads back when the polls had narrowed (temporarily, so I guess it worked).
  21. Absence of proof is not proof of absence. If you're stopped for speeding and you make any movements that look like you're trying to hide something, you can expect the cop to assume the worst. Same principle for what Clinton did, except that politicians have a terrible reputation as a group, so it's even more plausible that she's guilty of "something". It doesn't help that she hasn't been able to find that "high road" Michelle Obama told her about.
  22. There's no reason why a cause from one reality can't have an effect in another. Quantum physicists have been able to create seeming paradoxes on a small scale by making a reality "disappear", taking with it a link in a cause-and-effect chain.
  23. Ordinarily, I would have considered the 90's to be ancient history, but Clinton and her campaign haven't wrt to her opponent, so it seemed fair. I can certainly accept the premise that being more than a First Lady was a fraud, something designed to garner support from those who'd have preferred a female President, but would equally get behind what she was claiming.
  24. What other sitcom would put a word like "anti-Aristotelian" into a casual conversation between characters? It's nice when they're not afraid to go ahead with brainy or nerdy things that fit the characters, even when it would go by most viewers without what little explanatory dialog they can squeeze in (or the subtitles for Klingon and Ubbi Dubbi). I didn't remember Buridan until Sheldon mentioned the donkey.
  25. A cheap bottle of rubbing alcohol works pretty well. You can get one that's something like 90% alcohol and nothing else but water, so there's no residual smell. In the mean time, you can say you overdid it working out.
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