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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. The great thing (from a producer's POV) about a show where you have time travelers who tromp through history without regard to the effects they have is that you can blame almost anything on a timeline change. That book could have come out years earlier in the timeline where she got it.
  2. This is a rude nation. I hear people speaking foreign languages in public all the time. That's just as improper as chatting in English while in France. The alternative for Arnold within the format of the show was to briefly kick everyone out and there isn't room for that in the one hour format.
  3. Wearing a suit doesn't matter because any smart thief will dress to avoid suspicion. I don't know why that dude is trying to crawl through the door, but I can't think of any explanation that would satisfy a cop. What kind of real estate agent will break into the house if they don't have a key and they get there ahead of the owner? The woman should dump that company and find somebody else.
  4. But very unrealistic. No government agency is going to admit that it can't do the job as well as a private organization. Doh-sa lady would want the gang to come work for her. I presume that most of the artifacts never left the Library. Flynn was closing off sections, and there's no way that everything could have been carted off that quickly, especially the "large collections" section; you can't just toss Noah's Ark into a box and carry it out the door.
  5. There have been a number of surprising upsets in the past. The "advantaged" team can easily get overconfident or make a poor decision, or the other team can hit on an especially good idea, perhaps from the information provided by the client that the others don't feel a need to study as much. If he was going to vandalize something, he needed to do it more subtly. There have been too many cups spilled into equipment over the course of the series to have all been accidents, and I think somebody "tripped" over a cord once. Using scissors was too obvious. Generally speaking, having someone leave outside of the normal process does not keep the normal process from being played out. Those are the rules. If they can justify not firing someone on a future task based on performance, they will, but they couldn't here. BTW, it's not a "triple firing" to have one person leave on one episode and two on the other even though the two episodes are run back-to-back. The original promos just said that three people would be fired this week; trying to make it sound more dramatic also made it incorrect.
  6. Those are collectibles. A quick google says that pieces from that era go from around 20 bucks to hundreds of dollars each depending on the item.
  7. But nothing is stopping the people from saying what they think somebody wants to hear. The "Lie Witness News" segment Jimmy Kimmel does is a demonstration. I once read that you shouldn't feed dog food to a cat because the standards for contaminants were different. Apparently, dogs have a high tolerance for some things, so a manufacturer can get away with more. The article singled out lead as an example.
  8. A couple of similar situations came up during the S1 marathon CNBC ran over the weekend. There's no reason not to go ahead and fire anyone TPTB have already decided won't be finalists, and if there isn't anyone like that, if the argument can be made that everyone did their best, you can have a non-firing task.
  9. We eventually got a glimpse of her in the episode where Raj checks in on her while Howard is away. A couple of frame captures can be found through google.
  10. Or did he, and his trial neighborhood was a temporary escape for himself? Was the memory wipe entirely successful? She knew how to pronounce "Chidi" without any idea of what that word meant.
  11. In an earlier episode, he also expressed that now that he was married he could let himself go physically. There are also special nails you can try. Screws can be an issue if you're concerned about keeping a hardwood floor looking good, although it sounds like Howard's earlier efforts may have made that moot.
  12. Even so, what he raised was pretty low. He's down there with a couple of past contestants who were cast as eye candy and had next to nobody to call. I could see him holding back that much if one of the PM's had a fake charity, but I think all of this season's are legit.
  13. It's a territory grab, like leaning back against a bar with elbows sticking way out. It's supposed to be a show of superiority, but overdoing it makes you look like a jerk.
  14. Boston's TV38 is doing that, but if you look closely, the show is going sequentially if you just look at the first or second time slot by itself. Essentially, they're simultaneously running the series twice, with the two showings out of phase by about 50%. I have seen other shows run at random. I suspect the idea is to keep viewers from saying "oh yeah, this season sucks" and tuning out for a while (possibly forgetting to tune back in).
  15. The advantage of tax software is that if you're tracking your income and expenses on your computer, all of that stuff can carry over automatically to the right places on the tax forms, saving you the trouble of typing lots of numbers into electronic forms or a web site. You also don't want to restrict the air circulation needed for cooling (that's why they're dangling out there to begin with).
  16. Actually, you don't have to get it completely fixed as long as the remainder is cosmetic, but it will affect your insurance coverage. The only LM ad that sort of makes sense to me is the guy who says that he didn't have the wrong coverage...he had the wrong insurance company. He may have a point if his old company employed agents incapable of dealing with clueless idiots who have to rely on them to figure out what they need to buy.
  17. Most modern devices don't need anywhere near the standard 120 volts, so if that was DC, you'd need to convert it to AC anyway, to change the voltage, even if you didn't have to change it back to DC (which you wouldn't for something like an LED). The rationale for repeatedly resetting is usually that it lets the episodes run out of order in syndication, but for a show like this, it compromises the story so much, reaching syndication is wishful thinking.
  18. If it was a car ad, I can maybe see his insistence on being in the driver's seat, but a motorcycle ad, where he'll be putting his arms around her, maybe get to cop a feel when nobody's looking? Not so much.
  19. A big burly biker may have been too stereotype for the campaign, but they could easily have had a family, with grandpa, mom, dad, and teenage daughter, each with their own bike, and mom sitting on hers with a younger kid behind her. I think the Celebrity flavors of Snapple have been the only thing created on this series to make it to actual production, and that didn't show up for purchase until the following season was already running (outside of their test markets anyway). Quiznos had the sandwiches from the show on their menu for a little while, but you could order the same thing any time.
  20. I don't think he'd trust his assistant. It'd make more sense to wait until the air got thin enough for the lights to go out and escape in the darkness using a secret door trigger. Seems like that should have happened well before Wyatt made the hole in the wall. One light already went out; the others should have quickly followed. And Wyatt cut through a brick, which is a lot tougher and time consuming than cutting through mortar, which is what I presumed he'd do.
  21. I couldn't help but wonder if it's no coincidence that they waited until after Snooki was gone to do this task. Brooke could have probably justified the photo with her husband by saying that there needed to be a mundane photo to contrast with the others if it actually had. The ladies completely missed the first half of the "everybody and every body". If they had called up a local biker club, I'm sure they could have found a few photogenic riders to broaden things without going as extreme as the guys. I had to remind myself of what part he played on Baywatch, even though I frequently catch the reruns at midnight. The way he was upstaged on that show, I can see why he might have a chip on his shoulder, but he should have been more aware of how he was going to look.
  22. It was easier just to make the old SNL episode at 10 be Carrie Fisher's. Doesn't look like they put much effort into writing this episode overall, but it can be tough coming back to work after a break.
  23. I liked the callback to Flynn's Sherlock Holmes act that got him the job (even though he could have easily been wrong about the cats). Do they have to put a reference to the "epic battle" in every episode? It has gotten really annoying.
  24. Many or most anyway. I'm sure the frauds who've appeared on Catfish aren't anywhere near the only ones on Facebook who've lied about who they are.
  25. Doesn't everybody if you go back far enough? It helps if your ancestry goes back to someplace that's relatively isolated (e.g. a Cuban couple rather than Mexican).
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