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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. They're also the symbol of being up all night, which makes them an odd choice for an ad saying take this if you want a good night's sleep.
  2. I've never seen The Ring, but there's a similar character in The Grudge also. I think she has the right idea going creepy. Outside of horror movies, I'm not sure there's anything but magic acts as a job for a contortionist.
  3. Even though Elena went out the door within the hour, the producers aren't going to send her into the Jury House until they're sure they have all of the footage they need of Cody being by himself. He'll probably have at least a few hours, if not a day or two of solitude. Alex made herself look even worse when she slouched in her seat.
  4. Nothing says he doesn't have other motives. If Raven is depending on him to scratch her itch, he can count on her in the game the way Cody could with Jess,.
  5. She may have been overly-conscious of Christmas' injury. Except that the longer you stay in the house, the more chances you have at winning prizes. I don't recall which of the women explained it when they unveiled the pairings, but it was basically that they were horny 20-somethings settling for what was available.
  6. Now that they've run it, I think the answer is clear. Ouch. Even Albert (Shaving Cream guy) had an off night.
  7. I haven't seen the ad, but that video grates for me too. I probably wouldn't mind if she had a rough start, then nailed the rest of it, but the problems with her singing were recurring, so each one drew my attention away from what she had just done well and created a bit of frustration.
  8. I should hope so as that's no way to treat a delicate piece of electronic equipment.
  9. I noticed that they've changed from saying that the old packaging took 20 minutes to open, to it having been impossible. Was it really that bad, or are these guys destined to be spokesmen for Sonic or Liberty Mutual?
  10. Julie said something similar about them "finally" being broken up, but she was probably in on the plan to send Cody right back in, so it would have been easier for her to make that mistake than Jess. I presumed it was just one of the countless novelty shirts sold to college students in stores across the country.
  11. It's a little unusual to report on one's success afterwards. but most folks are open about where they're going when it's howdy doody time.
  12. Nice ad, entertaining and not annoying, but they didn't really explain why you'd want to buy one. The styling reminds me of the early 90's when some of the Japanese car makers tried to copy Porsche.
  13. There are some TV channels where this movie would be at home, but I doubt it'll fly at a theater, which seems to be the aim of the trailer.
  14. No; one of the rules of grammar is that you put yourself last.
  15. She does. There was a DR not long ago in which she expressed that, but she doesn't see an alternative to sticking with him. Speaking of her DR's, I was surprised to hear her use the phrase "Cody and I" correctly. She usually puts that into a part of a sentence where "I" should be "me" or "myself". That's actually a valid phrase when said with the proper intonation (implying a "but not much"). It doesn't mean the same as "couldn't care less", which makes it clear that something is of no importance at all.
  16. Or switch to the national anthem. Even trained singers have trouble with that one, so they'll have an excuse for sounding bad, and they'll learn the words so that they won't be mumbling along at ballparks or other situations where they might be expected to join in.
  17. I didn't think the woman who switched between Miley and yodeling was bad enough to be gonged, especially on an episode with such generous scoring. Not that she had any chance of winning; she was only a mediocre singer and didn't meld the two well. Maybe she should have just yodeled Miley's song.
  18. Those names seem a little before her time; I figured she was emulating porn star Kat, who wore ears like that to go with her name, and whose picture you'd see on the cover of videos in convenience stores. Considering how often they've ended an episode with an HOH competition in progress (hoping to push their live feeds no doubt), what was the rush?
  19. The problem with the ad is that race is just one factor that goes into what a badged bully decides he can get away with, and breaking up the victims into groups helps perpetuate the issue,
  20. There's an ad featuring a little short-haired dog sitting in the snow shivering where it's pretty obvious that they're the ones who put him there to be filmed. I guess a clip of a big shaggy dog laying comfortably in its house with snow on the surrounding yard wasn't compelling enough.
  21. I thought it was to save manufacturing costs after fanny packs became popular. Since customers had somewhere else to stash what they needed to carry, they were willing to buy the clothing without pockets. How do you feel about cargo pants? Apparently a less-baggy version, but still with the traditional pockets, has gained some popularity recently, although I think some designers have gone overboard; the pockets look odd tacked onto something more akin to leggings.
  22. There was also the 16 yo girl. Having a cute kid in the act helps on other talent shows too.
  23. How is that any different than Kevin getting picked to play, other than she gets to sit down while he takes a stab at adding humor to a "previously" clip?
  24. In fairness, he's got a lot of fur to dry off after a shower. He could have booked a room with a bidet. Since this seems to be an ongoing problem for him, perhaps he should reconsider his diet.
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