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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. I saw some runnings of a Barbie ad saying that a girl can grow up to be whatever she wants to be, which they illustrated with a girl acting like a teacher. Why so dated? I thought they had a whole line of "career" Barbies with non-traditional jobs like pilot and firefighter.
  2. As we've been repeatedly told, the Epic Battle has begun, so getting practice with such an important tool/weapon is important.
  3. Change can keep a series going, even when it's forced on the show, as with "Jake" growing up and the replacement of Charlie. The biggest problem with this show is that the writers have done so well with most of the characters that Raj and Stuart are standing out as going nowhere.
  4. When the agreement was written, It was already covered because it said that in the event of a dispute, Sheldon gets the tie-breaking vote and only residents of the apartment get to vote, effectively giving him his choice on everything. Penny moving in may have screwed that up.
  5. Looks like "Number 400" to me. There were better choices for a prefix character that you wouldn't normally see; e.g. unlike "#", a "!" usually only comes at the end of something, so a "bangtag" or "smashtag" wouldn't have the same problem.
  6. I thought for sure they'd have done something with the new tenant sitting in Sheldon's spot; either Sheldon would find out or that we'd hear Christopher Lloyd comment on how good the spot was with a Reverend Jim spin on the usual explanation.
  7. She needs to plan ahead. Superman usually knows where to find a dark alley or an empty room with an open window.
  8. ITA. I hate that "hashtag" has become another name for a '#' since it can be ambiguous whether someone is talking about a message tag that starts with the hash character (aka "pound sign" among many others) and the character itself. It's clear what this guy is doing, even though it doesn't matter in this context.
  9. Technically, they just started running a program on the computer that hogged the system resources, having the same effect. No doubt it was designed to block the usual methods for killing runaway programs, and may have overwritten the boot routines to keep reasserting itself until somebody fetched a new boot disk/tape.
  10. I've been seeing an ad with one of the people from Shark Tank pushing a piece of molded plastic you're supposed to use for exercise. Looks like a quick way to ruin a spot on your floor.
  11. The idea may have been to confuse the NASA staff by doing something they wouldn't have seen before. It would have worked for maybe ten minutes. That's what it would have taken for some WTF fumbling, try a reboot, then do a cold start with an uncorrupted copy of the system.
  12. If you're going to compare this episode with classic Who, you could probably find a fit for Cassandra in the 80's, when they tried making the female companions more competent and less damsel-y. Nyssa maybe? She could fly the TARDIS.
  13. He knows he's on camera and there are too many busybodies in the world. I suspect the kid knows he's not going to do anything too and is taking advantage.
  14. Based on the coloring, I think they were going for a style that would have been the latest big thing in L.A. when they filmed the episode, but seems to have just been a passing fad that has since fizzled.
  15. You're taking him too literally. The idea is that if you can have a booming economy and the right tax/regulatory/etc environment, the best place to open the necessary new plants can be in the U.S., which in politispeak is to bring those jobs back, because that is how workers see it.
  16. If that's what you want to call someone who respects a person's right to hold whatever opinion they want, no matter what anyone else may think of it. That's a founding principle of this country that Clinton and the Democratic leadership don't seem to understand.
  17. Or different from her other character, so that my first thought wouldn't have been "didn't she die?". You'd have to at least double the airtime. Brevity isn't in SK's wheelhouse. :-)
  18. If that was the point of Obamacare, it wouldn't be so short on measures to accomplish that, and we wouldn't still be waiting for the tort-reform proposal Obama promised us. The last thing you do is just add millions of new consumers to the system; that just drives prices up more. Trump has been in business long enough to know how the law of supply and demand works, and feels no need to explain what should be common knowledge, especially when the media covered the subject at length eight years ago.
  19. I don't see how that would work in this show, where the ghosts are tied to the property, and there'd still be an issue with getting people to help her take a trip like that alone, with no one calling the police along the way.
  20. I presume they can, or Priscilla wouldn't need anyone to help her, but never mind Mason, what about the hundreds of other ghosts? What kind of obnoxious brat is she that she hasn't been able to get anyone to stand up for her?
  21. How did Flora get to the house by herself? Did they ever mention where her grandparents live? Even if it was in the same state (and Matt and Shelby were from California), it would have been a lengthy trip.
  22. That may be just as well, as what is taught in public school is highly propagandized and you don't learn the truth unless you watch boring documentaries or take history classes in college. For example, Fulton didn't really invent the steamboat, he just brought them to the Mississippi, there are at least three other contenders to the Wright Bros for flight, and slavery was just the moral face to a war that was really more about financial and Constitutional issues. I'm terrible with names, so Eldridge Cleaver was a name I knew I'd heard, but couldn't have identified.
  23. There's also "whistling past the graveyard" in terms of ignoring what's inevitable, but I think you're referring to "tempting fate" by making an optimistic statement.
  24. It could just be that the characters don't really know, and it's all conjecture based on the one time they mentioned in the pilot. If they knew the rules for sure, they wouldn't have found out the hard way what happens if you break them.
  25. Or, they're just going for an advanced-tech look. A 747 can land itself as long as weather conditions aren't too extreme, even if one engine is out, but it still needs all of those indicators and controls for when circumstances are beyond its programming and a fully trained pilot needs to take over. But, if Wyatt knew the basics of how to fly the eye, that would still leave the question of which is more important? That Rufus with his knowledge stay safe, or that he be with the team to get them all home if Wyatt got shot?
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