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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Apparently too many since you could still hear Mayim start to break up and catch herself at one point.
  2. Or had the very real concern about being mistakenly victimized by those who are because of what Taylor did. In fairness to Heather, she may have wanted to be there for support if Mecca needed it, or concerned that this would be one of the episodes with a positive outcome, and didn't want Mecca to be another woman who jumped into bed with her Catfish, or did something really crazy, like Solana with her tattoo.
  3. I think you mean "reality show star"; hosts are guys like Ryan Seacrest and Nick Cannon. Some people like being able to feel superior to the characters or people on a show.
  4. Between all of the big-name sci-fi franchises, what hasn't already been done with a model in makeup? Anything "creative" would have likely been judged as not fitting the challenge.
  5. I don't think the fingernail removal makes any sense as a way for a non-zombie to "disarm" a zombie. I'd be far less risky to just throw some industrial gloves (or oven mitts in a pinch) over his hands. The removal does make sense as torture by someone who doesn't have to worry about infection, so it's likely a zombie-on-zombie crime, even if Vivian's group had nothing to do with it.
  6. But, they do have a point about the surroundings carrying some weight. In the right setting, the well-groomed person in the right attire doesn't have to be a white dude.
  7. Based on the recap pix, I'd agree, but I thought Emily's was better while watching the episode. Something about the color gradations of Tyler's just didn't work in getting to my TV. I guess that means Emily's was more camera-ready.
  8. Zombies don't need the sun; homes and businesses could be mostly underground. Throw in a good subway system and a bombing raid would hardly pick off anyone,
  9. It makes it less likely that somebody will just say "nuke 'em". Somebody could still attack with conventional weaponry, but that's not entirely effective against zombies, so they'd be inviting a counterattack.
  10. It was clearly "lemon" when I originally saw it on TV, but when I call up the ad on the net, he's saying"red". Probably an editing goof that got distributed before anyone noticed.
  11. I'm not sure I'd agree; you can root against unlikeable characters, and South Park gets a lot of mileage from Cartman and guest characters meant to be the butt of jokes. The characters do need to be well-defined, with the humor written around those characters. The jokes start to fall flat if it sounds like two characters, no matter how likable, could trade scripts.
  12. Maybe not entitled; it could be that he thought getting the hot girl would prove that he wasn't a loser after all.
  13. It's more likely that the voicing is done to match the actors, rather than have the actors lip-syncing; it's also possible they're just abusing auto-tune technology to make the actors' voices all sound like that.
  14. What was essentially an explosive device was set off inside the elevator car. That's not going to be a cheap or easy fix, especially if structural elements of the shaft were also damaged, as is likely. Fixing it would probably also mean a rent increase since the apartments would be more attractive to prospective tenants.
  15. In order to appear smart, which he defines as being a literal know-it-all, Sheldon has to sacrifice knowing things in depth. That means he can throw out tidbits to impress casual observers, but can't really function well in those areas. He couldn't even learn enough Mandarin to have a specific argument in a Chinese restaurant. Neither does his mother. Or Penny if he's not striking a sympathetic chord. Have Bernadette or Leslie Winkle ever caved?
  16. No, but a little googling puts Kurt at 26 and Kylea at 24, which looks about right to me (maybe their weight is throwing you off). Marvin was 22 when this was filmed. I think you're still right about it being super pitiful.
  17. Absolutely. The entire point of their operation was to sucker people in, so they would have been telling Marvin whatever he needed to hear to allay his suspicions. Still, it was only three months between when Marvin first connected with this bunch and filming, so he may not have been as gullible as we're supposed to see him, as much as being a little quick with the dick pix. This was a good episode not to have Nev around, freeing Max to be a little less nice. I liked Chantal, but it didn't look like she got much direction.
  18. If you're looking for humor above the juvenile level, it tends to be wrapped in drama these days. iZombie comes to mind due to the ads for being back next week.
  19. Reminds me of old superhero shows where a villain would zap people with a ray gun to do odd things. Might not be as bad if there was one distinct voice for each actor and the audio sounded more natural.
  20. Leonard referred to homo-habilus at Penny's halloween party. Penny's homunculus quote was a followup to Sheldon's comment on hearing that Penny's bed broke in The Gothowitz Deviation in the 3rd season.
  21. What's with all the hair? Ferris was very clean-cut, but this guy looks more like Charlie Sheen's character in the police station.
  22. What else would an organ grinder use to grind organs?
  23. I've run into places that were picky about which credit card they'd take (usually MC). I could see Raj buying into the hype and getting an AmEx in whatever color is prestigious these days.
  24. I think it's more accurate to call it a simplification than wrong. Each of the three big credit bureaus have their own secret tweaks to the calculations that are intended to make their scores better, so there's no way for a credit card co to give you the whole story.
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