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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Sounds like she can effectively do a Jedi mind whammy on someone by planting whatever she wants them to think about something.
  2. If this season is like prior ones, that can only be at the live finale. All of the other filming is long done.
  3. If the new premise of the show is viable, why can't it keep going even though it's different from the original? It will lose some viewers, but pick up others.
  4. It's not "ramming appointments through" to expect the Ethics Office to do its job in a timely fashion.
  5. That wouldn't have been necessary, but it would have created a continuity issue if the episodes weren't being shot in order and the character's hair was growing back post-surgery.
  6. It probably has more to do with what sort of sponsorship deals they were able to make. Welch's pretty much bought out the first hour, with them dominating the commercial breaks too (although they should have come up with more ads to rotate through). I doubt they would have made a similar deal for two hours. I would have liked a better explanation of how the guys lost that task, but I think the fault lies in the editing or a failure to shoot the right footage to begin with. The show has a long history of feeding contestants things to say so that the producers can assemble a cohesive story.
  7. No. We were recently told that librarians are pretty much expendable, and it's the guardians that are important. That seems like a pretty big retcon (was the cast asking for more money?), but it explains why it's no big deal for Eve to be off having dinner while the others were out facing the big danger of the week. Wouldn't they shave her head anyway, in case things didn't go to plan and they had to crack open her skull?
  8. No doubt Jenkins has had centuries of practice against the magically-animated Excalibur.
  9. The point may have been to build name recognition by doing an ad that people would talk about. I don't think T Mobile needs to do that any more, but there could be some marketing surveys that disagree.
  10. I think Raj's ability to spend whatever he wanted ended when he went overboard on the deaf girl. But, unless his parents have compared notes, he should still be getting a generous allowance from each.
  11. In the second episode, he added a "hasta la vista" between the "terminated" and "chopper" lines.
  12. There are at least two different companies with a creepy ad theme like that right now. One is T Mobile. The other offers some sort of investment services. It's more prominent in the latter.
  13. While I see how employees at the company could feel that way having to deal with taxes and fees varying by state, why would an individual customer? If they wanted to complain about how ill-prepared their competitors often are in being able to quote a bottom-line price to someone, they'd have a point. But, if you don't live in a high-tax state, why would you want to pay just as much as if you did?
  14. I guess I've seen too many competitions of various types where the commentators act that way for just about anything short of a face-plant. Can't say I know much about the theatrical subspecies of figure skating in evidence here, but they did refer to his "signature move", so the "fake" moves they were referring to could have just been his own.
  15. I expect they'll be putting "extras" on their web site, but so far about all they've got is some lame intros from the contestants.
  16. The audience is being polite. That he's doing it at all could be considered "surprising". If he did it well, the ad would use a stronger word like "astounding".
  17. Jon Lovitz' idea just goes to show that the women weren't the only ones not paying attention to what Trident was specifically asking for, although they at least recycled a theme ("knockout smile") they could tie into one of their members. If they're going to be pronouncing "Arete" that way, they really should have included the accent on the second "e". Not sure why the women wanted to pick a feminine team name when they might have a male teammate as soon as the third task.
  18. I should think that most genetic mutations can be passed down if the person lives long enough. That's a lot easier these days than even a few decades ago. Whatever happened to the claims that doctors would soon be able to fix things like that?
  19. The color was supposed to be due to the arrangement of the atoms, not an impurity.
  20. Speaking of distinctions, why are they having trouble drawing a line between chaos and evil?
  21. It was just cheaper to make them that way. They improved because they had to for customers to keep buying them, not because of technology.
  22. It was at the beginning and end, but the voice was different during the song. It's possible he was getting an assist from the control room.
  23. Last night I passed through a couple of neighborhoods where they were popular (unlike my own). One house looked really odd because it had quite a few places where the light was being blocked by protrusions. It looks best if the front of the house has a relatively flat facade (e.g. a Colonial) and the front yard is big enough so that the light can hit at a good angle.
  24. A complicating factor is that he wasn't consistent in spelling his name and most of the spellings would argue for the correct pronunciation being HAY-lee or HALL-ee. Somebody picked "Halley" for the comet, and most people currently with that name pronounce it HAL-ee, but since Howard and Bernie's daughter is being named after the man, the spelling and pronunciation they're using for her is just fine, as it would be if they had named her some variation of "Holly".
  25. If they're going to be pretentious enough to do things like ballet, the judges need to learn that praising a female singer should be "brava", rather than "bravo". The dancers needed more practice. Terry Fator looked amused at the "how does he do that?" (from Heidi IIRC) while he was having his puppet "lip-sync" to a recording that you hear so much every year that nobody should have thought it was Terry's voice. There were too many acts reminding viewers of why they didn't win. I probably didn't catch more than half of the show in total. Doesn't sound like I missed much.
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