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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. That relationship only applies to landlines.
  2. She had a pretty strong reaction to seeing Ramona working on Sheldon's feet. Something that she could only explain "in a therapist's office with dolls" is something she's likely to remember even eight years later, although that is plenty of time for Ramona to have changed how she looks; Penny has.
  3. Maybe he's trying to get back at his mom for naming him Jeremy.
  4. The idea in one of the ads seems to be that if you order your pizza when you aren't home yet, you'll know if you need to hurry or have missed it. Somebody may have decided that's not a good thing to be encouraging, as I've lately been seeing another centered around knowing how much more time you have to kill while waiting at home.
  5. I don't recall Mickey Smith doing anything dumb, but that was back in the RTD era.
  6. I'm sure the Producer told her to do something quick so they could wrap up the shoot as fast as possible.
  7. But, Chuck had a point about the inverse square law. The field generated by the sign would have to be millions of times greater to equal the battery in his pocket, and if he was really disturbed by a nearby cellphone, the E-M field from the battery in his pocket should have been agony. Jimmy's trick had scientific merit.
  8. Technically, they do. A disconnected cellphone battery will noticeably lose some of its charge over the course of a few weeks, and that electron flow generates an E-M field. What Chuck doesn't realize is how tiny that E-M field is.
  9. Sheldon likes to have things his way; that wasn't going to happen living at home. He was happy to escape being forced to watch football by his father.
  10. Is that a consequence of being telepathically linked to a TARDIS that's a London police box? A Time Lord can't be expected to automatically know how to behave everywhere/when he may visit, so the chameleon circuit might be designed to help him "blend in" too in a different way.
  11. I presumed the name is intended to be a basis for humor, like Bewitched got from Darrin calling his wife "Sam" for short.
  12. They were trying to avoid that atrocious double-bun hairdo. She got rid of it for the sit-down the next day. Sometimes I wonder if Catfish are coached to make their initial impression as bad as possible. Was Max really expecting an answer when he asked her what it would take to stop? She's been doing it for around a third of her life, at least (Chelsee hesitated before saying how old Mary is, so it could be more). A good start might have been to point her to where she could find guys who are into big girls. We know that there are staffers who are internet savvy, even though Nev and Max are kind of worthless.
  13. I suspect the producers were only prepared to write out Amy and use that money to keep Melissa, with plan B being to cut the number of episodes both would be appearing in. The next episode may prove me wrong.
  14. Not everything too small to see is the same size. There could have been some truth to that with the old bacterial STD's, but viruses are much smaller, so that bit of folk "wisdom" should have been discarded when HIV came along.
  15. Considering the number of guys she's been with, that makes sense, but, to the original point, when it's her sole form of protection, her typical encounter has been while drunk, and going without is not a deal-breaker for her, it does suggest something may be up for her not to have gotten pregnant. I wouldn't be surprised to see a "we're trying but it's not happening" story arc in the future as they look for more sources of humor.
  16. Not if they want to redo the character. It could turn out that the memory booster only works to prevent loss if taken sufficiently before the cure, but won't restore anything. Tough luck for Major, but some Fillmore Graves people could be cured. My only gripe was that the scenes of Liv as dominatrix felt a bit more repetitious than they had to be. I suspect the writers were straightjacketing themselves out of fear of the censors, when they could have done more, even on a broadcast network in primetime.
  17. At one point, when Leonard wanted to resume dating, Penny mentioned having to stop by the drugstore. That suggests she's not using the most effective means of B.C., probably for medical reasons.
  18. Not really. Amy could meet someone else, or Sheldon could cross a line with her and she'd be gone. Raj could take up the slack when the story needs a gal-pal for Penny to talk out something. There are at least a couple of directions they could go with Sheldon.
  19. I'd have said South Park character.
  20. Does that include Kevin Sussman, who seems to have been left out of the big paydays? Bernadette has been woven pretty tightly into the show, but I see no difference between Amy and Stuart.
  21. I thought the wording was changed to "item of personal property"; having it be documented that it was a tape could be in Jimmy's favor. Technically, Jimmy only damaged the tape, in that it was repairable and could be used if necessary, but Chuck would need to know if something had happened to the original.
  22. It's not in the public interest for anyone to encourage others to commit crimes; that's why it's illegal to be an "accessory before the fact". Police and prosecutors have to prioritize what crimes to pursue based on the chances that a jury would be sympathetic.
  23. It looked more like entrapment to me, but either way it was illegal for Chuck to do it; only police are allowed to conduct a sting. Chuck was a private citizen who conned someone into doing something illegal to use as blackmail.
  24. If Leonard won a Nobel prize, it would validate her experiment; she's trying to see if by acting like nothing he does is good enough for her, it'll push him to do better.
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