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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Last week I thought Alyssa was being too hard on Camille and finding fault with everything she does. She's not good at training her, constantly criticizing everything. But, this week, Camille is showing her true colors regarding her lack of work ethic. I still believe Alyssa is being vindictive by trying to flirt with Ben, when Camille likes him. Both of their flirting styles are rather aggressive, but Ben seems to like it- or at least the twerking lap dance Camille was giving him. He needs to pursue that relationship quickly, because she may not be around for much longer, if her attitude continues to be the same.
  2. Another fun episode, which serves to emphasize that I will have to wait almost a year to watch the new shows. So joyful while it lasted! I thought the bakes for the showstoppers and signature seemed wonderful. I would have loved to try Kim Joy's Chelsea bun. I love nuts and caramel on anything! I give props to Jon for trying some molecular gastronomy. It seemed to work, although he didn't have time to complete all of them. Congrats to Hermine on the Hollywood Handshake. Her bun looked yummy. Also, Rowan did a great job completing his bakes; I also loved his creativity. I just loved Kim Joy's showstopper. Every detail was perfect. This was a case of "it's too pretty to eat!" (but they did anyway.)
  3. I really enjoyed this episode, even though I was unfamiliar with the actors. They were all so much fun and very competent bakers. I think they really took pride in their efforts and I was happy the judges gave them lots of positive feedback.
  4. These people must never watch episodes of this show, or they would know how much the prisoners scam their "pen pals." As soon as they get out of prison, they are craving steaks, dope and hookers.
  5. I think Mar-K is on this show because of the fame. He was probably a fan of watching LAL and figured out a way to get with a prisoner.
  6. Are you able to watch on your computer and type here is this forum, also?
  7. Bad news, Bunkies. I am now 3 hours behind on WEtv also. (West Coast). I used to have the show on at 6 my time, but according to the guide, the new episode is on at 9 Pacific time. I may be missing the fun here in the future. I'll hang out and see what happens with my cable. 😩
  8. So true! 😂. And, do they call Robyn's lasagna "the bomb" because after eating it, you get "explosive diarrhea?" 😉
  9. Hopefully this hasn't been discussed before: I'm assuming the teams get the theme and special ingredients before filming. Why do they get together and "decide" what to make? Judging from the things they bring with them, structures, lighting, etc, the plans have already been made. I do think the twist might be a surprise, since the results haven't been stellar, in most cases.
  10. I have never heard of this rivalry between Santa and Jack Frost. Is it from a movie or book? I didn't care for the theme at all, though it's probably from my own ignorance.
  11. I was surprised to see/hear that Elena had a thing for Dave. I kind of thought she would hook up with Reid, had she been there longer. Dave definitely wasn't available emotionally for anything. Hopefully, he has moved on from Tash now that she is with her lifelong partner and soulmate. 😉
  12. I agree that Chris doesn't deserve this. They can dish out whatever they like for Candygirl; she definitely has some bad karma built up.
  13. This was an interesting start to a new season. I didn't care for Fraser last season, but, at this point, he is shown working hard and self reflecting. Hope this remains true. Rachel, on the other hand, is an amazing chef, but is struggling to get in a rhythm with the size of the ship and the end result is two very late meals. I agree with others that she needs a sous chef or a part time helper. Maybe they can divide Camille's duties three ways- she seems up for the job! 😉
  14. I have to say that Mykelti looked great in her talking head interview, the ones with the more natural hair color. She looks a lot like Aspen and is very pretty. I think she meant well by inviting everyone over to say goodbye to her mom and Truely, even though it turned into a disaster. She's probably one of the few older kids who are close to Robyn and drinks her Kool Aid. She probably thought Robyn would want to say goodbye to them, but Robyn has to appear to be the wronged victim again.
  15. My take on Ari's "date!" advice was that it was in response to Christine saying that her and Kody weren't in love anymore. I think Robyn and Kidney go on a lot of dates together and when Ari throws a fit that they are leaving, they have to explain how important it is for mommy and daddy to date each other. But, I agree, this kid has heard A LOT of stuff about the other households. Last week's episode was epic when Ari was pontificating about someone being cut off and leaving. OMG! I believe this is exactly the case. Robyn is diabolical. Kidney is such a patsy and putty in her hands...
  16. Right? Just unbelievable! And, of course, Robyn probably went home and trashed Christine to the kids, saying she doesn't want a relationship with them anymore. Christine was referring to Robyn and Meri, and she said "at this time," since she was going through so much.
  17. Yes, I picked up on that, too. Maybe Heather doesn't want to admit things because she wants to continue to be THE fan favorite of SLC. I really like Heather, but the memory lapses seem sus.
  18. I can see teen girls loving the Elmo coat! 😂 But, I love Noel, unique fashions and all!
  19. Congrats to Syabira! She was an obvious winner of the finalists, especially when considering previous bakes, which the judges mentioned in their conversation. I was surprised that her showstopper looked the way it did; the flavors must have been amazing. I agree with other posters about Sandro trying to overachieve even to the bitter end. I really wish he would have realized several episodes back that he can just do the challenge and execute it really well with the time it would take to make extra components. I thought Abdul did a stellar job up until his final piece, where he had some issues with his macarons and choux pastries. I think the challenges for the final were ridiculously complex and hope they are scaled back in the future. I'm. looking forward to the holiday episodes!
  20. Found this article for you: https://heatworld.com/shopping/fashion/noel-fielding-shirts-bake-off/ I chuckled when he came outside in his red plushie coat- a nod to Elmo?
  21. It's been fun, everyone! Have a great week! Happy Thanksgiving!
  22. Melissa is making one bad decision after another. It's like she read the book, "How to Have your Prison Beau Dump You in 5 Easy Steps" in Study Hall.
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