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Posts posted by TomGirl

  1. On 10/17/2020 at 10:24 AM, AZChristian said:

    I never make brownies from scratch! I spend $2 on Ghirardelli brownie mix and they come out great with much less effort.

    Ghirardelli brownie mix is indeed head and shoulders above the typical brands (Duncan Hines, Betty Crocker, Pillsbury).  The version with chocolate chips is especially decadent.

    • Love 9
  2. 1 hour ago, LittleIggy said:
    35 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

    That;s a common rule in religious convents.  Growing up as a Catholic, the nuns were never, ever seen eating in public.  They had to only eat in a private area with only other nuns present.  Just one of those community rules.  Some consider it eating only with their "family".

    Wasn’t Sister Julienne snacking on something at the movies?

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  3. 9 hours ago, Bastet said:

    I know someone who's in a fake marriage in order to allow a friend to stay in the country, so I'm kind of interested in this storyline - but NOT if Becky and Emilio fall in love.

    I don’t know, Emilio seems pretty lovable to me.  I think they’d be very sweet together.

    • Love 14
  4. 11 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

    The Rubella story reminded me of Gene Tierney (big movie star of the 40's).  Her daughter was born with heart trouble, deafness, cataracts and severe mental retardation from  contacting someone with the illness during her first trimester.  Many years later she met a woman who proudly said she was such a big fan she had come out to meet her at that premiere even though she had been ill at the time with the Measles. 

    There’s a great Agatha Christie novel with that same plot.  I think it’s called “The Mirror Crack’d.”

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  5. 18 minutes ago, cheewhiz said:


    I am posting before reading all the comments so forgive me if this is a duplicate post but what the hell happened to Dorit's face? I mean, she's beautiful and in the scene when her and PK were talking in the kitchen she looked so much like Taylor Armstrong.


    I think every single one of them looks prettier - and far younger - without makeup.

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  6. 1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

    I like to Google people (especially on British shows) to see if I've seen them in something else.  According to IMDB, the heavier doctor has never been in anything on screen before or since this episode.

    I wouldn't have been surprised to find he's related to Heidi Thomas / Steven McGann . . . but apparently he just graduated from drama school and entering the world of acting.

    I wonder if maybe he did have some lines but they ended up on the cutting room floor.  If so, not an auspicious start to his career!

    ETA: I am probably the last to know, but I just learned that Heidi Thomas and Stephen McGann are married IRL.

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  7. 1 hour ago, lucylou said:

    Talking about faces, Dorit face looked like a character from the movie saw with all that filler in her face, especially when she was in the car with Kyle. 

    She was on WWHL last night and she looked like a totally different person.  I hardly recognized her.  She looked a lot better and more natural than she did on RHOBH.

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  8. 59 minutes ago, Rainsong said:

    Peter will get involved with a divorced flight attendant who has long legs, a husky voice from sneaking cigarette breaks, a three year old kid and a dodgy ex who is behind on the child support payments.

    Mother Barb will break into random crying jags and wonder why the phone doesn’t ring as often and why it’s never Peter’s number.

    And, the Oscar goes to.... Rainsong!  The torch of Danny Drennan has been well and truly passed!  💜

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  9. 7 hours ago, mojito said:

    I think Shaun's autism is a good reason for Leah not to be romantically interested in him.  In a relationship with Shaun, you have to be the initiator of conversation and even at that, it'll rarely be fun or interesting or free-flowing. You have to nudge him to do most things. You can't even joke around with him.  It would be exhausting trying to keep this awkward relationship going, and yes, I think most of the work would be yours. You can admire how far he's come and the person he is, but he's just not good company.


    This.  Thank you.

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