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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Credit agencies consider it a good thing for you to always have "installment debt"; so much so that you can't get a perfect score without it (assuming you're making the payments). According to my credit card co's web site, paying off your car (and having the money for other things) drops your FICO 30 points.
  2. Is this the season where everybody on the production staff gets to speak in front of the camera?
  3. That's what happens when you make your logo the first letter of your name; one has their "H" in italics but who remembers which if they don't own one pf them?. They must use the same agency that once talked NBC into switching from the peacock to an "N".
  4. Putting aside for the moment the empty garage making their car look dinky, one of the ads has them moving out exercise equipment; how is the car going to be "better" at keeping you in shape?
  5. The guys also couldn't decide whether there ought to be a "t" sound (like pizza) or not, so they were jumping between more than just two pronunciations.
  6. Bi may be the better choice, given the groundwork over the years.
  7. Could be worse - they could be saying it once for each gram they're claiming. That might have been the plan, but it was too annoying to shoot. She was literally "the roommate from Hell".
  8. Adam pretty much set himself up right at the beginning to go home, didn't he? The winning team was just a formality; they picked who they wanted to boot, and the "win" went to the other group. They might have singled out a winner if he did something extraordinary, like when Emily invented a way to "flock" her model's face, but the judges saw no reason to hash out a tough choice.
  9. I'm not sure how to take that article since the author starts out by calling "Bazinga!", which is Sheldon's catchword for saying that something is a prank.
  10. I thought it was Twitter and Yik Yak.
  11. A low count usually just means the person has an account out of necessity and their "real" account is someplace else, probably more trendy for somebody that age.
  12. I haven't seen anything yet about which parts of Sheldon's life will be the focus. It could be more Doogie Howser, the high school years, than his hell at home.
  13. He picked it in the last episode of the first season. Sheldon may have divided the apartment into separate areas for Amy and himself, and his stuff could be mostly where we can't see it, like where Amy's painting had been hanging. Also, Sheldon rents a very large storage unit, as well as at least one safe deposit box for comic books. Anything that didn't fit neatly in his portion of the smaller apartment would have gone there.
  14. Just because his parents were paying the bills doesn't mean that they've been paying the full balance on his credit cards each month. Leaving a high balance outstanding would have been an easy way to deal with Raj's overspending. But that balance now falls on him to take care of, as do the lease payments on his Mercedes.
  15. I think you're on the right track, but it'd have to be at a rail museum where he can show off his knowledge. On a real train, he'd prefer to be up in the engine running it, rather than dealing with the passengers.
  16. I had to pull up a Space Balls picture to remind myself of what Dot Matrix looked like. This was more like Barbie dipped in gold paint. It shouldn't have been so wonky. You're talking living statue, so it should have been true to form, even if that form was a fictional/mythical character, with a few clues to suggest it was carved from stone.
  17. It looks like BK's "someone's gonna get fired" guy and his buddy have been replaced by two bearded fellows who look even less like they should be wearing paper crowns. It's slightly less annoying, but I don't know who the guy on the right is supposed to be talking to when he says "he wears glasses"; he glances over to his buddy's left where no one is sitting.
  18. He didn't need to. That's what a 19th century English moneylender would do, and he had no reason to think a 21st century American pawnbroker would be any different.
  19. If her parents were going for a phonetic spelling, it should have been "See..", not "Sei...". Eventually, she'll pick another name to go by, like people with incredibly old-fashioned names do.
  20. Maybe they did. It's pretty clear they weren't going to win against C&G or E&T, and it wasn't an elimination week, so why put in a lot of effort?
  21. It would have been easy for John to get an idea of what a dollar was worth by observation. He would have been clueless about what a fair offer would be for his watch, but as long as the pawnbroker didn't know that, John could trust that the fellow would give him a reasonable first offer and go from there. The writers were just establishing that John has all the money he needs, so if a watch like that would actually fetch something closer to 15 hundred than 15 grand we can blame the prop department.
  22. Ghoulish Stay Puft Marshmallow Man? It came off more like putty than stone and looked unfinished, especially the jaw. What Gage said on the way out is something I've heard many times before on other shows and generally translates into something like "I'm a one trick pony and you would have seen something really great if we'd gotten to that trick".
  23. At least running before 10 o'clock on a broadcast network.
  24. Yes, but they're not really getting across what's so great about having someone do both. No matter what dentist you have, there's a limit as to what may be done in a routine visit; some things need a specialist.
  25. Maybe he figured that the existence of Vanessa and the books he hadn't written yet meant that he was in no real danger. Although, if things in this series work as they did in Back to the Future, they would continue to exist until it became certain that he wouldn't be going home.
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