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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. You should join us for the live chat Fridays at 6 Pacific time. It's a lot of fun! I agree 100% that Mark is just trying to be on tv. For some reason, fame is important to him, even when he is the butt of the joke...
  2. This is absolutely the answer-- may the gods hear you, or at least the producers at TLC. No more Kody, Robyn, or Meri. We'll take Christine, Janelle and any interesting offspring.
  3. Your outfit is not going to be a big enough distraction for Michael, Justine....
  4. With Melissa and Louie, she's the scary one. Major stalking vibes.
  5. Chocolate covered oysters. Yeah, we have some weird vending machine snacks here in Ca.
  6. Emily, get the hell off the show if you are above answering a questions the producers have for you!
  7. Tai needs to counsel Mar-K on the prison pregnancies.
  8. Mom still tries to talk sense into Mar-K....such perserverance!
  9. Even mom doesn't know why anyone would find Mar-K interesting!!
  10. "I like sunsets on the beach..." I mean I liked sunsets on the beach...
  11. Yes! Tell your mama how it is! Delusional with a capital D.
  12. That poor child! She probably has sense, though, just like most of the kids do on this show. So much more mature than their parents.
  13. Lady, you are not in solitary with your prison-mate. You can come and go as you please and live your sorry life without restraints. Stop being so dramatic!
  14. The yoga instructor doesn't want anything to do with a prisoner...get a grip!
  15. Emily has the worst catfishing photo of any of them. Dario is going to be shocked when he actually sees her.
  16. I cannot wait for Jen Shah to be off of my tv and atoning for her crimes in prison. She is a horrible person, turning on a friend of 20 years because she didn't get the biggest room for once. Dumping a drink on her head is exactly what Angie said- embarrassing for Jen and humiliating for Angie. The "friend" group needs to speak up against this type of behavior. Danna called it when she said Jen was being a bully. It is good to get to see some of these "friends of" in action, so the producers can pick one or two to fill the vacancies in the future. Mary and Jennie left and hopefully soon we will see the backside of Jen Shah for good. Oh, and I loved it when Angie spilled the beans about Coach Shah's party. It didn't surprise me in the least that Jen left her with planning, cleaning and bills.
  17. Like many of you mentioned, Haley, the red headed stew, should put her hair back. Many captains have chastised men for not tying back their hair, which was far shorter and not as huge. I found it interesting that when they were out to dinner, someone told Haley that she had something in her wig. So, it's a wig; I'm terrible at identifying them. I've noticed a few stews have worn wigs over the years and I can't imagine how uncomfortable it would be, with the heat and all the physical activity one has to do. I guess they want to look a certain way for tv.
  18. I remember when they purchased CP, they talked about having a place to leave to their children. Just because Christine left Kody, the children are still there. Any decent dad would have kept the lot for the offspring. This illustration is showing us just how much Kody doesn't think of his family- pure narcissist.
  19. I agree that the best team won. The parade aspect was very clear and I loved the way the houses looked. It wasn't a difficult structure, because it was just the house fronts, but it was clever and looked great. I wonder why the icing kept falling off. Carla mentioned that the gingerbread needs to have all the crumbs brushed away, but I wonder if there was more to it than that. I wonder if Beth and Shane ever discovered the missing pieces? The cameramen showed us they were on two sheet pans. I'm sure its confusing to be working in a kitchen/tv studio that is not familiar. I loved the bright colors, but editing would have helped immensely. I was rooting for the third team, based on the photos they shared in the beginning. The gingerbread sculpting is outstanding. Their concept could have used a few more elements, but it was well done, especially considering some issues that used up their time.
  20. Climbing stairs is a good form of exercise, as long as one doesn't have issues with bones or joints. I would advocate for more of us using stairs, whether we are 5 or 50, heavy set or slight.
  21. These teams are finding their stride. I thought they all did amazing things this episode. Sometimes the cakes can be clunky, messy or falling apart, but these teams are very talented and have mastered the challenge of the time limit. I agree that the VW was not finessed, and that team was the least successful (though the color scheme was evocative of the 60's, so no fault there.) I thought the Victorian Santa was stunning and am happy for their win. They are very artistic with their sculpting and colors. I also loved the other two cakes- the judges were knit-picking, in my opinion, because the designs were so good.
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