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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. I'd be thrilled if the casting was anywhere near as inspired as Surreal Life, but I just hope it's not people from shows they want to pimp (with a couple of real celebs to draw you in).
  2. Probably not,. since he's the "outsider" standing in for the viewer. They could pass that POV to Stuart, but they've got a big enough regular cast as it is.
  3. She seemed happy to me, but why would she have so many pillows on the bed that she'd be crowded out like that? If the Producer wanted to show off the merchandise, better to have had no actors in that shot to draw viewer attention. There's a lot to pick apart in this ad. Why so much of the ad in dim lighting? Why is the Hispanic guy sitting up looking concerned, like he just heard a strange noise, while his partner is all smiles. Why no Asians? They could have had a mixed-race couple. I suspect the folks who wrote this ad know absolutely nothing about racial politics in the U.S. beyond somebody saying "you need to have diversity".
  4. The one thing that gave me pause about the tap dancing duo was that the girl started when she was four, and I'm not sure the show should be encouraging any wannabe showbiz parents out there.
  5. Yes, but he'd be an iZombie zombie, rather than the kind of stereotypical riff-raff you see in horror films.
  6. I'm a little skeptical that this (Swedish) company thought they were doing anything more than showing a variety of customers and beds.
  7. I guess the guys have been spending most of their time in big cities for them to be characterizing Worcester as some typical New England town. It's the second largest city in the state with more people than half the state capitals in the country. I thought Nev was overdoing it a bit with his "do I look like I work out" type comments. There are other goals besides becoming muscular, like building endurance, or keeping off weight when being on the road interferes with having regular diet and activity habits.
  8. I presume you use a rotary; I've heard the blades on something like a Braun can eat through the foil unexpectedly and nobody thinks to have a spare one around.
  9. That should probably be something like "...or you shall die a horrible death". VP generally played persons of some bearing, like doctors, wizards, and royalty, so I don't see him as a zombie.
  10. How so? If he doesn't care that there are no good ethnic markets or other such facilities that would come with a more diverse population (or attract them - it's a bit of a catch-22 situation), what difference does it make? Diversity is more than race too, so a town that seems diverse visually may not have any Russian or Polish markets because there are no Slavic people.
  11. The folks at truth.com need to go away until they can live up to their name. There's nothing remarkable about everything (including convenience stores and schools) being nearer to each other in an area where people can't afford cars or taxis. And I think it's a little racist to be equating low-income neighborhoods with POC.
  12. I once had the same reaction when a friend told me a mutual acquaintance had joined. Out of curiosity, I went to one of their testing sessions; one test said top 1%, but the other was a few percent lower. I think Raven's claim is plausible, but doesn't mean much.
  13. Knowing what the term means, I'd suggest it was already his nickname. I think she was too busy talking about herself to hear the question.
  14. I suspect he does, but only when he's pretty certain that he'll be the next one to use the facilities, so it's a token act of rebellion.
  15. You're overstating the requirements. They'll still take a GMAT or LSAT for example, even though they won't take a high school SAT score since they started grading those on a curve. You can keep taking both, with the GMAT more permissive as to how often. Having said that, some people test well for reasons that have nothing to do with being smart. If you go around trying to impress people by throwing out big words, you'll probably have an edge. Or maybe you like word problems. The tests only correlate with intelligence; they're not proof (but are better than nothing for those in position to play the odds, like a college).
  16. Which begs the question, what is a whistle nut? From the urban dictionary: "The act of, or a person being completely and totally incompetent. Lacking qualification or ability. Incapable. A mentally deficient person. Not possissing the necessary ability and skill to do or carry out a task." To qualify, you just have to get a high score on a standardized test; they accept a variety of tests, and you can try as many times as you want.
  17. Parents have also been known to lie about relationships between family members, so she may not really be his twin sister.
  18. I noticed that the HG's had trouble feigning enthusiasm for some of the "zings". She wasn't the only HG that seemed puzzled, but I figured it was the same kind of "is that it?" reaction I had. They've used that word multiple times on The Big Bang Theory, so I presume whatever they bleeped was something cruder.
  19. Because they wanted her to compete, or because when she got hurt somebody said "oh crap, we'd better make sure nobody else gets hurt"?
  20. Sounds like the settings of your TV are off. I thought it was pretty clearly a choker based on the color, although I didn't pay enough attention to notice the type.
  21. Earlier this year somebody had a sale ad using the song clip "school's out for summer, school's out forever"; I guess they didn't pay attention to the rest of what Alice Cooper sang.
  22. Probably shot down by lawyers. They'd have to do what others have done with "dangerous" comps and film outside the U.S.
  23. And it's not like Derrick could have been on any kind of BB promo tour visiting big cities like Boston, where Kevin is from and may have attended. FWIW, cops do hold community-relations events, with National Night Out being country-wide annually, so Kevin could have met him at something like that too.
  24. Christmas did, but didn't care. If it matters to anyone else, Paul could claim that he incorrectly guessed what the question was, although he pushed it a bit on being able to do that.
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