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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. I find that the eggs tend to make it a little bland, so I'll usually throw in some olives along with.
  2. In acting, minorities are underrepresented, so anyone who doesn't specifically tell the casting company "we need an African-American for this spot", is unlikely to wind up with one in their ad. It's cereal; why would anyone care unless somebody looking for attention started busting them for it?
  3. Yes, and if you hire ADT or the "I can't get up" company, all they do is monitor; they leave actually doing something to people who specialize in it, like cops and EMT's. The ad doesn't explain why their business should be any different. If that's the ad I think it is, they don't say that the ads are for 1st place, and they mention it's JD Power, which is very good at creating whatever categories are necessary so that practically every car can get an award. If Chevy got the most awards it's because they've broken down their offerings into the most models.
  4. She was also unable to follow the rules of the show any better than the law. Remember when she called back the contestants who had been declared safe because she decided she preferred to fire one of them instead of those the PM picked?
  5. I think too many people saw the show to duck any blame. He could have gone with saying that the show/reality TV just wasn't for him, playing up how difficult it is. It does take a certain type of talent. Martha Stewart didn't do well either, but I liked Diddy in VH1's take on the concept.
  6. The same as food stores; offer something the other doesn't. The rival had free snacks and comfy seats. Stuart seems to have a good line on used comic books. Even though that one time he didn't have what Bernie needed right away, the guys seem satisfied. He might also be competing on price, contributing to his financial problems.
  7. Wouldn't that be an issue when somebody needs help opening a mold? They could hire somebody to help in that case, but that wouldn't mesh with a production philosophy that has a contestant call time each week.
  8. If they were to do a reset, I think it'd have to be that they've all moved out and you have somebody leaving the original apartment for the last time when the two younger nerds who now occupy it see the new tenant in the other apartment show up. It'd be great if they gender-flipped it.
  9. Some lookup sites are full of bad data. The guys have at least two that they use so that they can fill time with the false results.
  10. Probably not. Shows have replaced actors before, occasionally those playing title characters, so it's more likely they'd go that route (although two at once would be unusual).
  11. I'm a bit suspicious of the pants in the current ad because you don't see Amy wearing them and the models that do are the typical toothpicks.
  12. Not really. Both of their characters are biologists, so the writers could hypothesize some sort of ill-fated conference trip, or Amy could be visiting Bernie at work when one of those incidents she mentions isn't just a humorous throwaway.
  13. That actually was the other reason Penny cited besides the dragons. I don't expect that a comic book store would do a consistent amount of business. Most of the college students would disappear for the summer, and a great deal of interest would depend on feature films with a relevant theme. Stuart may be able to fleece the guys, but do the other regulars ever buy anything?
  14. It may not be reasonable, but he probably figured it sounded better than admitting he blew all his income on thousands of comic books and "collectibles".
  15. Penny surprised Bernadette by saying that she likes Game of Thrones, specifically noting that it has dragons. Comic Con is in July and this show always skips the summer.
  16. There may have been a concern about adding an unnecessary complication to the judging.
  17. Bernie isn't Italian. I presume the chopped peppers would be mixed with the ground beef.
  18. Around here, the general rule is only one discounted degree per person, so the employment benefits of Leonard's parents wouldn't have covered his Masters and PhD, the law degree for his sister, or whatever advanced degrees his brother may have obtained.
  19. Actually, by law, it can't; there's a minimum of something like 10% for a claim like that. But, if they can do 50%, the regular prices are probably padded.
  20. I can't think of any comment where how it's said is more crucial; it can be a complaint, a jestful observation, or intro into more shopping.
  21. While they may have been inspired by the trope, the writers made a pretty good case for each. To add to the argument for Penny, it's likely she'd get recognized as the Serial Ape-ist girl, and she had her fill of nerdy fans at the signing event.
  22. Actually, it cuts both ways, and some experts have suggested it may not be so bad now that we have genetic testing (and in some cases, therapy) to deal with the downside. A group as (allegedly) ruthless as Rittenhouse would have just disowned any offspring that didn't measure up. If you're going to have lawyers in the fold, wouldn't they be more useful as prosecutors and judges?
  23. The right to vote in the U.S. was initially limited. Senators were picked by state legislators, not voters, until the early 1900's. So why would an 18th century Rittenhouse have the same concern? Was it just conceit?
  24. I could see it causing a problem shooting in front of a green screen, which I presume is what they do to get those different backgrounds in the reveal portion of the show.
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