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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. The right truths would go a long way. As he told Kim, he said what he thought he had to say to rescue Chuck. The fact that it was recorded suggested that Chuck had some sort of ulterior motive, and it was now apparent if was all a con. One of the best things that Jimmy could probably do is congratulate Chuck in a way that makes Chuck realize that he's guilty of being like the Slippin' Jimmy he hates.
  2. That was the rumor at the time, but the company said that it was because they were expanding their menu.
  3. Technically, but he did his best to push the outcome his way; there's a comment about possibly not having a choice because of the way he dinged it up with the crib he bought. By "top", do you mean high-quality or big-name? The two don't always go together.
  4. The claim is that the state wanted to charge for the use of "Kentucky".
  5. Then why stop after the first three out of the 30?
  6. Because Howard throws away money. wendyg mentioned the golddigger from S1 on whom he was ready to spend all of his savings. We know he owns expensive comic books. He went in on the time machine Leonard bought. As well as the expensive 3-D printer that got him in trouble with Bernie. He recently set a new high by buying a pricey minivan without consulting her. And, hasn't he been taking an "only the best" approach to things like Halley's crib?
  7. You can't trust reality shows to show you what was filmed in the order it was filmed. I happened to catch part of an old episode where one scene had a clock in the background and the time would jump around within an apparent range of nearly two hours, with enough of a gap in the times to suggest a large break in filming; and nothing to ensure the later footage was even filmed on the same day.
  8. The problem with that explanation is that you can't trademark a term that's been in common use for nearly 200 years and expect anyone to pay. There's a long list of companies who lost their ownership to a name after far less time.
  9. The promo writers look for certain types of lines to appeal to potential viewers and it's not their fault if they don't have much to choose from. This line fell in the same category as the one in the Comic-Con episode promo where Sheldon tells Amy that what he has in his pants may change her mind.
  10. Someone with poor hearing could actually be lulled to sleep by what they'd sense as white noise.
  11. Nev was trying to be politically correct. She was identifying herself as male online, and had adopted a masculine look IRL. Some men do have breasts like that (it can be a side-effect of some drugs, including marijuana), and feminine facial features, so it wasn't out of the question that she was also genetically male.
  12. There was a brief uproar during the GW Bush years when it came out that the Social Security Administration was aware of millions of illegal aliens using someone else's SSN; some numbers were being used by at least 100 people. They don't pursue it because they'd rather have that extra money coming in. With the right fake number, Gene is safe; all anybody will see is a hopeless mess.
  13. She's androgynous-looking enough that I wasn't surprised Nev felt he had to ask.
  14. But, Mom was on her death bed. The best Chuck could have hoped for was for her to tell Jimmy off and suggest he be more like Chuck, but she was too nice and too weak, even if she really was that disappointed with him.
  15. What's so incomprehensible to him about Mom wanting to see both of her sons? She just asked for Jimmy; she didn't tell Chuck to get lost.
  16. "Free HBO" has often been a selling point of package deals; Clive may have had no interest in the channel at all.
  17. No. Ernie could have called Jimmy without having any idea that he was already nearby, and Chuck doesn't know how long it actually took for Jimmy to appear, so he has no reason to think that Ernie would have known something was up.
  18. I think you'd have to take an upper-level geology course to run across that; a Rocks For Jocks wouldn't cut it.
  19. Three nails = three victims. Whether that's how a zombie hunter is tallying his kills, or an old-fashioned way for guns-for-hire to send their boss an "it's done" message remains to be seen.
  20. I thought this challenge was ambiguous, with at least three possible interpretations. He took a guess and went for it, which is a pretty good strategy on this show. Very rarely will you get tossed for doing a good job, even if it's not what the judges were expecting, as long as you made a reasonable guess. FWIW, I didn't think his was the most likely to be right.
  21. How things are traditionally calculated is different from how they might come out genetically. To radically oversimplify, if the genes passed down from that 25% Persian mom happened to all come from that 25%, that child would be full-blooded Persian; if none, 50%. The offspring would be somewhere between zero and 50%, depending on how much of that 50-100% were passed along.
  22. "Other"? Where do you find a form with a question like that that doesn't have "Hispanic" as one of the choices?
  23. Sheldon started college at 11, so much of his non-academic education would have been omitted, but I don't think he'd have trouble picking up what he was supposed to do. The real question is whether he's in good enough shape to follow through.
  24. I gather Max doesn't text much; he remembered to abbreviate "you" as "u", but who spells out the word "minutes"? It stood out because he had trouble typing it.
  25. Would you mind if the "clients" were obviously fake? That's what they'll do unless somebody decides they need a new version of this show, and outright make it a competition to find people to hire for the new company.
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