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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. I think they were meant to be worn over a cloth skirt so that you got that plastic look that was in style circa 50 years ago. You could match it up with shiny vinyl accessories like go-go boots, a belt and cap. I don't know how long the fad lasted, but you can see it in TV episodes from the 60's.
  2. I've been waiting for them to start rerunning Banacek.
  3. The producers would have to stop casting to stereotypes, but it's probably considered helpful to viewers.
  4. And why do they think that score was good to begin with? Nobody's first score is good; they don't have the track record for more than fair/average.
  5. This was discussed thoroughly in a prior season (not sure if it was the last one). Yes, there are rules the producers have to follow to try to make the show "fair", but I'm sure their lawyers know where to find the wiggle room. I suspect officially pushing the choice of who gets the next "temptation" onto viewers is one such loophole.
  6. That's my favorite verse too, although I know it aa "her " in place of "his" and "us" and "she" rather than "he"; there are multiple versions Just adding together the verses from the original, Benny Bell's followup, and those of Dr. Demento would let them do something different every week. If they're trying to save money on rights, I'm sure they could come up with some original lyrics in the same style.
  7. I've been seeing some new versions of the Dominos ads cutting some time from the originals to show the delivery guy. Why is Non-Ferris in the habit of ordering two pizzas for himself, and it seems a little rude to be ditching his girlfriend like that and not inviting her to come with (unless she hates Dominos pizza).
  8. It's a play on words. I presume what they had in mind was swipe right = right person, but it also works as a swipe left if you want to have left them behind and move on to the next person.
  9. That was The Gorilla Experiment. Shortly after the opening credits, Penny says she doesn't think something Howard said was very funny, and Bernie agrees, but explains that "he just lights up when I laugh". So, she laughs to make him happy. There's a more recent scene in a restaurant where she tells him about only pretending to laugh and demonstrates.
  10. It'd make more sense if TM were a new Doctor who was experiencing an issue in settling in with her new personality. You'd want that paired with at least one companion who'd take the zig-zagging in stride (like Nardole or Missy).
  11. Even better would have been if Liv had called Peyton so that an entire office staff could have been calling around to the vaccination centers well before the TV announcement could go out. ITA, although the timing of the scene was clearly designed for watching both parts of the finale together. Watching this episode by itself, it felt like an odd interruption in the story. I thought the same in the first season when we had flashbacks to pre-zombie Liv. Her face looks thinner in zombie coloring, and she may have gone a little overboard with the red in her undercover disguise for anyone who prefers a more natural look.
  12. I thought that was very true-to-life, and if any of the gang had actually participated in one while in college they would have known that's the kind of thing that would happen and told Raj it was a bad idea. Since they'd also have known that what they were doing was a road rally, rather than a scavenger hunt, maybe Amy was the only one willing to admit they had trouble finding a teammate.
  13. The Doctor likes to play the savior, and how better than to let his companions walk into trouble so that he can rescue them? He'd probably get pretty depressed if he could only look at how (not so) well he's done with the folks where he lands.
  14. The Doctor has expressed more than once that it's a bit much for him, telling Bad-Wolf-Rose "doesn't it drive you mad?", so I'm sure he's often not really looking at everything he could and should be seeing. He also gets off on the rush that comes with escaping danger, so why spoil the fun by looking where he's going? Doesn't the Master/Missy have the same ability, making it possible to engineer what the Doctor might dismiss as unlikely? This gives the Doctor an excuse this time. I'm sure there are many more folks in the universe that would recognize this incarnation of the Master and for whom a disguise would be in order. They'd just know him under a different name, and may not have arrived with the Doctor.
  15. The Doctor supposedly sees all that is, was, and could be, so the factors were known. But, he also tends to be a bit arrogant.
  16. The editing was a little rough and the hosting was terrible, but it was still way ahead of what America's Got Talent has become. I really liked the Shaving Cream song; it was a fun break in the "competition" like the original would have with Gene Gene or the Unknown Comic. They should throw in another one or two such breaks now that it's an hour-long show.
  17. A male actor doesn't necessarily mean a male Doctor.
  18. The difference between 1216 and 1261 could put you into a residential zone or across a town line, definitely on the other side of the street (with different traffic issues), so it's not trivial, even if it's not on the same level as confusing the code numbers for two very different crimes.
  19. Depends on what Jimmy did with the money; if Chuck saw Jimmy with expensive items, like sports memorabilia, he wouldn't have had to be around when Jimmy bought them.
  20. I think it would have been enough for Chuck if it seemed like Jimmy had money to spend he shouldn't. Lost in Space was set 20 years ago; there must be an ongoing government coverup.
  21. Harley probably intended to blow up the zombies at FG, but finding the place nearly empty, he asked "hey, where is everybody?" and got a helpful answer. They probably even threw in a suggestion to tan and dye.
  22. Nothing says Chuck has to live any longer than it takes for Jimmy to decide that he's finally(!) done with Chuck and chooses not to call the hospital or try to see him.
  23. I think he'll be waking up in the ICU surrounded by machines (the personal hell Jimmy predicted). The dial is spun by the EM field from the current that is flowing into the house and readings don't include current used by the meter itself. It's possible he's got a camera on his water meter; very few people would think of something like that. Regardless of what was drawing that current, I doubt the wheel was actually spinning anywhere near as fast as we were seeing (which was though his eyes).
  24. If you keep the lid down, how are casual passersby going to see how well your brand of bowl cleaner is working?
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