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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. It looked like the balls were being attracted to something metal sticking out inside the tube, probably a normal part of the machine that Jimmy saw he could use. Even if Marco's ring was just gold plated, it wouldn't have been that effective from outside.
  2. I see the puppy-monkey-baby is back. The thing is so distracting and annoying, I've never noticed what the ad is supposed to be for.
  3. All of Mike's men in prison would have had buddies or SO's on the outside taking care of their payoff money. After the payoffs stopped and the murders went down, any of them might have figured that Saul was responsible and absconded with "their" money. At the least, he'd be somebody they'd want to talk to.
  4. How did Jimmy's bingo fix not fall apart as soon as everyone noticed that the same numbers came up first again when Kelly started calling the next game? For that matter, she probably should have noticed that the balls were sticking to each other when she went to put them back in the machine. Although, she is pretty trusting; it didn't look like she actually tried to check Irene's card after Irene hid all of the numbers with a black marker instead of using one of those special colored daubers.
  5. It wouldn't be the first time a product didn't live up to the claims, but I could totally see her snacking on a classmate without permission.
  6. You could always install one of those foot pedals that raises the seat when it's pressed and lowers it again when you take your foot away, but just kicking it up or down works too (as long as you're not wearing a loose-fitting shoe).
  7. It's a pity this one will lose its meta layer in syndication.
  8. The way computer systems worked back then, just giving his last name was the right thing to do. Once she found the "McGil" and "McGill" entries, or the ones for "Mc Gil" and "Mc Gill", she was ready for a first name. It may have been a breach of customer privacy to ask if he was "Charles" instead of asking for his first name, but she had a 50/50 chance of being right and it feels good to make a lucky guess.
  9. You're overlooking the heat from the kitchen, which is represented by the steam coming up from just behind the counter (raw heat isn't as photogenic). If they've got anything like a pizza or toasting oven, the AC would be running all year round while the place is open. Hector could have kept his jacket if he moved closer to the window, but he would have opened himself up to attack by a gunman.
  10. If that were an issue for him, you'd think he'd show more interest in taking on a non-human companion.
  11. Maybe he thinks it'll increase the chances that a casting director who likes the character will call.
  12. And by someone claiming to be a model no less. How many times have he and Max derided victims for not taking that as a hint? The other girl was hiding her weight, so you could could call this two people catfishing each other; they haven't done that as much yet, so I don't know why they glossed over it.
  13. The second entry on this page from Merriam-Webster seems to describe this situation pretty well (keep in mind BCS is set in 2002 and Mike is fairly old and set in his ways). As noted in the first entry, it is male when gender can be inferred. IMO, the band didn't look thick enough to be a men's ring. If there was a gem, it could have been hidden in the dirt, and not everyone thinks a shiny rock is worth the expense, and will get his & hers plain gold rings.
  14. The word "him" is not gender-specific. Some folks have argued for saying "him or her" in a context like this to be clear that you're not being specific, but I don't see Mike adopting a change like that.
  15. The rule has been that you get twelve regenerations, so thirteen lives in total. Eleven was technically Thirteen because Ten was technically Eleven and Twelve (keeping the same look when he regenerated doesn't mean in didn't count).
  16. When Mike was on the phone, didn't he say he found a female body?
  17. It is not uncommon in fiction for a wounded soldier to fall for his nurse; for the Doctor coming off the Time War, Rose was that nurse. But, she did that out of faith in the Doctor. He's always been a sucker for people looking up to him. As suggested by Sarah Jane, he doesn't so much like traveling with companions as an entourage.
  18. Reminds me of the L.A. critics who seemed surprised by the Seinfeld finale highlighting that the main characters were not good people, but rather choosing to be the kind of folks that give NYC its bad name. Were it anyone else, Chuck would argue that it was the right thing to do. How many could resist after all of Chuck's preaching "the sanctity of the law"?
  19. The ad glosses over the fact that the only way to fit all that stuff in the car is to lose the rear seating. Some vehicles have a low cargo area and let you tuck things under where people are sitting, but this isn't one of them.
  20. I presumed he was referring to a name spelled something like Sergei or Sergé (not sure what spelling has a soft G sound, or if that's a regional thing).
  21. They do have those glowing strings to work with. Maybe they're the Fates of Greek and Roman mythology, actually aliens with godlike tech that can affect reality and just want to be worshiped again (like the Goa'ld of Stargate SG1).
  22. Since the title of the episode refers to a famous stuntman, it would appear that the writers somehow got off track.
  23. I think the Doctor has often been in settings where he shows an ability to take control of the room that wouldn't be as plausible for a female (or extraordinarly young male) character. You'd likely see more stories where the Doctor is ignored or underestimated.
  24. A door like that would generally have a mechanical lock so that it would be immune to power failure (and sonic screwdrivers in some seasons), but it's usually pushpins in a logical pattern with #1 in the top left corner, not dials. Dials would have the numbers cast or engraved in them, not painted; paint wears off. Even painted, the Doctor may have been able to read them if he got his sonic sunglasses close enough; he didn't try. Just once I'd like to see a companion rip into a newly-regenerated Doctor for not telling her that throughout all of the times they've been risking their lives together, the risk he was taking wasn't quite the same. But, why should Bill's consent be any good when the Doctor's voice over the phone is clearly saying no? That means she's not actually his agent. That would explain how the simulated Doctor was able to send a message to another Doctor; it's much more plausible if the receiving Doctor was another simulation.
  25. He has pride, but he's not conceited like Chuck.
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