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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. They're not. Blaine has, one of his clients complained about one he had received, and Blaine was taking special requests for a price. You're not going to see Liv on "everyday ordinary person" brains because that's not going to make for an interesting story, but that may have been what other zombies in a story have eaten and you wouldn't be able to tell that they're actually "on" those.
  2. They just wanted to show as many of their cars as they could.
  3. I think she's grown to dislike the interview process from all of the times she's been rejected, and only went for her current job because she wasn't going to say no to Bernadette. Any new opportunity would have to look like a slam dunk for her to pursue it.
  4. As are enough other nudes and porn to last anyone a lifetime. I don't think he cared about her pics once the fantasy of getting together was dead. He's not like Lucas, who had a grudge against women and would never have thrown away what he got. What that meant was that there was someone else of a similar age and he had to pause a moment to figure out the answer. If he was going after younger women, he would have immediately known the answer was no.
  5. Has the show ever clarified whether symbols are included in the TARDIS translations? IOW, was the robot displaying British pound signs or did it just appear that way to Bill (and us)? Yes, they do, if one is available; they're rarer than they used to be (many torn down in favor of big-box stores and traditional shopping centers).
  6. Did I miss something? I don't recall anything to suggest he was interested in anyone underage. He was a lot older than her, but nobody blinks an eye at that when it's a celebrity, and it's not that rare IRL; it's just an important thing to have out there so as to not waste the time of anyone who considers that a deal-breaker (although he probably had a better shot than the catfish lying about their gender/sexuality).
  7. You don't have to be Lady Gaga to wear a hat. McKenzie may be taking the natural route to an Ombre.
  8. ITA, but I'm willing to accept that viewers may not get to see everything that they should to know where the judges are coming from. It wouldn't have taken much explanation, but we didn't get it. It's a shame they couldn't do a dual winner; I've only seen one reality competition do it, and it would have been awkward with a final 3.
  9. Between the spinning tires and road dirt, you're also going to lose most of it on the way to the border. And the dogs sniffing out something at the back of the truck is going to be taken more seriously by the authorities than for the tires; anybody can drive over something (not necessarily drugs) to cause a reaction by the dogs. The door doesn't have to be locked for it to be considered "breaking in"; just opening it would have been enough.
  10. It's possible the mention was intended to be a subtle callback to the Doctor's granddaughter, who was the one who came up with the name while staying with him in England, and whose picture we were shown for no apparent reason (yet).
  11. Isn't one of the ongoing messages of the series that anyone can be special? Clara had the same issue as Rose in her second season by having a deus ex machina to raise her up, instead of it coming more naturally, like the typical companion or self-sacrificing hero of the week. I'd like to hear better questions from her. I thought her comment about "TARDIS" was dumb. If's a name coined from a phrase in English, just like "radar" or "snafu". Those won't work in Chinese or Russian either, and they have different names in those languages.
  12. If she can't, somebody might have to broach the concept of getting a criminal lawyer to help.
  13. They'd probably have gotten Vincent Pastore if they could have afforded it.
  14. The TARDIS is designed to be run by six people, so the Doctor needs to keep moving between stations. A chair near the console would be more of a nuisance that an aid. The Doctor can do some types of hops from one spot, but there's no need to sit down for a trip that short. I hadn't thought about it, but seating seems to be more prevalent in the new series. Judging by the number of seats I see in photos on the net, it looks like the seating is so that his "entourage" can hang around and watch him work.
  15. If they weren't offering a fair wage they couldn't get employees. The problem comes when you have a surplus of workers capable of doing/earning more with no positions to match. Businesses can't adjust to the fluctuations of the economy and labor market, so people may sometimes have to settle for a lesser position and wage (aka being "underemployed").
  16. Employers are required by law to pay everyone fairly. If some of their employees are trying to do things that they shouldn't while earning an entry-level salary, like raise a family, they need to rely on organizations that can factor in "need", government and charities. If Walmart is donating to charities that provide that type of assistance, they're addressing the issue in a way as effective and legal as they can.
  17. Was bringing up the chair Bill's way of calling the Doctor old? BTW, why is there seating? Historically, that's not something usually found in the control room. One had a wooden chair, but he was a bit of a geezer.
  18. I hadn't realized that Uber had changed it's sticker, or that any states allowed it to be put on the front windshield (apparently California requires it to be there).
  19. It's possible the teacher in the ad is a sub (I'm reminded of Kindergarten Cop).
  20. You could tell something was up when the guys recognized the car. How'd they do that? Uber tells the passenger what to look for, but it's otherwise just somebody's everyday vehicle with no markings, and they hadn't met Sam yet, so they couldn't go by who was in it. My theory is that the "Uber driver" was a member of the show's staff, and the company was happy with the fraud in return for the product placement. BTW, Uber uses dynamic pricing, so a current quote is meaningless.
  21. It's not like the Verizon ad painted them in a good light. Why is their spokesman too disorganized to say what he needed on the first shot? And what does it say that he went and grabbed another mic instead of reusing the one he dropped? Is the company that wasteful overall? (waste that customers would be paying for)
  22. Except that they really do use bargain-basement straws that don't work for their shakes or anything with crushed fruit in it. It's why I'll only stop by for a to-go order when they're having one of their specials (like 50 cent corn dog day).
  23. They may consider that the case if their salaries aren't in line with the higher cost of living in the area, which is around 50% more than the typical city, with rents between 2 and 3 times as much (although, I'm sure the broken elevator is saving the gang some money).
  24. I noticed that they were cutting between two Emily's after she was declared the winner; one on stage too tired to show much reaction, and one with more energy, presumably having has a chance to rest before shooting the TH's and fill-ins.
  25. Wasn't it MVD? "DMV" isn't as universal as Jimmy thinks. Massachusetts calls theirs the RMV, for Registry of Motor Vehicles, and in Maine it's the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
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