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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. According to JDP's web site, problems are counted over the first 90 days. This year, they gave 23 models an initial quality award, and are calling 27 "top ranked". I didn't check to see how much overlap there was, but I've noticed in the past that awards can be in pretty narrow categories or for improvement.
  2. The stripes could be symbolic of playing both sides, if there's some other power besides Kai in this. I missed this scene; did they say which was evil enough to burden their son with a name like "Ozymandias"? :-) Actually, I suspect the name is a clue as to how things will turn out for Kai.
  3. I expect that they'll dress up at least one or two more than that so there'll still be "over seven" for a customer if something needs to be shut down. That means you could see nine or ten "spooky" rides if everything's working when you visit, but they can't promise that.
  4. Why don't they show us what he drew on the grass with the mower? We just see a little piece. That's a pretty big lawn for a guy who works at a small desk in a big room.
  5. He's just the guy who conveniently showed up with the saw and refused to help get Gary free any other way (i.e. clearly in league with the two).
  6. That was the just the first time. Stuart did a little better on his second date with her.
  7. He seems ok with Kai's (much bigger) part in that.
  8. Don't forget the collectibles and gadgetry he likes.
  9. I'm sure there are other options besides a Starfleet uniform, but it'd be perfect if she did herself up like Nurse Chapel to go with Sheldon's Spock.
  10. I'm sure quite a few of them caught it on video too. Proof that Ally wasn't the one to start shooting would have been available on the net by the time she got to the police station.
  11. That would have been a welcome departure from the predictability of the story. It's too soon in the season for anyone to make him a "martyr" and take over the cult, or even for us to know for sure if that's the plan. The way Meadow was aiming, it's remarkable she hit him at all. Or did she? Kai getting hit could have been staged in a SFX manner, eliminating most of the uncertainty (a bystander could have taken her out before she had a chance to fire in his direction).
  12. Nothing says that they can't have two ceremonies. The first can be the fancy wedding that Amy has dreamed of, with Sheldon in a tux. The second would be something smaller with a Star Trek theme and Sheldon and Leonard wearing their uniforms. I expect Amy will be willing to wear something Trek-y too, and as Amy's "BFF", Penny will probably be matron of honor and have to dress up also (Orion slave girl for sweeps?)
  13. Sheldon idolizes Spock and TOS uniforms aren't very bulky. If he's going to be wearing the informal uniform we've occasionally seen, it's not much different than a sleeved t-shirt. In the more likely case that he goes with a formal uniform, he can wear it in place of a dress shirt, with an appropriately colored tux and skip the tie; the gold trim will make it a little flashy, but that's his taste in clothing, as demonstrated when Penny helped him pick out a suit back in S3.
  14. What happened to the hat she stole? Near the end of the ad, she takes it off and holds it in her hand for the last photos, but it's gone when she runs up to look at the results.
  15. Some people go to multiple doctors so that they can get more drugs; none of those doctors would have a complete history. Until recently, the government considered hispanic to be a race. Unless you're playing golf; then one is really great, and six not so much.
  16. I like how Penny has gotten so casual about Sheldon dressing up something she's said in formal academic terminology.
  17. Using Face Off as a reference, I think the quality of the gore on this show has declined. I don't know if the producers have deliberately softened things up, or if they're cutting corners.
  18. In a national context, it's probably fair to call the Green Party a cult, so if she and whatever's left of Kai's group ended the season with prominent positions in that party it would fit the theme of this season.
  19. I think the problem is that they're looking for a shortcut to more successes and not seeing any. When Sheldon gave up on string theory, he looked for where promising work was being done so that he could swoop in, rather than go in unexplored directions that might not come up with anything. It probably doesn't help that Barry later had some success in string theory, as it showed that Sheldon was wrong in judging where success could be found.
  20. What chaos was he expecting? The Office going over to the opposing Party like it usually does when somebody's held it for 8 years, shouldn't have been a big deal. The race was fairly close, so you'd also expect the losing side, whichever it was, to speculate about "what went wrong", and whine. Not seeing anything he could leverage.
  21. They'll usually flash something on the screen. It can be their own regular, less healthy product, or a name brand that they've selected for the most impressive comparison.
  22. It's also a very fitting phrase to use in a forum about annoying ads, although I don't think any would literally bring you to the point of (ad) nausea.
  23. They finished what they were supposed to do. They offered to keep working to improve the design, but the Colonel said no. Terminology varies by college, so you can be a Dean of HR, but not at CalTech, according to their online directory.
  24. He didn't even do anything new; he's just the first to think it's worth advertising, rather than just put them in stores for anyone who wants them.
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