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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. I expect that the category she'd win would be "physiology or medicine". No reason why he couldn't be co-winner if he helped her out enough for her to give him credit, which would give him mixed feelings. He'd be happy for Amy, but finally have a Nobel in a field he doesn't respect.
  2. How else is he going to know what Amy likes best? It's like the time he wanted to know what words she thought were funny, and Amy asked him how many he was going to go through; he said "all of them".
  3. I'm sure there were all sorts of worse things that they intentionally stopped too, because sometimes their best interests would have been the same as everyone else's (e.g. they might have stopped World War 3 from happening because who wants to rule over a radioactive wasteland?).
  4. Or CNN, whose staff sometimes makes Ted Baxter (Mary Tyler Moore Show) look smart.
  5. If the team were to come back to a universe where there was no time travel program, they'd still have the time machine they arrived in. When they travel it's always with the machine, rather than by themselves, as with Quantum Leap or Time Tunnel where the machinery stays at the base. The team would still be marooned until they could find a way to recharge it, something Flynn arranged to not have to do with his.
  6. Actually, the group on Sliders did get back to the right timeline with the help of folks in a timeline that actually knew what they were doing, but things had changed too much while they were gone, so they didn't recognize it and left. Flynn could manage to save his family from Rittenhouse, only to find that his wife divorced him and his kid is in juvie, so he still doesn't have the ideal he's been picturing.
  7. Somebody has to. It's where they get some of the humor. When the show started, all of the main characters were losers, but they couldn't be static if the show were to last. The writers have been able to hold back Raj, but they couldn't put all of the weight on one character and Stuart was the easiest secondary character to sabotage. Sounds like a defense in case something goes horribly wrong (not that anyone's going to just shrug it off, but it could help).
  8. It wss pronounced consistently with the way they spelled it, which apparently isn't any of the ways Halley spelled his, none of which would seem to support the same pronunciation. Raj deserves to be miserable because he's a jerk to everyone he dates. His best behavior was with Emily, and he snooped the first time she left him alone in her home. He was even insulting to Penny when she went with him to the People event. Stuart might still owe more than he can get for it, even with the contribution by Howard's mother. It could just be that Sheldon has dethroned Leonard as the "king of foreplay". I wonder if he ever learned what Kripke meant by "toys".
  9. It doesn't help that comedy and variety shows have done skits where that line was the cue for the actor to come on stage with something like "I'm here darling".
  10. There's an AT&T ad where a guy bumps into the door as he's leaving because he keeps looking back at Lily. Just before he hits, you hear someone say "door". It doesn't sound like him or Lily. My best guess is that it's a cue to the actor that got left in. Am I missing something?
  11. Or anyone. The kid looks like he could use a friend. But, I was thinking of the more universal purpose of making sure the dog waters and fertilizes someone else's property, rather than the floor, or even your own property outside.
  12. Or maybe keeping the hallways cleaner. It's the dirt stuck to the bottoms of the shoes that would have ruined the floor. Some gyms require you to change your shoes, out of concern for what you might have picked up outside, if they don't have a flooring that can take abuse.
  13. It's possible that the school changed up the story for the kids. Shakespeare is beyond a lot of adults too, commonly noted examples from Hamlet being "Get thee to a nunnery" and "To be or not to be...". Most people don't know that "nunnery" was also a word for brothel, and, as explained by the Fonz on Happy Days, Hamlet was talking about suicide in that soliloquy.
  14. Raj's parents have already set him up twice. As has Penny. Avoiding all of the tired tropes for a birthing didn't leave them much to work with, but they couldn't just skip the story completely. Having something with Sheldon wanting to buy a gift might have filled the extra time, but the writers had him pegged in the birthday coitus plot.
  15. I think the kid is missing the real point of walking a dog.
  16. I think the point is that you can use their TV service over WiFi so you don't have to be in the house to watch a show, just within normal WiFi range, like in that shed. If you were to put a large TV there, it's likely to get stolen. Either group could have kicked out the kids watching TV in the living room, or at least sat down and taken control of the remote. No reason why that house couldn't have had a She Cave inside, except that it wouldn't have fit what they wanted to push.
  17. Neither did they at the science/tech school that I went to, for the practical reason that the boys far outnumbered the girls. They held a fancy dinner instead; no formal attire, just dress up like for church. It was held at a hotel for anyone that didn't want to just carouse in the parking lot.
  18. But that doesn't guarantee it's going to maintain the same connection. So, if Rufus was sitting in the time machine waiting for Wyatt, and Wyatt was being chased and, in shooting back, was to kill the wrong, universe-altering, person, the time machine could seem to disappear, leaving him stranded, and Rufus wouldn't see Wyatt any more, since they'd be in two different branches of history.
  19. Haven't they seen The Incredibles? There's a scene arguing for capes being a bad idea for superheroes; doubly so for this kid, who's going to get laughed at the first time he has a mishap with it or some other kid uses it to prank him.
  20. I think it's just easier to write a "filler" story if it's independent of the main story of the week. Lately the main arc has been about the living arrangements of Sheldon, Amy, Leonard, and Penny, so they've been padding with something about Howard, Bernie, Raj and Stuart.
  21. FWIW, today's below-freezing weather here hasn't dissuaded many coeds at the local university from wearing the black tights that have been in style lately.
  22. After he was done talking to Flynn, shouldn't he have given "Wesley" his ID back instead of dramatically walking away? Riker needed a beard because Frakes was so happy to be on Star Trek he couldn't stop grinning. Don Johnson was given stubble to hide his babyface for Miami Vice.
  23. A lot depends on what you're accustomed to; by February here in New England, mid-20s can feel like t-shirt weather to me. Cassandra could have done some training for the mission. Although, given the theme of the episode, there could have been some magic in that jacket.
  24. The girl was talking about brains in a way that suggested it was biology, on the very short list where you might traditionally have found a woman teaching science at an upper level. After some more googling, it appears that what I saw was a very short version of a much longer ad that does cover a variety of careers, but is too long for most ad breaks. There are probably other cut-downs I'll eventually see.
  25. The capacity of a circuit depends on the thickness of the wire. Upgrading the panel just lets you add more circuits by running more wire for new outlets or to split a current circuit into pieces.
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