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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Once Sheldon and Amy threw out traditional gender roles, why didn't he consider Missy as a possible compromise?
  2. I'm reminded of the scene in The Big Bang Theory where Leonard asks Penny to set up Howard with one of her friends, and follows up with "it does't have to be a good friend". Changing friends won't help if he's the kind of guy that nobody wants to inflict on the quality of girl he' s hoping for.
  3. The harried hooker hosiery doesn't have the same effect on someone with thighs that big; it looks like they ripped because they were too small.
  4. Traditionally, but some areas have a middle school that takes care of grades 7-9, so high school is just 10-12 (not sure what they call 10). If that's the case, Sheldon may be doing grades 10 & 11 with his brother, then going to college for dual credit.
  5. Yes, but he'd have to be at least a junior in high school for a college to even consider allowing him to enroll; most require that you be a senior.
  6. Maybe somebody thought "Florida" was too associated with snowbirds and retirees.
  7. I think she's been all over the place in how good she looks, and needs to learn what works for her and what doesn't.
  8. Maybe he's like Rodney Dangerfield in Back to School, and didn't go to college until late in life; not everyone goes right after high school (if at all).
  9. Or is he saying you're better off staying thirsty than tasting whatever's in that Dos Equis bottle?
  10. Even though Sheldon started college at 11, he didn't leave home (and escape having to watch football) until he was 12. Finishing high school in only two years would likely have left him short of some prerequisites for going to a prestigious college (e.g. three years of a foreign language). It may if Sheldon's preferred college won't waive its entrance requirements in light of what he's taught himself, and he's "condemned" to spend a TV season or two at a local college.
  11. Have you seen his longer ad, with no dialogue through most of it? It makes it look like his big idea was not so much how to make a better pillow, but that he could market something to people looking for one. His first priority was to design a logo.
  12. Some cars will automatically shut off its lights a few minutes after you shut off the ignition, if you haven't already done so. The idea is to temporarily have light to get into your house, but some drivers are lazy and let the car do it even when they don't need the temporary light (e.g. parking lots).
  13. Or why they were going to have a stranger marry them at city hall, instead of Raj, Penny, and/or Leonard, who (along with them) officiated for Howard and Bernie.
  14. Sheldon also knew. Zach was also technically correct in an earlier episode when he said that in science "there's no one right answer".
  15. It's also not long after movies like Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Adventures in Babysitting, and Risky Business showed what can go on when parents aren't around.
  16. For this purpose, I think Sheldon would have gone for something nerdy, so around $1000 or so would have covered it.
  17. I think the girl should have known what the neighbor was trying to ask, so an even more likely response would have been something like "this is my iPad, and I'm...", so the writer missed a chance to name-drop the product. But, yeah, the girl would have to be pretty dumb not to know that "computer" is a generic term for a lot of different things, including what she was using.
  18. There's still a bar, but it slopes down more, so it wouldn't strengthen the frame as much. How much is enough? Maybe they figure boys will abuse their bikes more?
  19. That's why they started giving students Ritalin. This being 1989, that wasn't an option. They should have just given Sheldon a GED study guide and a deadline to pass it if he didn't want to be back in classes. It was accepted as the cause in the 80's, decades after it was theorized; I remember news stories about it mentioning that they were working on a cure, but that it was difficult since bacteria that can live in stomach acid were pretty tough bugs. Treatment didn't change until the 90's, after they had developed something that would work. Sheldon's doctor wasn't up-to-date, but that's not unusual.
  20. Regular houses can be on blocks, not just trailers, although it's usually a low-end house; poured concrete is more durable and bricks are classier, so blocks imply you're trying to save money.
  21. The real question is how he managed to get to high school this quickly. Public schools are reluctant to recognize that one student can be that much smarter than another. Based on the ages that were thrown out in TBBT, he won't be as lucky going forward; it'll take two years to get through high school, and three to get his undergrad degree.
  22. I didn't think there was any ambiguity, but on rewatch, her bike may have an issue. There's one scene where it looks like the top bar connects just a few inches below the seat, indicating a boy's bike, but in other scenes it swoops down low, clearly a girl's bike.
  23. There used to be an ad where GI Joe would jump into a toy Nissan and go pick up Barbie, leaving Ken behind. That had a similar issue, It was entertaining at first, but eventually the novelty wore off, and it'd be annoying to sit through an ad that didn't really say anything about why you'd want to buy anything from the company. With Kia, there's also the fact that not everyone has the same feeling about rodents; maybe they should have used kittens.
  24. Sounds like somebody at the ad agency let their political views get in the way of the intended message. Past ads have not suggested being callous or running over anyone; just that being rich lets you cruise through rough times.
  25. Is there some subtle racism in that ad in that the family member parked next to the space refers to "my ride". I don't recall ever seeing a white dude in an ad using that phrase to refer to his car.
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