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Everything posted by swanpride

  1. No, they actually did that that they respected established or settled precedent. Changing that into "but just because I respect it it doesn't mean I won't just get rid of it" is just mincing words. They lied, plain and simple.
  2. I wouldn't overstate the value of the x-men. The problem with them is still the same: They don't really fit into the MCU. And frankly, I don't think that Marvel will go to them just yet, not if there is a whole cosmos they can explore first with the GotG, Silver Surfer and the Fantastic Four. At most, they might introduce characters which belong to the X-men Franchise, but just happens to be mutants as something else, you know, characters like Dazzler who are interesting enough without the X-men baggage attached to them.
  3. ...Spiderman is literally the symbol for Marvel. Not to mention that he sells more comics than Batman, Superman and Wonder Women together. He is the A-lister of Marvel, period. Everyone else used to be only B-listers in the Marvel verse compared to him. But we have now reached the C-listers anyway.....
  4. It's not pro-life. If it were pro-life, they would consider the life of the mother, too. It bears repeating: strict abortion laws KILL pregnant women, independent from the question if they actually want an abortion or not. Women who might want to carry their baby to term might die of a sepsis because a doctor hesitates to long to do what is necessary when a foetus dies in the womb. Hence in my eyes, it is completely consistent that they are against gun control, too. Because they might call it "pro life" but it is in reality the absolute opposite.
  5. I got more the impression that this was throwing the fans a bone so that they have a little bit more time to delay introducing their own version...if they do it directly in the MCU at all. They might just go the "oh, they do exist, but in a different reality" route.
  6. I am a little bit confused that state build housing was not suggested as a solution...along the line of the Viennese Model. There are also a few ideas one could adapt from Germany to keep the rents at least reasonable...I mean, the rising rents are a topic pretty much everyone where you have big cities, but compared to the US other countries complain on a high level.
  7. To be fair: Peter, Carol and a lot of the other "new heroes" don't even know Wanda, and Thor had maybe a short encounter with her before f... off after Age of Ultron, plus, he isn't even on earth currently, and Strange doesn't really know her either. In the circle of the Avengers, the ones who should be the closest to her are mostly dead...the only ones left are Clint, Sam, Rhodey and Bucky. And at least Bucky has his own demons to deal with.
  8. In any case, I am not even sure that they ever mentioned what General Ross second name is. Right, Ghost is also a good option for such a team up.
  9. No idea...still haven't managed to get through the first episode.
  10. Maybe they just say that it was originally his plan and hence it is named after him. Or they find another explanation for the name. Frankly, Ross isn't really that important, especially since they need to find a different hook for the Thunderbolts anyway. I hope they'll introduce Songbird.
  11. There are easily enough villains for a Thunderbolts movie...there are Zemo, US-Agent, Yelena and Abomination as obvious candidates, plus potentially characters like Echo, Mordo aso to pad out the ranks if needed.
  12. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to excuse anyone...I just feel that we shouldn't allow ourselves to get distracted from the fact that a lot of countries have already measures against shooters which work. And which the US doesn't implement. Instead they go for BS like more police, bulletproof decorations and one door (at least until the next big fire). The discussion about more police in the school is of the same category. So even if there weren't all the issues which were listed in the episode, it has been proven that it wouldn't work.
  13. Yeah, but I feel that the discussion regarding the incompetence of the police in those cases is partly a distraction, because it suggest that it could go differently if they were better trained and not cowardly. Well, the fact aside that police training in the US is in itself a shambles, as well as the problems with the police in general (even IF we had police officers in schools over there, I really doubt that they would arrest anyone for scribbling something somewhere or for a science experiment if for no other reason than that it would translate to a LOT of paperwork with no gain), even a well trained police officer would have a hard time to discover an active shooter early enough to take him out before he can hurt anyone (if for no other reason than that you don't really know that you are dealing with an active shooter until he actually, well, shoots someone), taking someone out with a f... assault riffle.
  14. The truth is that cops actually can't do that much if there is an active shooter at the scene, even if they are well-trained. Ironically the fact that schools in the US are so fortified nowadays makes it even more difficult, because they are so fortified, once the shooter is in, the advantage is clearly with the shooter.
  15. ...frankly there is so much wrong with all of this, I don't even know where to start...so I begin with something which wasn't really explored: You have to put on your college application if you have ever been arrested? Not if you have ever been convicted (which I already would consider a questionable thing to ask), but just if you have been arrested? Like, you might not even have DONE something, just walking down the street and some overeager cop decides to arrest you because you look somewhat similar to someone else, and the result would be that your options for higher education are limited? How f... up is that? And, just in general: Why search for solutions for a problem, which other countries have already most solved? Oh, right, because the NRA doesn't like the solution...
  16. Subway doesn't sell bread...and due to the lack of bread in their products, I never quite got how they even managed to spread out in Germany so much when you can get and actual bread roll with proper topping at every bakery. The only explanation is that it is this cool American thing young people fall for. But I am aware that there have been lawsuits against and by subway in Germany too.
  17. I got a good laugh out of the "it's on the tip of my p..." joke. On a more serious note, though: Women will die over this. It's so depressing to watch, especially since it was so predictable. But good that he also addressed the Philippines.
  18. They were discussing that "this works" just before the attack, hence I guess they were discussing to make the arrangement permanent, which is basically the definition of a marriage, to stay together permanently.
  19. ,,,isn't it more that you always get more out of the movies if you get the references, but you don't strictly need them to get what is going on.
  20. I doubt that Disney is unable to recognize an empty stunt
  21. ...I was actually aware that Disney World Florida actually is pretty much like its own little state - it is actually pretty interesting how they organise the municipality for the area. And frankly...it's for once actually a pretty good idea to let them do that, considering the various projects they have for cleaner energy, waste disposal aso. Not that I am opposed to have Disney pay more taxes, quite the opposite, but in this particular case it sounds like a very stupid stunt which will just cause problems down the line. The segment about the voters going for the candidate who hurts other voters the most was very depressing. What was the guy with the 20 on about? I really couldn't follow him.... The main segment was also depressing, but another thing I was aware of. And frankly, it is just another example of how racism is a boomerang...it first hurts the neighbourhood next door, but the environment is a circle, so eventually all the pollution gets back to yourself. I just don't get how some people are okay to get hurt as long as other people get hurt more....
  22. Or they simply don't want to risk the february. After all, it is pretty likely that another Corona wave will swap over Europe and the USA during the winter.
  23. Aside from most people not knowing what a mewling quim actually is, there is a difference between what Loki says and what he actually thinks. Loki might love to go for the kill, but it is actually pretty clear that he respects Natasha as an opponent (as much as he is able to respect any human, that is, which isn't admittingly not a lot), or he wouldn't have bothered to attack her that vicious in the first place. Not to mention that the encounter ends with Natasha actually tricking the trickster. Plus, Loki is a villain anyway. There are different standards for him. In addition, there really is a difference between what happens to be part of the story and what is entirely unnecessary. Like, Natasha changing on the back of Happy's car - completely unnecessary. Natasha being underestimated again and again because she is a women - right in line with the story.
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