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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. ITA, and this represents another part of the season Paul managed to screw up. Not to denigrate Cody, but I doubt he'd have beaten Kevin without the FU-to-Paul vote. Perhaps it was just her injury that served to highlight all of the physical comps this season, but it seemed like the producers were favoring people good at physical games this season. Was that a subtle way of helping Paul?
  2. The whole "self-defense" argument will fall apart once the physical evidence is put together. They should have gone with what it was, "diminished capacity".
  3. Exactly. In fairness, authors usually have more time to work the kinks out of stories, while a film or TV writer can use the visuals to try to sweep a viewer past any rough edges without noticing.
  4. The characters are being driven by the plot. It's too soon in the season to know if what they're doing is OOC, but with few exceptions that's not something horror writers tend to care much about; RM certainly hasn't in past seasons.
  5. The ads are a total fail in not explaining clearly why they're redoing the stores, but judging by the video shots, they're adding a small amount of seating. Not sure if they'll do that around here; Little Caesar's got rid of their seating so that they could switch business classes (from restaurant to food vendor) when the regulations changed.
  6. I think the problem may be that they didn't really portray Abby as the same kind of loony extremist as they did with Kai.
  7. It was a little jarring to go from Kevin's story to the happy HG's "reminiscing". They should have timed it for a commercial break in between.
  8. It wasn't really his age that put him at a disadvantage; it was that that's all the casting department cared about. Kevin's reaction to seeing himself as different should have been to reach out and try to find (or build) common ground elsewhere, but that's not his personality and somebody should have seen that and put him on some other show (I don't think he was even aiming for BB).
  9. If you're referring to guys like Kai, who bought into the image presented by the fake news and liked what they saw, they probably did have a significant contribution to the outcome, but, would there be enough of them locally? Did the Director screw up? The way the scene was shot, Pedro didn't at all represent a threat at that moment.
  10. Based on Kevin's exit comments, I think Paul was the only HG he had any semblance of a connection with. The producers need to do a better job when they cast their tokens (in this case, "old guy") so they have a chance at being part of the group, rather than cannon fodder or somebody's tool. He was at a disadvantage all season on the comps, so he was relying on his social game, which was mainly to do what Paul said and not give anyone a reason to get him booted. Not sure I understand why he was booted this time; going into the Final 3, is the guy who can't win a comp and is generally perceived as having not done anything all season really the one you don't want to be up against?
  11. Postage is too expensive these days. What I see is people with signs at busy intersections, and outside polling places on election day. If somebody uses flyers, it's part of a door-to-door effort.
  12. Same as how she got so much air time on the show, but she may have to dress more modestly. Coca Cola ads aren't as blatant as they used to be.
  13. Like many sports it goes in and out of style in the U.S. A really newsworthy player can help. Everybody knew who Pelé was at the time, and there have been golfers who temporarily sparked interest in that game.
  14. They were concerned about how she might fall. She should have asked him which of his he liked better. If they're going to have HG's come back, they should change up comps so that the vets doesn't have an advantage. It wasn't quite as unfair as asking Cody which of the games he had just played he wanted to use to get back into the house, but I think it's safe to presume that Paul might have learned something from doing exactly the same comic book comp in his prior season.
  15. The impression I got was that most of the group was doing it to be nice, so it's about as close to a high point as you can get, given that you'll always have folks with ulterior motives.
  16. What I had in mind is shaped like a coping saw, although others resemble mini bow saws (i.e. a shallower curve with no handle). It's not a stabbing weapon, although if you started waving it around, the blade could still do some damage before it fell off or broke.
  17. Presumably they have kitchen gadgets like food choppers and bread saws that will do the job without being good weapons.
  18. I noticed remnants of the previous tattoos before I saw what had been there, but it was the kind of mess you can't do much about but go big and dark and try to draw attention elsewhere. The eagle looks like it was done by somebody much more talented than whoever did the original ink. There's what looks like an artist's signature to one side; maybe Paul got an advertising discount.
  19. Bringing back a contestant is a favorite way for shows to deal with having been unfair to someone, so the Producers would have to stop interfering in the game and find a way to deal with the backlog of HG's they've screwed over.
  20. There's a difference between unmarried and single.
  21. I don't think I've heard this stereotype, and it seems like it would conflict with that of black women having kids by multiple partners.
  22. In this case, I think the song entertained even if the act itself didn't really stand out. And it would have been a waste for the show to pay for the rights to its use if someone else was declared the winner.
  23. Are they talking about mundane experiences, or something kinkier that a couple might do?
  24. Judging by the way this season has been produced, we're more likely to see Trishelle, who got naked in S2 of Surreal Life and for Playboy.
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