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  1. Exactly. I love this show, and I was hoping they would take the high ground and show some class by not going full HuRr DuRr CoPs BaD. But I guess that was too much to ask. The black guy they run into outside the outreach center and later lectures Nolan in the park really irritated me. He complains about gangs and drug dealers, but cops are the real problem. Okay. If there is going to be a character lecturing about fake "systemic racism" in every episode then just cancel the show now. Because as you said it will get very tedious very quickly. It's ridiculous how a guy who OD'd on fentanyl while in police custody can be used to destroy everything so completely. Imagine how much better this season would be/have been if we hadn't had the bullshit over the summer.
  2. SugarFap lol When they guy came up behind her and grabbed her and everybody started dropping mad tokens I laughed. Kat is really getting on my nerves. She tells Carisi she can’t believe he was ever a cop when she’s the one who couldn’t give a shit about what the law says. She’s too worried about EmPoWeRmEnT and ViCtIm BlAmInG. “I hate this new law.” Benson on record saying she hates a law that helps the defendant defend themselves. Another episode where Carisi doesn’t actually prove anything. He just manipulates the defendant into making an ass out of themselves.
  3. This episode was decent. The best one this season by far. I was never a fan of Barba. He was always too busy trying to impress Benson by trying to be a feminist hero. But I will admit he does look good with a beard. >The courtroom scene happens. Aw damn. He shaved it. I’m getting sick of one character or another always bringing up “this country’s dark history”. Barba: “You can fine me all you want your honor. I’m not going to stop asking questions, because I am fighting for my client’s freedom the same way he fought for out country’s.” Barba in beast mode. Too bad this wasn’t the Barba we got when he was a full cast member. That Barba was more concerned with making two minute feminist speeches in front of the grand jury. The idea that Carisi would beat Barba in a case is comical. Carisi didn’t do anything except badger the guy until he got mad. That seems be really be all he does. I’ve sat in on several trials and been on jury duty twice (one of them an attempted murder case). That shit doesn’t happen in real life. And Carisi crying at the end because half the unit didn’t agree with prosecuting the guy. I really don’t understand why people like Carisi. He’s the same jump to conclusions, double standard, hypocrite as the rest of them. Well, except for maybe Fin.
  4. I was finding this to be a pretty decent episode until the end. When Irena fired her attorney and they couldn't get her a new one fast enough. They were basically helping in her defense. If she were a man Benson would have had him in cuffs right after he confessed on the stand. I was thinking...Wow. A female perp. I didn't know this was allowed anymore. Let's see how they screw this up... >Criminally Negligent Homicide. Only gets one year. And there it is. And at the end when Kat and Rollins are talking to Fin... Rollins: "It was an impossible summer. Things are going to calm down" Kat: "I don't see that happening. The way the NYPD handled the demonstrators..." Rollins: "We were under attack. What do you want us to do...sit there and take it? Kat: "We're supposed to de-escalate. Be aware of our biases." People like Kat are why things will never calm down because they won't let it. This will make me unpopular, but people need to stop complaining about "inconsistent mask usage". It's a tv show. You won't get sick.
  5. Yes, whether they be innocent or not because she subscribes to "believe all women". There was one episode a few seasons back where she rushed to arrest somebody, found out shortly after he was innocent, and later got a call from the prison he was in that he was killed by another inmate....and she couldn't have cared less. She rolled her eyes. There was another episode where she threatened to fabricate felony charges against a radio host simply because she didn't like his politics. Yeah, Benson has a major bias, but it isn't exactly racial. Holy god was this episode bad. They must have had an entire BLM chapter in the writers room for this one. "I'm not one of those Karens". I laughed so hard. Yes you are. You are the perfect representation of a Karen. And imagine my shock when it's revealed she had a history of false allegations. I'm surprised they did that. And of course half the cast had to be queer. They're not prosecuting BLM curfew violations. Oh what a surprise. Any other protest and they would send out swat teams. It was nice to see Benson finally get a glimpse of self awareness. Benson in seasons 1-12 would investigate and it made her sick to think of an innocent person in jail. With season 13 came new showrunners and Benson had a massive character change. She didn't care about anything anymore except arresting the "accused". It looked like she may have an epiphany of just how many men's lives she's ruined on false allegations simply because they were straight while males. The black woman interrogating Benson is the personification of everything that's wrong in this country. Talking down to Benson as if there is no question she's racist. You could play bingo with all of the buzzwords she used. This SJW/critical race theory mindset is everything that's wrong with this country right now. That final scene with Noah..."Are you racist?". That was wholly unnecessary.
  6. Right. I didn't think about that. I hate this shit. If you don't tell me what's wrong I'm not going to play some bullshit guessing games with you about it. Thankfully my wife doesn't do that crap. If something bothers her she tells me and I love her for that. Even if it's some piddly crap that she knows I'll get irritated about because it's stupid. She still tells me. Having to play these dumb guessing games just make the problem fester and get worse, because now the woman is getting irritated that the guy isn't "paying enough attention to her". Ugh!
  7. LOL Every judge thinks that. You would be much more hard pressed to find a judge that would say the same thing about the father. This whole custody sub plot would be better if Nyla was a male cop trying to get shared custody of his daughter with his ex-wife. It would be more interesting and much more realistic considering how the courts are horribly biased against the father. But they decided to go the safe route with it. Overall it was a decent episode.
  8. Yeah. It took her fuck all of five minutes to start crying "old white men trying to control muh body" while frothing at the mouth"HANDMAID'S TALE!!!" and doing everything she can to keep herself from shooting Carisi because he dare talk back to her.
  9. Yeah. When Rollins says the father is dead and the mother is in assisted living Benson does this subtle expression where her eyes slightly go wide and you can tell she realized the girl lied about her parents, but she never discloses this to Rollins and Fin. She never does throughout the episode. So in essence she's covering for Reagan. That seems a bit corrupt to me. Just another thing in a long line of extremely questionable things she's done over the last few years.
  10. >He’s an ally >She doesn’t want him triggered How very woke of the writer. >False reports are extremely rare LOL No they’re not. Also false reporting is a felony. The person should be charged no matter what. It should also be noted that the people who do this shit and get away with it are the same ones that lecture you about your privilege. It was cute of them to bookend this episode about gay bashing by virtue signaling how they are going to make Noah gay. Considering how this is NBC I’m surprised they had enough self-awareness to portray this Jussie Smullett episode with some semblance of truth. But then again at the end they had to tell him that his lying was a good thing because they ultimately caught…. somebody. I like Benson's interactions with the new DA. It serves to remind her she's not master of the universe and the way she gets furious when the DA shuts her down is hilarious to me.
  11. >”Don’t tell my fiancé. He has anger issues.” Oh of course he does. They always do. It’s magical. Reagan tells Benson that her parents are on a cruise, but later Rollins reports her father is dead and her mother is in assisted living. Benson just carried on like normal. The fact that she didn’t immediately disclose the discrepancy to Rollins and Fin speaks volumes about her character. Carisi defers to Benson on what they should do like he still works for her. A lot of people speculated that by putting Carisi as ADA he would cuck to her every time basically putting her in charge of the prosecution as well.
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