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Everything posted by MeThinkMeNot

  1. That sort of language pales in comparison to how the GOP described BLM supporters, to how they described Muslims (the language used there was much worse) and how they described "illegal immigrants." Meghan is experience only a small fraction to what minority groups have faced and she can't handle it. The only difference is that minority groups are attacked based on their skin colour and faith, while she's attacked....well she isn't attacked she just feels like she has been. I imagine this will continue for the next four years.
  2. It's cued up at Meghan's rant. It's cringey, but Whoopi's reaction is just too funny.
  3. I thought Meghan looked really nice today. I liked that her eye shadow matched her outfit. It was cute. She's done this before. I forget which guest it was, but the guest was bad mouthing Jarvanka Republicans and Meghan took it as a slight against her...even though I don't think she even likes Jared or Ivanka. I think whenever Republicans are attacked, regardless of what kind of Republican they are, Meghan will get upset because her entire brand is being a Republican. If she doesn't have that then...what does she have?
  4. Please tell me I wasn't the only one who giggled like a little school girl when Meghan went on her rant about how she's not brainwashed and shouldn't deprogrammed and blah blah blah I'm a victim and a half rant? Her rant was nothing new, but Whoopi's face after it was done was too funny. Then Whoopi just says, "Cool....Sara." I laughed, I laughed quite a bit to that whole exchange.
  5. I wonder if that's why they've made Sunny go after Meghan these days? Because I feel like Sunny has used her segments to immediately call out whatever lies Meghan has just finished spewing.
  6. I saw that Buttigieg was next so I switched to the Real, watched the end of their segment, the commercials and the start of the next segment. I checked Twitter too. I then switched back to The View and they only came back from break now..... This isn't surprising, but at the same time how many commercials does The View really need? It's crazy and I'll never be okay with it.
  7. Sunny's hair is giving me 90s R&B vibes and I love it! Not that long ago, Meghan was hoping for Hawley to become the next President with Tulsi being his VP. I think that's why she is so protective of him. Ted Cruz is called a traitor with him, so maybe that's why she keeps defending them even when they were calling the election a fraud and supported those who attacked Capitol Hill. I'm also sick of Republicans calling for unity when they keep ignoring it. Unity be damned when they're in power, but the moment the shoe is on the other foot they call for it. Give me a break.
  8. I feel like this segment showcased just how narrow-minded Meghan is...granted, a lot of things show this, but in this case for her to equate Navalny to Nelson Mandela when Navalny is pretty much a neonazi shows just how little she understands about politics. It's all about teams and sides, so if her team doesn't like someone then they have to be bad. Her team is good, so everyone against them is bad by default, when everyone is bad. Lol There's nuance here, but she doesn't do enough research to understand it. Nelson Mandela fought an apartheid regime while Navalny likens people to cockroaches because they're immigrants and he wants Russia for Russians. A quick Google search told me this so Meghan should know better.
  9. What was that story Meghan mentioned about a woman being raped in broad daylight and how DeBlasio messed things up?
  10. ... Meghan bringing up Alexei Navalny was expected, but what she forgot to mention is that he's a huge right wing nationalist who has a long history of making racist comments. Just because he's against Putin doesn't mean we should praise the guy.
  11. "It looks like a war zone." "It's like Baghdad." While seeing a lot of army personnel around DC seems that way, I feel like saying this is downplaying what happened and what is happening in the war zones around the world. It's much worse than what we're seeing. Not that it's not scary or disheartening to see the army out and about in DC, but "like a war zone" is a shortsighted statement. Also...Marie Antoinette never said "let them eat cake." I get why Whoopi brought it up, but it's a fake quote.
  12. I wish the Cori Bush interview was on Thursday instead of Monday. I don't think they'll give her enough time since they have two guests on.
  13. You know what was interesting about this segment, Meghan said she wasn't use to this format but she is use to this format. She spent most of her pregnancy in this new way, so I did a double take when she made it seem like this was this new thing that happened once her mat leave was over. If I were to give her the benefit of the doubt, then Meghan's point is one that has been made many times before, but she doesn't understand it or she only gets it from the surface level. Poverty can facilitate racism depending on what the ruling class does, but that still doesn't excuse it. If Meghan were to really go down this road, then she'd have to denounce the capitalism that she loves so much and her party, because they breed this sort of rhetoric to white poor people in order to get votes and not change anything. That's why she only understands this on a surface level and why when she says that poverty is an excuse for racism, it comes from a very white privileged place.
  14. Meghan keeps asking questions regarding Hawley and now it all makes sense. Apparently before the Capitol riots, she tweeted this. She has since deleted it, but I did see some people replying to it on twitter so it seems true. Everything makes sense now.
  15. Poverty doesn't excuse racism....I'm glad Sunny said that, because Meghan saying that was such a white privilege thing to say.
  16. Joy saying that the Cheneys are patriotic was such a slap in the face to all the millions of people they killed during the wars. Just because the Republicans are turning on Trump that doesn't mean you need to rehabilitate their image.
  17. His comments were dumb, but I thought Meghan was against cancel culture and brining up past mistakes to hold over people's heads.
  18. I guess as a black Muslim, I'd be sniped in the face.... I remember Sunny looking out of it and looked angry at times before they went on break, hearing the news she shared today makes it all make sense. Dealing with the death of two parents (in-laws, but parents nonetheless) is hard. I'm sorry she had to go through that.
  19. Cancel culture isn't real. No one who has been canceled actually remained canceled. Plus, Meghan was okay with Colin Kaepernick being canceled so what's the difference?
  20. Meghan may be disgusted by what happened at the Capitol and I don't doubt her emotions at seeing that, but by defending Hawley and making him come off as a victim or trying to talk about divisiveness in politics when Hawley pushed for it isn't it. You can't keep asking Dems or the left to bridge the gap when those in the right refuse to come forward. It doesn't make sense. I'm glad the senator shut her down when she tried to talk about unity. I really hate they talking point.
  21. We saw what happened when people who look like us protest. BLM was attacked non stopped, brutally. Instead we have white people who are armed being treated with kid's gloves. I'm glad Sunny brought this up...even though Meghan interrupted her twice, but I'm glad this was brought up. Even as a Muslim, if my people were near there it would immediately be labelled as a terrorist plot. White people get away with way too much and it needs to be addressed.
  22. Just like she didn't care about mat leave until it happened to her, she didn't care about Trump supporters and defended them until this happened.
  23. Okay Meghan, calm down. I get that you're emotional about what happened and it's nice to call out Trump (though, you should also condemn everyone who enabled him or dismissed his supporters as good people) but let's be real, you're not a patriot. Come on now, don't just throw that out there and think it's okay.
  24. The fight was expected, but I also thought that we'd wait a bit before this happened but I guess not. Yesterday had a disagreement, but today was purely personal which made it super uncomfortable. Joy was exasperated, while Meghan felt hurt when Joy wasn't playing with Meghan's "teasing." I was actually surprised that Whoopi didn't cut to commercial like she did yesterday, she actually moderated which was pretty amazing. Aside from the Georgia election, I wonder if they'll keep the topic light for Meghan's sake. I always thought Hispanic are those who speak Spanish, while Latino is referred to those from South America. Even then, Latino isn't really a race. If Hilaria spent her time taking up spaces meant for people that are Latino or Hispanic, then that would be her being a culture vulture, but her putting on a spanish accent is similar to Madonna to me. Spain and England are both white places, so it's not as bad as if she went full Dolezal and acted as a visible minority. She was always white, she just said she grew up in Spain. It's still weird, but it's a white woman pretending she's from a white nation so it's not as bad as if she claimed she was from a visible minority group. ALMA does seem to include everyone who is Hispanic or Latino though, since Rosalía and Enrique both won awards and they're not Latino.
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